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Junior English “The Crucible”

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1 Junior English “The Crucible”
Abigail Debate Junior English “The Crucible”

2 Abigail-Originator or Victim?
Abigail is usually seen as the originator of most of the accusations of witchcraft in Salem. Yet some readers have seen her character as a victim of the Puritan society against which she rebels. In groups, you will find evidence to support both sides. Then we will share out in a class discussion/debate.

3 What Side are You On? Victim Here, your group will find evidence for why Abigail is a victim of Puritan society and might want to rebel. Use these questions to drive your search: How would living in a Puritan society be tough on a teenage girl? Why would Abigail feel she has no other choice but to make up lies to cover her behavior? Originator Here, your group will find evidence for why Abigail is guilty of being an originator of all the lies and deceit happening in Salem, MA. Use these questions to drive your search: What has she done to prove she is a bad person? What is her motive for accusing people? How does she treat others?

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