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ESL 6 Quarter 4 Week 4 May 5-9, 2014 Blue Days – 5/ 6 and 8/ 2014

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1 ESL 6 Quarter 4 Week 4 May 5-9, 2014 Blue Days – 5/ 6 and 8/ 2014
L. Nabulsi

2 Wiesbaden Middle School Purpose Statement
The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning. Wiesbaden Middle School Purpose Statement

3 Wiesbaden Middle School Goal Statement
The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning. Wiesbaden Middle School Goal Statement

4 CSI GOALS #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies. #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving.

5 CSI Interventions Reading comprehension Math Marking the text
Charting the text Math USA Math journaling

6 Standards covered this week
6E1c.1: Identify different types (genres) of fiction and describe the major characteristics of each form. 6E2a.2: Choose the form of writing that best suits the intended purpose.

7 Put in planner Every day – read
Due dates for Reading Logs due 5/14, 5/28 Due 6/7 – vocabulary notebook

8 OVERVIEW OF WEEK 31 because of a stament in her will nothing in the museum can be changed or moved. +3 GRAMMAR: Adjectives IDIOM: #11 Between a rock and a hard place. ANALOGY: What’s the relationshipock and a? GIFT : JOY :: rain : flood TEARS : SADNESS :: smiles : _____ In-class -How to write a student epic

9 Vocabulary 31 1.oral tradition 1.distributive property 1.disciple
Language Arts Math Social Studies Science 1.oral tradition 1.distributive property 1.disciple 1.density 2.folk lore 2.equation 2.Gospel 2.density current 3.tall tales 3. equilateral triangle 3.epistle 3.dependent variable



12 Lesson Plans – April 28, 2014 Take roll Correct the sentence:
because of a stament in her will nothing in the museum can be changed or moved. +3 Vocabulary: Vocabulary 29 Edit-It – #54 In class: Go through HERO QUEST PP. AND INSPIRATION

13 What is an epic? Long narrative poem
Fate of the nation depends on the hero Long descriptions of battles and armor Journey to the underworld Patronymics Epithets Epic similes Opens in the middle of things Appeal to the muses Setting covers the universe (many nations) Divine intervention Long speeches

14 Modify noun, telling which one, what kind, how many, whose
ADJECTIVES TELL WHICH ONE WHAT KIND HOW MANY WHOSE ADJECTIVE CAN BE Single words Phrases clauses ADJECTIVES Modify noun, telling which one, what kind, how many, whose

15 What is an epic hero An epic hero is a larger than life figure from a history or legend, usually favored by or even partially descended from deities, but aligned more closely with mortal figures in popular portrayals. The hero participates in a cyclical journey or quest, faces adversaries that try to defeat him in his journey, gathers allies along his journey, and returns home significantly transformed by his journey. The epic hero illustrates traits, performs deeds, and exemplifies certain morals that are valued by the society from which the epic originates. They usually embody cultural and religious beliefs of the people. Many epic heroes are recurring characters in the legends of their native culture. Epic heroes are superhuman in that they are smarter, stronger, and braver than average humans. An epic hero can also be a warrior of some sort who performs extraordinary tasks that most find difficult. This hero is strong, smart, and brave.

16 May 8, 2014 IDIOM: #11 Between a rock and a hard place.
Take roll Edit It 54 GRAMMAR : Adjective Worksheet IDIOM: #11 Between a rock and a hard place. ANALOGY: Cause and Effect What’s the relationship? GIFT : JOY :: rain : flood TEARS : SADNESS :: smiles : ___ A gift can cause joy; tears are an effect of sadness. In-class: Create your own epic; Go to Hero Quest PP

17 Edit It #53-4

18 Correct this sentence Correct this sentence
because of a stament in her will nothing in the museum can be changed or moved. +3 Because of a statement in her will, nothing in the museum can be changed or moved. +3

19 Idiom . Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Between a  Rock and a Hard Place The specifics of “Between a rock and a hard place” actually describe the monsters or destruction faced by Odysseus and his shipmates when facing Scylla and Charybdis in crossing through the narrow Strait of Messina between Italy and Sicily.  Scylla was the female monster in the Italian cliffs who had a girl’s upper body and dogs and snakes below, feared for plucking men out of passing ships and devouring them. Charybdis was the giant whirlpool on the opposite Sicilian coast that would catch and sink whole ships. In Odyssey XII , following the instructions of Circe, Odysseus chose to lose six men to Scylla as a lesser risk rather than losing the whole ship and crew to Charybdis. In Latin, the aphorism Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim, “He runs on Scylla wishing to avoid Charybdis” is often credited to Virgil but his Aeneid 3.320 ff about this event does not include this line, nor do Ovid’s works.  I’ve sailed this passage in a boat coming with a stiff wind from the west around Sicily’s Cape Peloro – the Italian town of Scilla is even named directly across from the cape – turning south and southwest toward Messina and seen firsthand the danger of the “Scyllan” rocks where the wind could drive a boat as well as many swirls of water turbulence where two seas, Tyrrhenian and Ionian, mix in this narrow strait, making oceanographic wind and current vectors the real monsters. [1]

20 monster in the Italian cliffs who had a girl’s upper body and dogs and snakes below, feared for plucking men out of passing ships and devouring them. Charybdis was the giant whirlpool on the opposite Sicilian coast that would catch and sink whole ships. In Odyssey XII , following the instructions of Circe, Odysseus chose to lose six men to Scylla as a lesser risk rather than losing the whole ship and crew to Charybdis. In Latin, the aphorism Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim, “He runs on Scylla wishing to avoid Charybdis” is often credited to Virgil but his Aeneid 3.320 ff about this event does not include this line, nor do Ovid’s works.  I’ve sailed this passage in a boat coming with a stiff wind from the west around Sicily’s Cape Peloro – the Italian town of Scilla is even named directly across from the cape – turning south and southwest toward Messina and seen firsthand the danger of the “Scyllan” rocks where the wind could drive a boat as well as many swirls of water turbulence where two seas, Tyrrhenian and Ionian, mix in this narrow strait, making oceanographic wind and current vectors the real monsters. [1]

21 Analogy Cause and Effect
What’s the relationship? GIFT : JOY :: rain : flood TEARS : SADNESS :: smiles : joy A gift can cause joy; tears are an effect of sadness. Cause and Effect

22 Reading/Writing Activities for this week
Reading Log 12 – Due May 13 Vocabulary Notebook due June 10

23 What Students Need To Do

24 How to mark the text Number each paragraph
Have a purpose in reading for specific kinds of details and use post-its for notes or mark notes in the margin Reading comprehension Who, what, when, where, how, why, vocabulary Reading for author’s purpose Pay attention to verbs. The basic purposes are to teach, entertain, influence our opinion. Reading for historical information Look for names, places, dates, cause and effect, chronology, comparison/contrast Reading for literary analysis Look for characters, setting, point of view, theme, important quotes, conflicts, dramatic structure, symbols; characteristics of a particular genre.

25 How to chart the text Do and prepare as if marking the text.
Re-read each paragraph now and underline the claim ( we call it the controlling purpose) of the author. Circle any numbers or math terms. Decide what the purpose of the numerical details are: support, clarification, comparison/contrast, cause and effect Look for connecting(transitional) words; do these words introduce additional information, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, definitions Chart the information: If it helps, use a graphic organizer or mind map to decipher the information Take Cornell notes: Take Cornell notes using the post-its to set up questions and answers Outline – Write thesis and use the information to either write summary or use as a source for research paper Write a paper

26 How to Make a Timeline on Word
Open a blank WORD document Go to INSERT Click on SMART ART A new window appears: click on PROCESS New window: go to last item in the second line- basic timeline. Click The template appears on your document. Begin to fill it in with information. Try to place information with the date close to line, not on outside. Save in your H-drive, ESL folder with page numberslastblock#

27 How To Use the MLA Template
Download the MLA template OR go to the student’s H-drive/ESL folder/MLA template Open the template Immediately save as to the H-drive, ESL folder naming the file with the name of the assignment and last and period. DO THIS. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. For example, TLOTMC#_#MCDOWELL3. On the document, change the date and the title. Begin on the line under the title, but make sure that this line is aligned left, not centered, and indented. Center the Chapter # Write the summary telling who, what, when, where, how, and why. Save in the ADB in gaggle in the folder that says TLOTM final chapter summaries . If you do not name the file correctly and place it in the correct folder, you do not receive credit. Do things correctly.

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