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Chapters Revolutions Nationalism Industrial Revolution

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1 Chapters 23-25 Revolutions Nationalism Industrial Revolution
Unit VIII Review Chapters 23-25 Revolutions Nationalism Industrial Revolution

2 QUESTION The Declaration of Independence was influenced by this enlightenment philosopher who believed in “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Voltaire Rousseau Locke Montesquieu

3 ANSWER Locke

4 QUESTION The Third Estate was made up of Bourgeoisie (middle class), workers, peasants. Together they made up this percentage of the population in France. 50% 2% 25% 97%

5 ANSWER 97%

6 QUESTION The following would be statements supported by which enlightenment philosopher: People work for their self interest, the government should stay out of economic decisions and people can make better decision about their economic interest than the government. a. Adam Smith b. Voltaire c. Mary Wollstonecraft d. John Locke

7 ANSWER Adam Smith

8 QUESTION These natural resources allowed this country to begin Industrialization… water power and coal to fuel machines, iron ore to construct machines, tools and buildings, rivers for transportation and harbors to help trade. Germany France Great Britain United States

9 ANSWER Great Britain

10 QUESTION Napoleon used the following to control his empire and set up uniform laws, but these laws restricted individual freedoms like freedom of speech and press. Reign of Terror Napoleonic Code Estates Continental System

11 ANSWER Napoleonic Code

12 QUESTION This was the place of the first successful slave revolt that gained independence for its people. Haiti Cuba Puerto Rico Santo Domingo

13 ANSWER Haiti

14 QUESTION This weapon was used to behead Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Garrote Bayonet Guillotine The Noose

15 ANSWER Guillotine

16 QUESTION Bastille Day marks the day of what for the French?
Independence Napoleons Coup d'état Death of Louis XVII Reign of Terror

17 ANSWER Independence

18 QUESTION The 3rd Estate vowed to not leave until they had come up with a new constitution. The vow was known as the… Great Fear Tennis Court Oath Reign of Terror Napoleon Oath

19 ANSWER Tennis Court Oath

20 QUESTION Not only did Voltaire believe in the freedom of religion, but he believed in this idea that shows up in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. Right to bare arms Freedom of Speech Fair and speedy trial All of the above

21 ANSWER Freedom of Speech

22 QUESTION This class of citizen in Latin America were Spaniards born in Latin America and were below these citizens born in Spain. Mulattos, Peninsulares Creoles, Peninsulares Peninulares, Mulattos

23 ANSWER Creoles, Peninsulares

24 QUESTION The process of developing machine production of goods is…
Enlightenment Scientific Revolution Agricultural Revolution Industrial Revolution

25 ANSWER Industrial Revolution

26 QUESTION The Hundred Days in French History refers to….
Time in between Louis XVI reign and Napoleon’s reign. Period between Napoleon’s two periods of exile The time of the Reign of Terror The scorched earth policy

27 ANSWER Period between Napoleon’s two periods of exile

28 QUESTION This is known as a sudden seizure of power (most of the time peaceful). Revolution Coup D'état Reign of Terror Vote

29 ANSWER Coup D'état

30 QUESTION The Russians used the Scorched Earth policy against this country during the Napoleonic wars so they could not use any land that was taken over. Great Britain France Prussia Austria

31 ANSWER France

32 QUESTION James Watt developed this invention to drive machines faster and more effectively… Steam Engine Cotton Gin Water Frame Spinning Jenny

33 ANSWER Steam Engine

34 QUESTION The Continental System cut off trade and communication between this country and other European countries. It was put in place by this French leader. Germany, Napoleon Great Britain, Otto Von Bismarck Great Britain, Napoleon Germany, Otto Von Bismarck

35 ANSWER Great Britain, Napoleon

36 QUESTION The Congress of Vienna was set up to bring stability in Europe. This man had the following three goals… surround France with strong countries to prevent French aggression, restore the balance of power and restore royal families to their thrones before Napoleon conquered them. Metternich The Pope Napoleon Alexander I of Russia

37 ANSWER Metternich

38 QUESTION Napoleon was supported in his decision to appoint himself emperor for this reason. They wanted him to take over the New World They wanted to take power away from the Pope He restored order and peace to France after the revolution They wanted to take away the new rights of people gained during the revolution.

39 ANSWER He restored order and peace to France after the revolution

40 QUESTION War debt, the royal couple was corrupt and personal spending by the royal couple was unchecked were grievances of the French people about this royal couple. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Napoleon and his mistress Otto Von Bismarck and his wife All of the above

41 ANSWER Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

42 CONTRUCTED REOPONSE: The following will be topics for 4 constructed responses. Falling of the Bastille and importance to French people. Creoles rebel in South America against Spanish. Otto von Bismarck and strategy to make Prussia the leader of united Germany. Living conditions in Britain during industrialization

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