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Lodge Leadership Training – Part 1

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1 Lodge Leadership Training – Part 1
* 07/16/96 Lodge Leadership Training – Part 1 Lodge Operations Overview All of us need to become life-long learners, because the world around us is constantly changing. It is been said that knowledge - the sum of all things about which humankind has information - doubling every 18 to 24 months. It is no longer possible to know everything about anything., so we have to target our learning. But, not learning, continuously, is not an option. Our fraternity must become a continuously learning, continuously improving organization. It can only do that if we, each individual becomes a learning organism, continuously adding to the total body of knowledge in our Order.

2 * 07/16/96 Welcome Introductions Logistics 2

3 * 07/16/96 Course Objectives Recognize how Moose leaders work together to fulfill the Moose International mission. Identify the roles and responsibilities of Lodge Officers & Committee Chairmen. Recognize how committees enhance Lodge operations. Strategize on new ways to increase membership. 3

4 Agenda Lesson 1: The Moose Organization Lesson 2: Lodge Structure
* 07/16/96 Agenda Lesson 1: The Moose Organization Lesson 2: Lodge Structure Lesson 3: Lodge Committees Lesson 4: Lodge Members/Volunteers 4

5 Lesson 1 – Moose Organization
* 07/16/96 Lesson 1 – Moose Organization Objectives Recall the four key components of the Moose International mission statement. Recognize how the IRS defines a Fraternal Society and how the Moose qualifies as such. Identify how Moose resources work together to support the Moose International mission. 5

6 Mission of Moose International
* 07/16/96 Mission of Moose International Fraternal & Community Service Our Children Our Seniors Our Members 6

7 Fraternalism, Communities, & Children
* 07/16/96 Fraternalism, Communities, & Children Fraternalism and Community Service Programs for Tomorrow Stay Informed Finest Family Education and Environment for Children in Need Inviting Family Centers Support Mooseheart Mission 7

8 Senior & Membership Growth
* 07/16/96 Senior & Membership Growth Provide for Seniors Keep Them Involved – to Help Each Other; to Help Others Support Moosehaven Mission Promote Membership Growth Benefits Package Meet Expectations Recognize and Reinforce Member Value Maintain Ongoing Communication 8

9 ‘Fraternal’ Definitions
* 07/16/96 ‘Fraternal’ Definitions According to… General Laws ensure IRC compliance! Webster’s Dictionary Brotherhood The IRS 501c(8) Internal Revenue Code Exemption Lodge System and Lodge Operations Requirements 9

10 What has your Lodge done to support the Moose International mission?
* 07/16/96 Mission Exercise What has your Lodge done to support the Moose International mission? Fraternalism and Community Service Mooseheart Moosehaven Membership Growth What? Why? and How? 10

11 * 07/16/96 5 Pieces to the Solution 11

12 You, & Your Lodge Heart and Foundation of the Organization
* 07/16/96 You, & Your Lodge Heart and Foundation of the Organization Effective Lodge Leaders Maintain Ongoing Communication: Officers Committees Members / Volunteers Fraternal Leader Attributes Community, Committee, & Member Interaction 12

13 Your Territory Manager
* 07/16/96 Your Territory Manager Your 1st and Primary Point of Contact! Oversees All Lodges in Assigned Area Liaison to Regional Manager Visits Lodge(s) Periodically Ensures Lodge Compliance With Moose International Shares Mid-Year & Convention feedback Territory Manager 13

14 Moose International Headquarters
* 07/16/96 Moose International Headquarters Develop Programs to Support Mooseheart, Moosehaven; Provide Guidance and Support for the Organization Moose International Set Financial & Membership Goals Review General Laws Official Communications, Int’l Convention, Approve/Recommend Conference Agendas 14

15 Your Association Promote, Support, and Coordinate MI Programs
* 07/16/96 Your Association Promote, Support, and Coordinate MI Programs Adopt Policy to Ensure Lodge Representation at Conventions, Conferences, District Meetings, and Training Stay Informed on Lodge Committee Efforts Make Recommendation to Regional Manager on Issues That Affect His Area State & Provincial Associations 15

16 Your District Promote Association Programs
* 07/16/96 Your District Promote Association Programs District 2-way Communication, Guidance, and Idea Sharing May Be Contacted by Regional Manager for Lodge Assistance Encouraged by Association to Create Assistance Task Team to Stay Informed on Lodge Status 16

17 Resource Recognition Your Lodge wants to… How Can Your Resources Help?
* 07/16/96 Resource Recognition Your Lodge wants to… How Can Your Resources Help? Host a Darts Tournament Host a Moose Olympics & Family Events Day Donate to the Moosehaven Wish List Moose Int’l District Territory Manager Association 17

18 Lesson 2 – Lodge Structure
* 07/16/96 Lesson 2 – Lodge Structure Objectives Purpose of the Lodge Board of Officers Voting vs. Non-Voting Officers Common Responsibilities for All Officers Individual Officer Responsibilities 18

19 Board of Officers – Purpose
* 07/16/96 Board of Officers – Purpose Must Incorporate Per State/Province Law Lodge Board of Officers 8 Elected Officers* + Jr. Past Governor 4 Corporate Officers (Governor, Jr. Governor, Administrator, and Treasurer) Note: May be reduced to (6) if special dispensation was granted to install (1) Trustee only (2014/2015 General Law change) 19

20 Fraternal and Business Responsibilities
* 07/16/96 Fraternal and Business Responsibilities Lodge Board of Officers Fraternal Operations Business Operations Community Service Managing Accounts Membership Records Committees Membership Growth and Retention Expenses and Income 20

21 ‘Business Operations’ Responsibilities
* 07/16/96 ‘Business Operations’ Responsibilities Administrator Manage Daily Accounts, Membership, Income & Expenses Manage SQ Business, Inventory, and Employees Treasurer & Trustees Follow up With Administrator for Financial and Inventory Accuracy Governor (and Other Officers) ‘Checks & Balances’ Role to Assure Others Are Performing Their Jobs Properly 21

22 Board Composition Voting Officers Non-Voting Officers Elective:
* 07/16/96 Board Composition Voting Officers Non-Voting Officers Elective: Governor Junior Governor Prelate Treasurer Administrator Trustees (3) Appointed Sergeant-at-Arms Optional Inner Guard Outer Guard Conditional: Junior Past Governor 22

23 Common Responsibilities
* 07/16/96 Common Responsibilities Prepare to Serve Attend Meetings Serve on House Committee Stay Informed 23

24 More About Common Responsibilities
* 07/16/96 More About Common Responsibilities Prepare to Serve Don’t Interpret the General Laws Attend Meetings Regularly Hear Reports Vote on Activities and Expenditures 24

25 More About Common Responsibilities
* 07/16/96 More About Common Responsibilities Special Meeting Notes Excused vs. Unexcused Absence Joint Meeting Rules Concurrent House Committee Role Stay Informed on All Moose Programs/Policies Moose Leader/Magazine Newsletters, Circulars and Official Communications at All Levels 25

26 There’s no right or wrong ideas in this part of the training!
* 07/16/96 Lightning Leadership 1. You have Moose experience; what do you already know about Officer roles? 2. QUICKLY brainstorm role-specific duties! We’ll check accuracy later. There’s no right or wrong ideas in this part of the training! 26

27 Governor Duties – President (1-Year Term)
* 07/16/96 Governor Duties – President (1-Year Term) Presiding Officer at All Meetings Appoints Committee Chairmen & Appointed Officers Ensures Monthly Financial Reports & Forms Are Sent and Filed Validate your guesses! General Laws (Chapter 35) Example for Exercise: Supports the Mission by ensuring the Lodge remains in Good Standing. 27

28 Jr. Governor Duties – VP (1-Year Term)
* 07/16/96 Jr. Governor Duties – VP (1-Year Term) Acting Governor if Vacancy Exists Serves on House Committee Helps count votes (not ballots) Validate your guesses! General Laws (Chapter 37) 28

29 Prelate Duties (1-Year Term)
* 07/16/96 Prelate Duties (1-Year Term) Visit Sick, Disabled, and Distressed Presides in Absence of Governor and Jr. Governor Serves on Audit Committee; Member of House Committee Validate your guesses! General Laws (Chapter 39) 29

30 Jr. Past Governor Duties
* 07/16/96 Jr. Past Governor Duties Complete Preceding Year Projects Chairs Moose of the Year Selection Committee Assist Administrator & Governor Validate your guesses! General Laws (Chapter 34) 30

31 Treasurer Duties Custodian of All Securities
* 07/16/96 Treasurer Duties Custodian of All Securities May Perform Administrator Duties; Not Acting Administrator (Cannot Hold 2 Offices Simultaneously) Ensures Funds Are Deposited Weekly Conducts Weekly Inspections of All Lodge Financial Records (in Administrator’s Presence) Validate your guesses! General Laws (Chapter 38) 31

32 (3) Trustee Duties* Elected for 3-year Term
07/16/96 (3) Trustee Duties* Elected for 3-year Term Inventory Furniture, Fixtures & Other Property Reviews bills; recommends payment Note: Jr. Governor and Prelate share these duties if the Board has only (1)Trustee Validate your guesses! General Laws (Chapter 40) 32

33 Administrator Duties – Secretary
* 07/16/96 Administrator Duties – Secretary Elected for Term of ‘Satisfactory Service’ Nominated by Board; Elected by Members May Be Administrator of More Than 1 Lodge Collects Funds From All Lodge Sources; Accounts for All Lodge Income and Expenses Compiles and Remits Required Reports Validate your guesses! General Laws (Chapter 36) 33

34 Appointed Officer Duties
* 07/16/96 Appointed Officer Duties Sergeant-at-Arms; Inner Guard; Outer Guard Appointed by Governor Introduces & Seats Guests and Visitors In Charge of Inner and Outer Door of Lodge Room Validate your guesses! General Laws (Chapter 41) 34

35 What ARE the General Laws?
* 07/16/96 What ARE the General Laws? No one expects YOU to have all the answers; you ARE expected to know who to contact. - Ready for a sample quiz? Please don’t interpret for yourself or for others! 35

36 * 07/16/96 Lesson 3 – Committees Objectives Recognize how committees help Lodges operate more efficiently Primary role of standing committees Special committee assignment and role Committee Chairmen responsibilities 36

37 Committee Overview Purpose About Committee Chairmen
* 07/16/96 Committee Overview Purpose Divide Lodge Operational Tasks for Efficiency Offer Additional Opportunities for Members About Committee Chairmen Governor Appointed Committees Can Do a Lot of Work for You; Let Them! 37

38 ‘Standing’ Committees
* 07/16/96 ‘Standing’ Committees Moose Charities Auditing Membership Application Review Heart of the Community Loss Prevention Communications Government Relations Activities Moose Legion Ritual And usually the House Committee… 38

39 Sub-Committees and Other Activity Groups, too!
* 07/16/96 ‘Special’ Committees Nominating Election Historical Moose of the Year Sub-Committees and Other Activity Groups, too! 39

40 Committee Chairmen’s Responsibilities
* 07/16/96 Committee Chairmen’s Responsibilities Committee of ‘1’ Is NOT a Committee! Recruit Members Some Committees Have Rules; Check General Laws 40

41 Attributes of a Successful Committee
* 07/16/96 Attributes of a Successful Committee 3 Members or More Meet Regularly and Orderly Prepared and Shared Agendas Open and Democratic Environment Accepts Input and Ideas From Others 41

42 Common Committee Responsibilities
* 07/16/96 Common Committee Responsibilities Refer Back to Discussions On: Fraternal Leaders Prepare to Serve Attending Meetings Read: Officers’ & Committeemen’s Handbook (and Other Moose International Resources) Family Activities & Sports Chairmen’s Guide Book Ask Questions! 42

43 Specific Committee Chairmen Duties
* 07/16/96 Specific Committee Chairmen Duties Recruit Enthusiasm Carry Out Plans Report Regularly Celebrate Success Conduct Member Interest Surveys Set Goals Develop Plans Scope Fundraising Expenses / Budget Obtain Approval From Board 43

44 Committee Chairmen Notes
* 07/16/96 Committee Chairmen Notes Cannot Establish Checking Account Administrator Handles All Committee Financials Deposits to General Fund; Expenses Paid by Official Lodge Check May Deposit Into Savings Account (With General Governor Authorization) 44

45 10 Steps to a Successful Event
* 07/16/96 10 Steps to a Successful Event 1. Create an Idea 2. Get Approval 3. Form Sub-committee 4. Promote the Event 5. Supplies Follow-up 7. Hold the Event 8. Announce the Results 9. Publish the Results 10. Set Date to Repeat (Evaluate Success) 45

46 COMMITtee? Or No COMMITtee?
* 07/16/96 COMMITtee? Or No COMMITtee? It’s TRUE; it’s FALSE; or it’s back to your resources! 46

47 Lesson 4 – Lodge Members/Volunteers
* 07/16/96 Lesson 4 – Lodge Members/Volunteers Objectives Why building membership is so important Compare and contrast member types and motivational factors Approaching new members and overcoming objections 47

48 Member Types Fraternalists Believers Donors Volunteers Barflies
* 07/16/96 Member Types Fraternalists Believers Donors Volunteers Barflies Title Seekers Sports Enthusiasts Frugal Party People Motivation = personal, internal drive Incentive = reward or fear that produces an action or effort 48

49 Let's give it a try! Member Types (cont) Observe Personalities
* 07/16/96 Member Types (cont) Observe Personalities Observe Values and Interests Guess at What Drives People Let's give it a try! 49

50 Promoting Membership Growth
* 07/16/96 Promoting Membership Growth Why is it so important? What are we doing to promote growth? What is our members’ perception of us? Our Lodges? 50

51 1st Impressions What do people think of our: Quality of Service
* 07/16/96 1st Impressions What do people think of our: Quality of Service Quality of Product Members / Volunteers Board of Officers Committees & Chairmen Friendliness Feeling of Belonging Lodge Cleanliness Lodge Atmosphere Convenience Price 51

52 Making an Even Better Impression
* 07/16/96 Making an Even Better Impression Recognize Member Type Recognize Member Motivation Survey for Member Impression What's Your Plan? …for an even better impression? 52

53 Sponsoring New Members
* 07/16/96 Sponsoring New Members How do we get more members to join? How do we convince them to join? How do we approach potential members? How do we overcome objections? 53

54 Sponsoring New Members (cont)
* 07/16/96 Sponsoring New Members (cont) Potential Member Scenario Recognize Member Type Pick up on Motivational Incentives Observe Them in Action Show a Vested Interest in Them 54

55 Be a Piece of the Solution!
* 07/16/96 Be a Piece of the Solution! 1: Got Goals? 2: Committee Concern! 3: Growth Gone Bad… 4: Financial Frenzy! 5: Communication Chaos! We KNOW You Can Do It! 55

56 Lead by Example! Strive for Excellence In:
* 07/16/96 Lead by Example! Strive for Excellence In: Fraternal Program and Community Service Provide a Family Environment and Education (Mooseheart) Provide for the Needs of Senior Members (Moosehaven) Promote Membership Growth 56

57 5 Pieces to the Solution 57 Moose Districts International
* 07/16/96 5 Pieces to the Solution Districts Moose International Board of Officers State & Provincial Associations Members / Volunteers Moose International Territory Managers Committees & Chairmen 57

58 * 07/16/96 Course Summary Recognize how Moose leaders work together to fulfill the Moose International mission. Identify the roles and responsibilities of Lodge Officers & Committee Chairmen. Recognize how committees enhance Lodge operations. Strategize on new ways to increase membership. 58

59 * 07/16/96 You Make the Call… 59

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