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November 6 – The Crucible

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1 November 6 – The Crucible
Agenda: Quick-write Brainstorm Review – What is the essay asking? Pick a Topic Preliminary evidence gathering Take out: Pen/Pencil Notebook Essay Prompt Thesis/Brainstorm Acts 1-4 of The Crucible Homework: Find and bring in evidence from the Red Scare, and the 21st century (may take additional research)

2 Quick-write Finish the following sentence:
Arthur Miller believes that humanity is…

3 Brainstorm On a piece of paper, write a list (or web) of ways that you could answer the prompt: What statement is Arthur Miller making about humanity? Keep in mind evidence that you could use from: The Crucible The Red Scare Present Day

4 Miller’s Final Word – Argumentative Essay
PROMPT: What statement is Arthur Miller making about humanity? For this essay, you will identify and analyze an argument (theme) in Arthur Miller's The Crucible and then take a position on his argument using text from the play, the McCarthy trials of the early 1950s, and twenty first century examples. In order to be successful, you will need to clearly identify one argument (theme) from his play and then take a clear position that either challenges, supports, or qualifies the argument that you have identified. This argumentative essay should be words, typed, and in MLA format. In the pursuit of ___(personal gain)_____, people will compromise their virtue. Personal gain: Material wealth Self-preservation Power over others Personal vengeance Social victory

5 Pick a Topic to Write About
Choose one of the topics that interests you Remember, you don’t have to agree with the statement that Miller is making It may be the same as, similar to, or completely different from your brainstorm, or the quick-write statement You may choose to work with the same, or a similar topic as those at your table – it might make the writing process easier for you as we go

6 Preliminary Evidence Gathering
The first step to ensuring that you will be able to write an essay about your topic is to find some evidence for it Begin by finding at least four pieces of evidence from The Crucible It will be difficult to write about anything that you can’t find much evidence for, so make sure that your evidence makes sense. If you get stuck, ask a peer – or me – for some help

7 Homework – Finding Evidence
Find and bring in evidence from the Red Scare, and the 21st century that supports your topic For the Red Scare, you should be able to pull evidence from your notes, but you may want to do additional research, just make sure to record and bring in your sources For the 21st century, you will almost certainly want to do additional research, and will definitely want to bring in the things that you find (online news is a great place to start)

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