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Gestalt Laws Visual Perception.

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Presentation on theme: "Gestalt Laws Visual Perception."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gestalt Laws Visual Perception

2 Law of Equilibrium Items in a visual field strive for balance with other items in the field

3 Law of Continuation (or good figure) visual perception works to pull figures out of the background to give them definition against the undistinguished field in which they are located. . .

4 Law of Closure Each chunk should be self-contained (provide closure)—without good continuation a reader will fill in the gaps

5 Law of Similarity . . . Suggests that units which resemble each other in shape, size, color, or direction will be seen together as a homogenous grouping (of the same kind)

6 Gestalt/Visual Perception
A look closer at Gestalt Laws

7 Not like the Essay! Current Traditional Rhetoric: We write linearly. Our margins, paragraphs, and sentences seek to move the reader from one point to another. Technical Writing calls for visuals and thus we move away from current traditional rhetoric and into an image based chunking hyperlinking medium whereby readers skim, look for specific information quickly, and our visuals, as technical writers, help readers find what they need, and at the same time persuade readers of specific points.

8 Emergency Procedures! Take a look at the flyer being passed around
Write down any of the laws being assaulted here. What works? What doesn’t? Why? How could we make it better?

9 Pay Attention Know the four laws (pg. 99-100)
Know Gestalt theory ( visual perception/groupings) You may see these again.

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