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Weathering the Longest State Budget Crisis in History:

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1 Weathering the Longest State Budget Crisis in History:
Key Decision Makers Track Sponsored by: Weathering the Longest State Budget Crisis in History: What We Learned Defending Illinois Public Higher Education and How We Utilized Grassroots Advocacy Along the Way

2 Weathering the longest State budget crisis in history
What we learned defending Illinois public higher education and how we utilized grassroots advocacy along the way.

3 Illinois Higher education in the News 2016-2017

4 Illinois Impasse 2015-2017 Unprecedented budget impasse
Defunded higher education for 2 years Institutions forced to restructure budgeting practices Worked rigorously to engage public debate Policymakers University stakeholders Residents of Illinois

5 Higher Education Funding – FY 2000-2018
SB 61 (P.A ) Stopgap I Higher Ed Operations Funding Note: FY17 amount includes Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund and the Fund for the Advancement of Education in addition to General Funds. Data courtesy of Illinois IBHE.

6 WSIE 88.7FM SIU System FY 2016 Budget Presentation - Proposed Cuts
Small Business Development Center Continuing Education University Museums Center for Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders MEDPREP Small Business Development Center Core Academic Programs & Critical Student Services Research Park University Libraries Research Centers Research Park University Farms University Libraries Research Centers Development & Alumni Relations 88.7FM WSIE Touch of Nature University Press University Museums Continuing Education

7 Imagine … You are six months into the fiscal year and there are no signs of a budget.  Now, imagine you’re at day 700 – and still no budget. 500 faculty and staff positions are cut. annual fund and development budgets are almost entirely frozen yet there is a greater need for private funds than ever before. Pay cuts are initiated the first year and furlough days in following years (no pay for the day or access to work). your organization is living ‘paycheck to paycheck’ and now you have to ask your vendors for payment plans in order to host events. you visit your healthcare provider and are informed you now must pay when services are provided because the state has not paid its bills in 18 months. prospective students and their parents are hearing daily through the news media about the lack of funding for their state universities, and they are reluctant to commit to your institution.

8 What Happened next? Governmental Affairs Professionals worked diligently to keep higher education in the conversation with Illinois legislators. Conversations were taking place among alumni association boards as to how they could assist their institutions at this crucial time. Advancement professionals were fielding questions from alumni regarding the state impasse and affect on campus budgets, staff, faculty, and students. Executive Directors for the Public University Alumni Associations and Governmental Affairs professionals came together to host conversations about what could be done.

9 Advocacy consortium of public Illinois alumni associations
University of Illinois – Chicago, Springfield, Urbana Chicago State University Governors State Northeastern Illinois University Illinois State University Northern Illinois University Western Illinois University Eastern Illinois University Southern Illinois University – Carbondale, Edwardsville

10 Illinois Public higher education goals
Twelve public institutions came together to fight for higher education Mobilization of alumni Increase higher education voice in the capitol Move the needle on funding for higher education

11 Illinois Legislative Tool
Illinois public universities submitted data on students and alumni Added 2010 Census data Public and not branded so all Illinois public universities can use for a reference Can also be a reference for Illinois legislators Next: Federal map Illinois Legislator Dashboard



14 Illinois Legislative Tool

15 Coalition to invest in higher education
Public Universities Private Universities Community Colleges Labor organizations Local government Business advocates All worked to support and defend higher education in Illinois

16 CASE District V Illinois Grant Program
Announcements were sent to all public institutions in District V Illinois members had to apply 15 awards were granted Stipends for travel, conference registration, and lodging (two types of packages) Award winners provided a recap of their positive experience Reception to meet and provide a networking opportunity 2018 – Program will be expanded to all of District V

17 Panel Marissa Brewer – Assistant VP, Alumni Advocacy, University of Illinois Alumni Association John Charles – Director of Government & Public Affairs, Southern Illinois University Michelle Suarez - AVC for Development & Alumni Relations and ED for the SIU Alumni Association, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Moderator: Jennifer Neubauer, President, University of Illinois Alumni Association

18 Session evaluations will
be ed.

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