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Luis Leonardo González Jiménez; CE, MSc Jorge Enrique Saénz Samper; CE

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Presentation on theme: "Luis Leonardo González Jiménez; CE, MSc Jorge Enrique Saénz Samper; CE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Luis Leonardo González Jiménez; CE, MSc Jorge Enrique Saénz Samper; CE

2 INTRODUCTION The objective of the study was evaluating the influence of the new bridge construction on the river hydraulics near the crossing. New bridge is located parallel to the existing one. - Existing bridge: piles arranged in pairs with 2.5m diameter each and 5m diameter for the central piers. - New bridge: span of 380m between central piers, each one supported on a dice with piles of 2.8m diameter. “SMART RIVERS 2017”

3 1- Water levels at Canchera School
Main Topics Analyzed 1- Water levels at Canchera School 2- Hydraulics and scouring at the New Bridge 3- Pasadena Channel Hydraulics 4- Ahuyama Branch Hydraulics “SMART RIVERS 2017”

New Bridge Piles Barranquilla To San Marta Existing Bridge Rondón Island MAGDALENA RIVER CARIBBEAN SEA PACIFIC OCEAN Barranquilla MAGDALENA RIVER Location New Bridge N Barranquilla “SMART RIVERS 2017”

5 Magdalena River General Characteristics
Width of the Magdalena River on site: 1150 m Mean Annual Discharge :7200 m3/s Distance to Caribbean Sea: 21 km Manning’s n Main channel: 0.024 - Manning’s n Island and banks: 0.035 “SMART RIVERS 2017”

6 1- Water levels at Canchera School
MAGDALENA RIVER Existing Bridge New Bridge Piles 500 m aprox N “SMART RIVERS 2017”

7 1- Water levels at Canchera School
Based on the topographic information and the hydraulic modeling, water levels that can be reached by the river and affected property were stablished. Magdalena River Location current Bridge and New Bridge Aprox 500 m Hydraulic Profiles Site closest to Canchera School “SMART RIVERS 2017”

8 1- Water levels at Canchera School
For the construction of the Canchera School, a period return period of 50 years was considered. Return Period (Years) Water Level (msnm) Protection Level (msnm) 5 1.98 2.13 10 2.21 2.36 20 2.40 2.55 50 2.61 2.76 100 2.75 2.90 It was recommended to raise the terrain level to a height of 2 masl. The first floor should start at 2.75 masl. “SMART RIVERS 2017”

9 2- Pasadena channel hydraulics

10 2- Pasadena Channel hydraulics
According to the topography of the area, the channel projected for the Channel Pasadena in the sector where the camp is located is hydraulically studied. This included hydrology, channel layout and cross-sections. Hydraulic Modeling - HECRAS - Design flow - Tr 50 years: 10.8 m3/s corresponding to 54 ha Boundary Conditions: Levels in the Magdalena river at the place of channel delivery and variation of water levels by tide effect. Manning’s n: 0.015, corresponding to concrete Slopes: 0.12% and 0.64% “SMART RIVERS 2017”

11 2- Pasadena channel hydraulics
Channel bottom is below the natural terrain as a result of the interference with existing pipes and cross section changes. The possibility of a hydraulic jump for a period of Tr = 50 years and a minimum level in the Magdalena river was considered. Although improbable, it will happen in the lined section of the channel and will be submerged by the water level of the Magdalena River. “SMART RIVERS 2017”

12 3- Hydraulic Evaluation and Scouring at the New Bridge
Analysis were conducted to study the behavior of the river at the project site during the construction of the new bridge. This condition is considered the most critical during the next 3 years and which will be at the same time the following structures: Piles of the existing bridge Piles of the new bridge Four temporary jetties for construction of the new bridge “SMART RIVERS 2017”

13 3- Hydraulic Evaluation and Scouring at the New Bridge
Palermo Piles of the existing bridge Rondón Island 380 m Piles of the New Bridge Barranquilla Temporary jetties for construction of the new Bridge Magdalena River N Rondón Island “SMART RIVERS 2017”

14 3- Hydraulic Evaluation and Scouring at the New Bridge
Piles of the existing bridge = 30 piles Piles of the new bridge = 54 piles, 2.0m diam + 20 Piles, 2.8m Four temporary jetties during construction 2*( )= 258 piles, 0,90m diam. “SMART RIVERS 2017”

15 3- Hydraulic Evaluation and Scouring at the New Bridge
Hydraulic Modeling New bridge Existing bridge Jetty Magdalena River “SMART RIVERS 2017”

16 3- Hydraulic Evaluation and Scouring of the New Bridge
Model Results Return Period (years) Flow (m3/s) Water level (masl) Existing bridge Scenario Scenario during construction Future scenario only with the New bridge Original design (2014) Jesyca (2015) 2 11 819 1.63 1.64 5 13 790 2.08 2.11 2.09 10 14 800 2.32 2.35 2.33 20 15 619 2.52 2.55 2.53 50 16 521 2.74 2.77 2.75 100 17 111 2.89 2.92 500 18 279 3.18 3.21 1000 18 717 3.29 3.32 “SMART RIVERS 2017”

17 3- Hydraulic Evaluation and Scouring at the New Bridge
It can be concluded that the effect of the piles during construction on the hydraulic behavior of the Magdalena River, is minimal and does not imply any complication from the point of view of changes in the water levels or the average velocities in the central channel or the banks. “SMART RIVERS 2017”

18 3- Hydraulic Evaluation and Scouring of the New Bridge
General scour was estimated by the Lischtvan-Lebediev formulation. Local scour by the formulations in HEC-18 for a composite pile. According to the total estimated scour, the final profile theoretically exceeds the coral rock boundary. Since it is a competent stratum, the scour is limited to rock level. Longitudinal profile main channel Maximun water level 3.13 masl - Average water level 1.69 masl Scour estimated assuming sandy bed Coral rock Shallow fill Alluvial filling Alluvial - Lacustrine filling Residual Soil 1 Residual Soil 2 “SMART RIVERS 2017”

19 4- Ahuyama branch hydraulics

20 4- Ahuyama branch hydraulics
Another aspect to determine the effect of the area is the influence of the tributaries that reach the Magdalena River, in this case the Caño Ahuyama. Evaluation of Tr=100 year discharge was analized in respect of the existing dyke. Two scenarios were analized: -The first one contemplates high levels in the Magdalena river that generate flow towards the Ahuyama branch, - The second one when the Ahuyama branch flows to the Magdalena river because of the runoff from the urban zone. “SMART RIVERS 2017”

21 4- Ahuyama branch hydraulics
Scenario - 1 Flow DIrection Projected Piles CAÑO AHUYAMA 2.92 masl 2.87 masl Dyke Projection MAGDALENA RIVER Q=20 m3/s Projected Piles Flow Direction MAGDALENA RIVER “SMART RIVERS 2017”

22 4- Ahuyama branch hydraulics
Scenario - 2 Flow Direction MAGDALENA RIVER CAÑO AHUYAMA Projected piles 3.13 masl 3.43 masl Q=55.05 m3/s 2.92 masl Dyke Projection The most critical condition to evaluate the water levels next to the Ahuyama branch is the Scenario 2. As for the effect of the piles on the Ahuyama branch, this is minimal with over elevations of only 1cm. It is recommended that the existing dyke be raised up to 3.5 masl along its entire length (300 m). Q=98.4 m3/s Q=20 m3/s MAGDALENA RIVER Projected piles Flow Direction Q=55.05 m3/s Q=98.4 m3/s Tr 25 años Tr 2 años “SMART RIVERS 2017”

23 CONCLUSIONS The evaluations performed for each of the mentioned scenarios were carried out using a free computational tool in 1 dimension (HEC-RAS). This software was sufficient to estimate levels and affectations in the study areas. The determination of flood levels for the Canchera School, allowed to have the respective levels from which the new area to be built was projected and thus to avoid damages of floods. In the same way, the modeling made it possible to dimension hydraulic structures such as the Pasadena channel and the dyke along the Ahuyama channel in the right bank. The incidence of the New Bridge in the hydraulic conditions of the area, does not generate a considerable affectation in the water levels and the speeds in the sector in spite of flowing through 362 piles. This is due that most of the piles are in zones near to the banks, where the speeds are smaller than those registered in the center of the main channel. The scour is limited by the coral rock, which is approximately 10 m below the natural bed. “SMART RIVERS 2017”

24 Source: Giovanny Escudero – El Heraldo 16 de Noviembre de 2016

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