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Technical Workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Focusing on goods traded under the preferential trade agreements 26 February to 2 March.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Focusing on goods traded under the preferential trade agreements 26 February to 2 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Focusing on goods traded under the preferential trade agreements 26 February to 2 March 2018 Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva Confirmation of Agenda Presentation by Nilima Lal Economic Statistics Advisor, Pacific Community

2 Workshop Outline Sessions Presentations
1: Purpose of the workshop and expected outcomes Focus will be on the issue in compiling data on goods traded under PTAs and the need to acquire knowledge/skills in this workshop to be able to do that after this workshop. 2: Preferential Trade Agreements Focus will be on the range of PTAs currently in force, or have been signed, in the region and how the preferences are accorded for the various agreements.  Highlight will be the views of the Private Sector. 3: Identifying goods traded under the preferential trade agreements Focus will be on the Pacific Harmonised Commodity and Description & Coding System (PACHS 17) work that OCO is coordinating, the processing systems ASYCUDA and PC Trade and procedures used for identifying goods subject to PTAs entering/leaving the country. 4: What do the numbers say Focus will be on the revenue loss due to a decrease in tariff. 5: Compilation of data on goods traded under MSG Hand on compilation work 6: Way forward and closing Recommendations on what needs to be done and by who and award of certificates Morning tea am Lunch 12.00 – 1.00 pm, except Friday when it will be from – 1.30 pm Afternoon tea pm, except Friday when it will be from 3.00 – 3.30 pm

3 Thank you

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