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Warm up What Kingdom are unicellular and multicellular, eukaryotic, carries out photosynthesis and consumes nutrients from the water? (Hint: I live in.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up What Kingdom are unicellular and multicellular, eukaryotic, carries out photosynthesis and consumes nutrients from the water? (Hint: I live in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up What Kingdom are unicellular and multicellular, eukaryotic, carries out photosynthesis and consumes nutrients from the water? (Hint: I live in water) What do you think these words mean: Heterotrophs Autotrophs Photoautotrophs Chemoautotrophs What organism has a cell wall made up of chitin?

2 Warm up How many Kingdoms are there? Can you name them….
What are the 4 steps for determining what Kingdom an organism belongs to? Emperor tamarin Saguinus imperator

3 4 Steps Prokaryote or eukaryote Unicellular or multicellular Cell wall or no cell wall Autotroph or heterotroph

4 Velvet Worm Eoperipatus hortsi Kingdom Animalia Phylum Onychophora
Class Udeonychophora Order Euonychophora Family Peripatidae Genus Eoperipatus Species hortsi ``

5 Cladogram Shows relations (traits) among organisms

6 Cladogram


8 4. Which characteristics are shared between Ferns and Pines but not Mosses?

9 Create your own cladogram- identify what characteristics they share
Starfish Frog Monkey Rodent Bird Eggs Backbone Warm-blooded Hair

10 Create your own cladogram- identify what characteristics they share
Starfish Frog Monkey Rodent Bird Eggs X Backbone Warm-blooded Hair

11 Tuna Bullfrog Turtle Kangaroo Monkey Mammary glands Placenta Amniotic sac Vertebral column Paired legs

12 5. Which organisms are least related?

13 6. Which two organisms are most closely related?

14 Modern Taxonomy cont. Classification allows organisms to be easily identified. A dichotomous key is used to identify organisms.

15 Dichotomous Key- Beans
1a. Bean round Garbanzo bean 1b. Bean elliptical or oblong 2 2a. Bean white White northern 2b. Bean has dark pigments 3 3a. Bean evenly pigmented 4 3b. Bean pigmentation mottled Pinto bean 4a. Bean black Black bean 4b. Bean reddish-brown Kidney bean

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