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The Select Committee on Finance

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1 The Select Committee on Finance
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape Presentation to The Select Committee on Finance Parliament of the Republic of South Africa Cape Town 07 March 2007 MPP Conditional Grant Report as at 28 February 2007

2 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape
Vision A prosperous and empowered Province united in the advancement of its sport, heritage and culture

3 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape
Mission Our mission is to serve the people of the Northern Cape, especially the poor by promoting, protecting and developing sport and the diverse culture and heritage of our Province and at the same time be catalysts in capacity building programmes and other activities thereby entrenching nation building and social cohesion.

4 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape
Core Functions To create a nurturing environment for the development and promotion of our unique artistic, cultural and linguistic diversity. To create a nurturing and conducive environment in which all the inhabitants of the Northern Cape can reach their full potential in sport and recreation. To foster the conservation, identification, protection and sustainable use and understanding of the natural and cultural heritage of the people of the Northern Cape. To ensure good governance and accountability in governmental bodies through the sound management of corporate records information resources. To strive as an agent for development through the rendering of library and information services thus creating educational and recreational opportunities. The management and maintenance of a good and clean administration. To advance nation building and to effect moral regeneration in the Northern Cape through all our programmes.

5 Mass Participation Programme Conditional Grant Report
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape Sport and Recreation Mass Participation Programme Conditional Grant Report As at 28 February 2007

6 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape Sport & Recreation Siyadlala Mass Participation Programme (MPP) Conditional Grant Spending 2004/05 – 2005/06

7 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape
Summary of MPP Conditional Grant  2004/2005 The Siyadlala Mass Participation Programme was introduced in the 2004/2005 financial year and R1m was allocated as a conditional grant. Hubs were established in the 5 Districts and 34 coordinators employed on contract. 2005/2006 In 2005/2006 the conditional grant allocation increased from R1m to R2.64m. Hubs were increased from 5 to16 servicing 14 local municipalities. Number of sport codes increased from 7 to 12 and coordinators from 34 to 75.

8 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape
Summary of MPP Conditional Grant (contd) For the current financial year (2006/2007) the budget was increased with the inclusion of School Sport Mass Participation Programme. Province received R6.2m of which R5m is allocated to Siyadlala MPP and R1.2m to School Sport MPP. The programme has been extended to all 27 local municipalities in the Province and hubs have increased from 16 to 30. All Siyadlala 30 hub coordinators are employed on 1 year contract (not departmental staff) thus creating more jobs for the youth. More than 150 jobs have been created for the 2006/2007 financial year to implement the Siyadlala MPP. School Sport MPP is implemented in 38 schools (21 Primary and 17 High schools). 35 School Sport MPP coordinators are employed on 1 year contract to implement the programme in all identified schools.

9 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape
Monitoring & Management (Siyadlala & School Sport MPP) For this financial year 7 district coordinators are appointed to assist in the supervision and monitoring of the programmes in the districts. All hub coordinators are contracted workers and based in the communities were service delivery takes place. Reporting procedures are also well defined with clear time frames. MMIS (Management Monitoring Information System) is one of the best monitoring tools for the programme and complements the business plan.

10 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape Sport & Recreation Mass Participation Programme (MPP) Conditional Grant MTEF Allocations

11 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape MPP Conditional Grant as at 28 February 2007

12 Siyadlala MMP Conditional Grant Key Performance Indicators
As at 31 January 2007 OBJECTIVES TARGET ATTAINED Number of people trained in sport and recreation administration 63 114 Number of coaches trained 176 180 Number of referees trained 76 92 People trained in events management 64 People trained in first aid 84 People trained in life skills programme 25 Participation in the programme 200,000 173,864 People joining the programme 70,000 30,292 Number of recreation clubs formed 127

13 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape
Reasons for underspending & under delivery (Siyadlala MPP) Delays in the appointment of coordinators hampered service delivery and affected the cash flow and attainment of the Key Performance Indicators as reflected in the Provincial business plan. Delays with the finalisation of the employment contract for coordinators delayed the appointment process of coordinators. Contracts finalised end of June 2006. The cost of procuring sport equipment necessitates that tender procedures in line with Supply Chain Management Framework have to be followed.

14 School Sport MMP Conditional Grant Key Performance Indicators
As at 31 January 2007 OBJECTIVES TARGETS ATTAINED Number of schools involved 18 38 Number of educators, volunteers & coaches involved 81 538 Number of learners involved 1,200 12,496

15 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape
Strategies implemented to increase spending and reach MPP performance targets Additional funds were allocated to Hub and District Games implemented during the summer holidays. Additional sport equipment for hubs were procured. Part of fees have been paid for NC participants in World Gymnaestrada in Austria. Gymnaestrada and indigenous games were extended from 9 to 30 hubs Additional funds was directed towards training of 30 additional coordinators targeting 10,500 community participants. Marketing of programmes were intensified.

16 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape MPP Conditional Grant 2006/2007 Actual Expenditure

17 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape
Utilisation of available funds for remainder of 2006/2007 As at end of February 2007 actual expenditure totalled R5,074,919. Funds available as at 28 February 2007 totals R1,125,081 and is to be utilised as follows: District and Provincial Games R 750,000 March 2007 stipends R 240,000 Life skills courses R 80,000 Journalising incorrect allocations R 55,000 (Allocated incorrectly to sub-programme rather than MPP CG) No underspending on the 2006/07 MPP Conditional Grant is projected.

18 The End Thank You! “A child in sport is a child our of court”
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Northern Cape The End Thank You! “A child in sport is a child our of court”

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