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AP US - Writing Considerations

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1 AP US - Writing Considerations

2 The Basics Use Black ink Write clearly and legibly! Indent paragraphs
Do NOT quote the documents (or anything for that matter) directly from the exam Readers rarely, if EVER, read quotes. They know the documents too well. They have the DBQ in front of them at all times. Essays with quotes struggle the most to get points on the documents. Do NOT write “Document 1 says...” or “According to document 1...”

3 The Basics Use all 7 of the documents regardless of what the rubric requires. You may not get credit for one of your documents, so you will be better served using all 7 and at least 2-3 pieces of outside information for every document.   Do NOT underline or label “context”, “synthesis”, “the purpose of the document…” etc. NO 1st (I, we) person or 2nd person (you) construction Grammar basics - for example: “America and its” NOT “America and their”

4 The Process - Prewriting
Analyze the prompt and determine exactly what you are being asked to do [Focus on key verbs - analyze, assess, explain, compare…] Create your Database = outside information that you already know about the topic Read the Documents and create your Document KEY Note the source (speech, newspaper article,, audience, time/date, etc.)

5 The Process - Prewriting
The TWO keys to document analysis: 1. Establish the essential document INFORMATION 2. Determine the essential document INFERENCE(S) Write your THESIS [See the notes and examples later in this document] Group documents according to your thesis Determine your essay structure

6 Further Considerations
Contextualization It needs to be at least 3 sentences and should connect to events approximately years before the time period referenced in the prompt. This is where you are explaining what happened before the essay takes place. Your contextualization cannot be connected to the prompt as an extension of the thought. Although that is quality writing, it is specifically stated in the rubric that points will not be awarded if contextualization is simply an extension of your thesis.

7 Further Considerations
Synthesis It needs to be at least 3 sentences minimum! In actuality, it is the least awarded of the points and rarely done well according to the readers. It is NOT enough to write that THIS is like THAT. Your commentary MUST explain how they are alike. If you are unsure about how to provide a connection to another time period, focus on ALL of the other possible points. Do NOT focus too hard on the synthesis point at the expense of others.

8 and respond to ALL portions of the prompt!
Introduction CONTEXTUALIZATION Thesis/Argumentation +1 Provide immediate historical context to frame your response Use at least 3 sentences! +2 +1 Body Paragraphs Transition/Argument Evidence [*7 Documents / outside information] Analysis and HIPP [for at least 4 documents] Repeat as necessary Summative statement/concluding sentence TAKE A CLEAR POSITION and respond to ALL portions of the prompt! Ask yourself…would anyone else disagree with my argument/thesis? If YES – proceed with your essay If NOT – you have most likely stated FACT +1 +1 Repeat for each body paragraph *Use ALL 7 docs and provide analysis and HIPP to earn 2 points. Provide immediate or long-term historical synthesis to close your essay. Use at least 3 sentences! Conclusion Reiterate thesis AND provide SYNTHESIS +1

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