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The Crucible Character Flaws

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1 The Crucible Character Flaws
Mrs. Way English 11 Warren Mott High School

2 Lust Driven by desire Obsessed with sexual desires

3 Pride Filled with or showing excessive self-esteem
Often rejects help from others for the sake of pride

4 Greed Wanting a lot of things, especially wealth or possessions.

5 Vengefulness Revengeful Spiteful Seeking revenge Vindictive

6 Ignorance Lacking knowledge or information about a certain thing.

7 Jealousy Painfully desirous of someone else’s advantages or belongings.

8 Spitefulness Showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt someone.
Vindictive person who looks for occasions to resent someone.

9 Stubbornness Determined not to change.

10 Self-Righteousness Feels better than everyone else.

11 Remorselessness Does not feel bad for anything awful that happens to someone else.

12 Mendacity Being able to lie all the time with no problem.

13 Idealism Trying to achieve perfect goals.

14 Hypocrisy Someone who always contradicts their own beliefs, actions, or sayings.

15 Arrogance Feeling very important. Snobby.
Staying away from people considered inferior.

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