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Autonomous Surface Vehicle

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1 Autonomous Surface Vehicle
ME 435: Stanton Coffey, Pat Gray, Jack Nagle, Sam Riahi, Matt Cline ME 434: Jeff Roper, Brian Skoog, Stephanie McCarthy, Bobby Lee ME Grad: Justin Selfridge ECE: Alex, Bibek, Kouassi, Nimish, Shikha, Khakal, Sushil ECE Grad: Loc ECSU: George Harris, John Hayes

2 Overview Rules Sub Missions: Boat must be: Find the hot object
Less than 140 lb Within 6’x3’x3’ dimensions 100% autonomous Main Missions Strength Test Speed Gate Navigation Course Sub Missions: Find the hot object Extinguish the fire Amphibious Landing Waterfall

3 Current Work Electrical Box
Old Box Problems with the box: Wrong gauge wiring Incorrect fuses Loose wiring Loose components Disorganized Poor weight distribution Minimal USB inputs

4 Current Work Electrical Box (cont.)
New Box Kill Switch Corrections: 10 gauge wires to motors 40 amp fuses to motors Battery in center Velcro for components One or two 5-port USB hubs Compass mounted on the bottom instead of on the lid Master kill switch Speed Controllers Battery Micro Controller Fuse Block USB Hubs Compass

5 Current Work ASV Trailer/Cart
An ASV trailer/cart is required for the competition Used to take the ASV to the water Used in dry land testing Needs to be portable (fit in the truck)

6 Current Work Motor Blade Shields
By competition rules, the motor blades must be shielded We want the shields to be removable (the previous years shield broke and we can’t remove it’s old parts) The shields must still allow the water to flow without much loss of power and without changing the direction of the ASV

7 Current Work Logic The difficulties with Logic
Need to code for every possible scenario, like: Buoys straight ahead Buoys left or right Small angle between buoys Knowing when the ASV has passed between buoys Want to do if buoys are not in sight Programming in C++ is difficult and time consuming small syntax errors can cause an entire day of looking for a small mistake (like declaring a variable as an ‘int’ instead of a ‘float’)

8 Current Work Logic (cont.) Distance Formula
q1 Travel (T) Distance (D) q2 Stereo-vision with one camera The angle a buoy makes with the ASV will change as the boat moves a specific distance and the distance can be calculated with this Distance Formula

9 Current Work Logic (cont.) Distance output

10 Current Work Logic (cont.) Multiple Buoys Output
Important logic traits Most decisions will be based on angles and not stereo-vision Must pass through buoys at right angles This provides a good setup for the next buoy pair Currently at 350 lines of code

11 Current Work Vision Detection
OpenCV (Open source Computer Vision) Blob Tracking Region Growing Removes static noise Connects broken regions

12 Current Work Physical Alterations
Upgrade frame material Install new pontoons from ECSU Water proof electrical box and cameras Future full-function testing Dry Land In-Water

13 Current Gantt Chart

14 Current Budget

15 Questions?

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