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Unit 3 Physical well-being Lesson 1: Basics of first aid 45 min

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Physical well-being Lesson 1: Basics of first aid 45 min"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Physical well-being Lesson 1: Basics of first aid 45 min
Time: 1 minute Objectives: Greet and wait for late students Welcome Students Time: 3 Minutes Objectives: Refresh students Warm Up Time: 5 minutes Objectives: Introduce the lesson and vocabulary Lead in Time: 20 minutes Objectives: Teach lesson via video clips and worksheet Procedures Time: 4 minutes. Objectives: Give answers to the worksheet and review any questions Review Time: 8 minutes Objectives: Review vocab and lesson Game Time: 4 minutes Objectives: Assign homework and answer any questions Homework / Wrap up Background for teachers: learn about different health topics and what to do in case of an emergency. Teaching outcomes: 1. Explain why first aid is important. 2. Apply the steps to take in an emergency. 3. Act out asking and answering 999. Key Terms: Injury Assess Recovery position Danger Conscious Breathe Airway Ambulance

2 Unit 3: Physical well-being
Warm up – 3 minutes. Start with a letter on the board and ask the students to yell out words beginning with the letter. (Can also adapt to words only related to the body or health). Lesson 1: Basics of First Aid

3 First aid Basics Lead in with an introduction of first aid basics
Hand out worksheets Go over vocab words (Words in blocks) Injury Assess Recovery position Danger Conscious Breathe Airway Ambulance Lead in – 5 minutes. Introduce and handout worksheet– 1 minute. Introduce lesson and go over vocab words – 4 minutes.

4 Video Clips Discuss Recovery position and other relative terms.
Procedures – 20 minutes total. Working with video clips to introduce new words. Have students work independently with their worksheets during and after listening and watching clips. Discuss Recovery position and other relative terms. Discuss Danger and other relative terms.

5 Show video clip about ambulances
Go over vocabulary from the video clip. Procedures continued – 20 minutes total. Working with video clips to introduce new words. Have students work independently with their worksheets during and after listening and watching clips.

6 Worksheet Questions and Answers
Review – 4 minutes. Place students in groups to go over their worksheet answers. The students can practice speaking while correcting their work. These will be the groups for the review game. Review worksheet in groups

7 Game time Game – 8 minutes.
Students can work in groups to play Pictionary or charades with new words and concepts.

8 Homework and wrap up Homework and wrap up – 4 minutes. Go over the homework assignment. Wrap up with another vocabulary review and answer any questions or concerns from the students. End the lesson the usual way, for example: Thank you for today! Or, Thank you for another great class! Assign homework, answer any questions and wrap up with the usual end of lesson greeting.

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