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The Crucible Vocabulary

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1 The Crucible Vocabulary


3 Accusation A formal charge of wrong-doing brought against a person

4 Adultery Extramarital affair that maliciously (with spite) interferes with a marriage

5 Alleged Declared but not proven

6 Anxious In a state of nervous tension

7 Charity The act of giving or being kind to others

8 Condemn Form a critical opinion or express strong disapproval of

9 Conjure Bring in to existence (often by magic)

10 Corrupt Dishonest or immoral

11 Fancy (noun) Something many people believe is false

12 Perceptive Having the ability to understand (or “see”)

13 Pulpit A raised platform that gives prominence to the person standing on it

14 Vengeance Harming someone for something they did to you


16 Crone A withered, witch-like old woman

17 Daft Senseless, foolish, insane

18 Flailing Beating or thrashing

19 Indignant (adj.) Feeling strong displeasure at something considered to be unjust

20 Pallor Unusual or extreme paleness caused by fear, sickness or death

21 Quail (verb) Feeling or showing fear or apprehension

22 Sarcastic Saying a cutting remark (using sarcasim)

23 suspicion A slight trace, hint or suggestion

24 tainted Someone or something that has a trace of something bad about it or a trace of dishonor

25 wily Crafty, cunning, tricky


27 Available in large quantities
Abundant Available in large quantities

28 Unable to think clearly
Befuddled Unable to think clearly

29 Heartless; insensitive
Callous Heartless; insensitive

30 Gait A way of walking

31 Perfectly neat, clean or tidy
Immaculate Perfectly neat, clean or tidy

32 Unwilling or unable to believe something; doubtful
Incredulous Unwilling or unable to believe something; doubtful

33 manifest To demonstrate or show

34 An uneasy feeling of doubt or fear about one’s own conduct
qualm An uneasy feeling of doubt or fear about one’s own conduct

35 slovenly Messy or dirty

36 Developed to a high degree
sophisticated Developed to a high degree

37 unperturbed Not concerned

38 wrath Extreme anger


40 refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.
Adamant refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.

41 (of the mouth) wide open, especially with surprise or wonder
agape (of the mouth) wide open, especially with surprise or wonder

42 a disagreement, argument, or debate.
dispute a disagreement, argument, or debate.

43 struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion.
flounder struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion.

44 presently Happening right now.

45 make an attack or assault in return for a similar attack.
Retaliate make an attack or assault in return for a similar attack.

46 a strong and very unpleasant smell.
stench a strong and very unpleasant smell.

47 to excite the senses or desires of someone.
tantalize to excite the senses or desires of someone.

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