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ECE 171 Digital Circuits Chapter 10 Programmable Logic Devices (PLD)

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1 ECE 171 Digital Circuits Chapter 10 Programmable Logic Devices (PLD)
Herbert G. Mayer, PSU Status 4/20/2018 Copied with Permission from prof. Mark PSU ECE

2 Syllabus Taxonomy of ICs PLDs Fuses PLD Implementation PROMs PLAs PALs
GALs References

3 Taxonomy of ICs Design Methodology SML (S small, M medium, L large)
Standard Components by Scale of Integration (SSI, MSI, LSI) Small, Medium, Large Off-the-shelf Components Basic Universal Building Blocks (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, etc.) Application Specific Standard Parts (ASSP) Target Specific Application Area, but not Customer Specific! e.g. Printer Controller, USB Interface IC, HDD I/F Application Specific IC Parts (ASIC) Custom Design of IC Targeting Specific Market Full-custom, standard cell, gate-arrays e.g. ATI 3D Graphics Engine (ATI is part of AMD since 2006) Programmable Logic Devices (PLD) Can be used to implement wide variety designs, in Lab or Field e.g. FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays)

4 PLDs Programmable logic device (PLD) is an electronic component to build reconfigurable circuits Unlike a logic gate with fixed function, a PLD has no function specified at the time of manufacture Before a PLD can be used, it must be programmed Programming a PLD means customizing for a specific purpose Also called configuring the PLD, or reconfiguring Configuring consists of “blowing” certain fuses, thus enabling or disabling selected functions Often initial functions included all options, such as a signal and also its complement, which would not be meaningful! One of the 2 must be eliminated to create a working device

5 PLDs Abstract PLD below has inputs a and b, both and their complements are connected to and gates and thus to output o All have a via (path) over fuses, some of which must be blown to leave only meaningful, defined functions a b o

6 Reason for PLDs Shortened design time, start with s/t that works
Fast prototyping! Rapid design changes Reprogrammable No masks, jumpers, PCB traces Decreased PCB real estate + silicon space on IC Less space than multiple standard logic packages Improved reliability Fewer packages Fewer external interconnects

7 Types of PLDs Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)
PROM: Programmable Read Only Memory (1960s) PLA: Programmable Logic Array [Signetics] (1975) PAL:TM Programmable Array Logic (1978) GAL:TM Generic Array Logic CPLD: Complex PLD FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array PALÔ and GALÔ are registered trademarks of Lattice Logic

8 AND-OR-Array Architecture
Device type AND array OR array Product term sharing PROM Fixed at factory Programmable Yes PLA Programmable Programmable Yes PAL/GAL Programmable Fixed at factory No

9 Programmable Symbology

10 Programmable Symbology
View Pull up resistors R, consider a, b open, closed: Open switch: Voltage drops across A and B toward ground, not across R, due to no current through R We call this: equals logic 1 Closed switch: A and B are grounded, current through R, 0 Volt A and B to ground We call this: equals logic 0

11 Fuses Fuses were actual real fuses in early technology
Now they generally are just named fuses! Can be: fuses, transistor circuits, or SRAM-based Volatile and nonvolatile Nonvolatile UV (ultra-violet erasable) EE (electrically erasable) Universal Programming Unit (from manufacturer) Fuse map JEDEC standard format (Joint Electronics Device Engineering Council) Several programs generate (MACHXL, ABEL, CUPL)

12 PLD Implementation Flow of Steps of PLD Design and Manufacture

13 PLD Implementation PROM PLA Schematic PAL/GAL Capture CPLDs Design
Tools Fuse Map HDL Universal Programmer Tool and PLD vendors: Xilinx, Altera, Lattice

14 PROMs Product term sharing
How many minterms? Generating all of them, then select among them, What’s the impact of adding another input? Doubling AND array! MaskROM – fully programmed one time at the factory. Game cards.

15 PROMs Express the number of outputs No as function of the number of inputs Ni = n No = n2 Adding one PROM input doubles number of outputs! Careful, engineers! MaskROM is fully programmed one time at the factory How many minterms? Generating all of them, then select among them, What’s the impact of adding another input? Doubling AND array! MaskROM – fully programmed one time at the factory. Game cards.

16 PLA vs. PAL PLAs and PALs are both programmable logic devices (PLD) that implement combinational circuits PLA has programmable and-gate array, plus programmable or-gate array PAL has programmable and-gate array, plus a fixed or-gate array -newer, yet more restricted! As a result, PLAs are slower (longer path), harder to implement, more expensive: more silicon real-estate Detail on both below . . . Becoming obsolete, in favor of programmability! Obsolete but show the evolution of PLDs – desire to have programmable AND plane

17 PLAs Programmable logic arrays (PLA) are PLD used to implement a specific combinational circuits PLA consists of and-gate planes with 2n and-gates for n inputs Linked to or-gate planes producing m output outputs signals Allows generation of sums of products of input signals PLAs offer more flexibility vs. PALs by allowing programmable and-gate and or-gate planes! Obsolete but show the evolution of PLDs – desire to have programmable AND plane

18 Generic PLA Obsolete but show the evolution of PLDs – desire to have programmable AND plane

19 PLA Obsolete but show the evolution of PLDs – desire to have programmable AND plane

20 PALs Programmable arrays logic (PAL): also technology used to implement logic functions in silicon Introduced 1978 by Monolithics Memories Inc. (MMI); now Lattice semiconductors in Oregon MMI trademarked the term PAL PALs consist of small PROMs plus added output logic to implement any desired logic function Using specialized machines, PAL devices were field-programmable: in end-customer lab! Obsolete but show the evolution of PLDs – desire to have programmable AND plane

21 PALs PALs come in several variants:
One-time programmable (OTP) devices could not be updated after initial programming MMI offered a similar family called HAL, or "hard array logic", which were like PAL devices mask-programmed at factory UV erasable versions had a quartz window over the chip die: To erase for re-use with an ultraviolet light source; like EPROMs Later versions (e.g.: PALCE22V10) were flash erasable devices

22 PALs Flash Erasable PAL: type of non-volatile storage device (similar to EE Prom), where erasing can be done, but done by block Not by individual datum; hence restricted flexibility! Superseded in late 1990 by FEPROMs that could be re-written, some fixed but large number of times

23 PALs/GALs This example shows a PAL that doesn’t permit product term sharing

24 PAL Function Sharing via Additional Inputs

25 PLD Advantages Short design time Rapid design changes
Rapid prototyping! Rapid design changes Reprogrammable No masks, jumpers, PCB traces Decreased PCB “real estate” Less space than multiple standard logic packages Improved reliability Fewer packages, fewer external interconnects

26 PALxxyyzz Nomenclature
xx Maximum number of AND array inputs zz Maximum number of dedicated outputs y Type of outputs = Combination, Registered, or Versatile Combinational H active high L active low P programmable C complementary Registered R registered RP registered, with programmable polarity Versatile V programmable as combinational or registered

27 Nomenclature Examples
PAL3H2 3 inputs 2 outputs Active H outputs PAL16L8 16 inputs 8 outputs Active L (0s of function) PAL22V10 22 inputs 10 outputs Active L or H (1s or 0s) Versatile

28 PAL

29 GAL Emulate any PAL; Reprogrammable
Fuses are non-volatile memory cells

30 CPLDs – Complex PLDs Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD):
Programmable logic device with complexity between PALs and FPGAs Architectural features of both Main building block of CPLD is Macrocell Containing logic, implementing disjunctive normal form (DNF) expressions Plus specialized logic operations DNF: A sum of products formula!

31 CPLDs – Complex PLDs

32 Implement Some Choices
Implement F1, F2, F3, F4: F1 = invert A, ignore B F2 = A OR B gate F3 = A NAND B gate F4 = A XOR B gate With Technology of: PROM PLA PAL A B F1 F2 F3 F4

33 PROM Implementation NOT, OR, NAND, XOR A B F1 F2 F3 F4 0 0 1 0 1 0
Address Data A F Fuse map

34 PLA Implementation NOT, OR, NAND, XOR A B F1 F2 F3 F4 0 0 1 0 1 0
What would have happened if we’d chosen a different covering for the K-map for F3? Same number of terms… Unable to share since the B’ term isn’t used anywhere else

35 PLA Implementation NOT, OR, NAND, XOR A B F1 F2 F3 F4 0 0 1 0 1 0
What are the shared product terms? Highlight in red

36 PAL Implementation NOT, OR, NAND, XOR A B F1 F2 F3 F4 0 0 1 0 1 0

37 Logic Conventions Positive Logic Convention (PLC)
Signals always “active high”; we also say:“asserted high” Bubble o or negation indicator to show complement Direct Polarity Indication (DPI) “mixed logic” notation Suffix (H) or (L) indicates active high H or active low L Polarity indicator or wedge to indicate active low L PLC DPI Type of Signal Name Signal Name Signal A or A(H) A(H) or A(L) Active High B or B(H) B(H) or B(L) Active Low

38 Indicator Matching

39 Detailed DPI Example (Direct Polarity Indication)
This is correct only if we assume the input names given


41 Databook Examples Three-state bus buffer (buffer/driver). High impedance or “Z” – will be discussed later G is active low enable. A/F are active H. BCD to 7-segment display decoder with blanking control Blanking input (BI) will be discussed in detailed example shortly Open-collector outputs likewise (diamonds) Symbol uses DPI with positive logic with signal matching (all active high except BI which has overbar and wedge) Could have used A(H)…D(H) and a(H)…g(H) and BI(L) -- no overbar! DMUX DMUX is decoder with an enable input. Note G2A and G2B are active low while G1 is active H Outputs are active L (unlike text!) and are note signal name matched REFER TO DATA SHEET IN CLASS!!!

42 Bibliography PLD: PLA: PAL:

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