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KeyCite Notes: Expanding Your Research by Creating a KeyCite Citing References List from Within a Case.

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Presentation on theme: "KeyCite Notes: Expanding Your Research by Creating a KeyCite Citing References List from Within a Case."— Presentation transcript:

1 KeyCite Notes: Expanding Your Research by Creating a KeyCite Citing References List from Within a Case

2 KeyCite Notes: Create a KeyCite Result from Within a Case
KeyCite Notes helps you locate sources that cite your case for a legal issue summarized in a specific headnote. Access KeyCite Notes from a headnote or from the place in the opinion field of a case in which the court discussed the point of law summarized in the headnote.

3 KeyCite Notes provides a list of sources that cite both the case and the point of law you are researching lets you know of the sources and number of documents that cite the case and legal issue before you run your search

4 Creating a KeyCite Result from
Within a Case From within a case you have created a KeyCite Citing Reference list of the cases that have cited Roe for the point of law discussed in Headnote 1 of Roe.

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