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Risk MAP & the Little River Basin

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1 Risk MAP & the Little River Basin
Bob Hanger, City of Norman Dan Cary, Cleveland County Ron Wanhanen, FEMA Region 6 Vikram Shrivastava, RAMPP Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association Annual Conference Norman, OK September 19-21, 2011 Ron / FEMA

2 Presentation Overview
Map MOD to Risk MAP Why Little River Basin? Project Scope Revised Analysis and Mapping Cleveland County, City of Moore, & FEMA Collaboration Project Study Overview & Results - Preliminary Issuance Schedule Information Resources Discovery - Lower North Canadian Watershed Questions Ron / FEMA 2

3 Map MOD to Risk MAP FY2009 transition from Map Modernization (Map MOD) to FEMA Risk MAP Three focus areas Coastal Levees Other engineering needs Ron / FEMA

4 Map MOD to Risk MAP FEMA Risk Mapping Assessment Planning Map Modernization used increasingly- available technology to increase the quality, reliability and availability of flood hazard maps and data It focused on creating digital maps to provide timely, accurate information to community planners Risk MAP further enhances the maps, involves communities during the assessment and planning stages, and guides and encourages them to communicate risk to their constituents Ron / FEMA 4 4

5 Map MOD to Risk MAP Through collaboration with State, Local, and Tribal entities, Risk MAP will deliver quality data that increases public awareness and leads to action that reduces risk to life and property. Ron / FEMA 5

6 Why Little River Basin? Concerns with Zone A’s on 2008 Effective FIRM
New 2007 LiDAR and Imagery for City of Norman New development is moving into this area Bob Hanger

7 Why Little River Basin? City of Norman Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP)
SWMP Basin and Sub Basin data used for FEMA Study Bob Hanger

8 Why Little River Basin? Project prioritization (FEMA’s Trifecta): Risk
Risk Deciles Need Zone As New Development Elevation data 2007 LiDAR Vikram (RAMPP to present)

9 Source:
Project Scope Initial Coordination Meeting - October 27, 2009 Communities affected by project City of Norman Town of Noble Oklahoma City City of Moore Cleveland County Over the Shoulder Meeting – March 15, 2011 Vikram / RAMPP Source:

10 Project Scope Overview of Scope 14.2 miles to be studied
Detailed (Zone AE) with Floodway 6 Panels to be revised 0025, 0135, 0160, 0180, 0190, 0195, and 0295 Vikram / RAMPP

11 Project Scope – Selected Streams
Community Stream Name Study Type From and To Total Miles Town of Noble and City of Norman Dave Blue Creek Detailed From the current upstream limit of detailed study (at N. Main St.) to a point approx. 1 mile upstream of N. Main St. 1.0 City of Moore and City of Norman Little River From 12th Ave. NE to the current downstream limit of detailed study (approx. 4,500 feet downstream of SW 34th St.) 7.4 Vikram / RAMPP

12 Project Scope – Selected Streams
Community Stream Name Study Type From and To Total Miles City of Moore Stream E Detailed From the current upstream limit of detailed study (approximately 2,200 feet upstream of the confluence of Unnamed Tributary to Stream E) to a point approximately 1.9 miles upstream of the current 1.9 City of Oklahoma City Tributary 3 of Canadian River Tributary 1 From SW 119th St. to a point approximately 0.9 mile upstream of SW 119th St. 0.9 Vikram / RAMPP

13 Project Scope – Selected Streams
Community Stream Name Study Type From and To Total Miles City of Oklahoma City Unnamed Tributary to Cow Creek Tributary 2 North Branch Detailed From the confluence with Cow Creek Tributary 2 North Branch to a point approximately 0.8 mile upstream of the confluence 0.8 City of Moore and City of Norman Unnamed Tributary to Little River From the confluence with Little River to a point approximately 1.7 miles upstream of the confluence 1.7 City of Moore and Cleveland County Unincorporated Areas Stream A LOMR P incorporation n/a Vikram / RAMPP

14 Revised Analysis and Mapping
Topo sources City of Oklahoma City DEM City of Norman 2007 LIDAR National Elevation Dataset (NED) Updated Imagery - City of Norman for panels 0190, 0195, 0295 Roads – Communities County Boundary/City Limits: University of Oklahoma Center for Spatial Analysis Vikram / RAMPP 14

15 Revised Analysis and Mapping
Enhanced Product - Riverine Hydrology Regional Regression Equation used for all streams Vikram / RAMPP 15

16 Revised Analysis and Mapping
Key Areas of Change - Hydrology Discharge Comparison Table (effective FIS in parentheses vs. regression equations) Flooding Source Location Drainage Area / sq. miles Q10yr / cfs Q50yr / cfs Q100yr / cfs Q500yr / cfs Little River Increase from Effective Downstream of the confluence of Stream E 9.12 (8.70) 3,307 (2,590) 6,786 (4,355) 8,175 (5,320) 11,435 (7,680) Stream E Increase from Effective At a point approximately 2,985 ft upstream of Southwest 34th Street 1.24 (1.33) 786 (792) 1,560 (1,320) 1,972 (1,590) 3,172 (2,263) Trib 3 to Canadian River Trib 1 At Southwest 119th Street 1.21 (0.48) 954 (377) 1,786 (681) 2,147 (836) 3,019 (1,228) Vikram / RAMPP Discharge Increases potentially due to drainage area change and urbanization

17 Revised Analysis and Mapping
Enhanced Product - Riverine Hydraulics Recreate effective model HEC-RAS 4.0 / HEC-GeoRAS 4.3 Step-backwater models with normal depth start Multiple frequencies Floodway determination Tie-In to effective BFEs Review with LOMRs Redelineation for Tie-ins Updated Manning’s “n”s Vikram / RAMPP 17

18 Revised Analysis and Mapping
Key Areas of Change - Hydraulics Comparison of Roughness Coefficients Stream Name revised “n” values effective “n” values Channel Overbanks Dave Blue Creek 0.045 0.100 Little River 0.020 – 0.090 0.035 – 0.100 Stream E 0.030 – 0.065 0.040 – 0.055 Trib 3 of Canadian River Trib 1 0.015 – 0.065 0.030 – 0.100 Unnamed Trib to Cow Creek Trib 2 North Branch n/a Unnamed Trib to Little River Vikram / RAMPP

19 Revised Analysis and Mapping - Key Areas of Change
Dave Blue Creek: Panel 295 New Zone AE with Floodway Potential Development Vikram / RAMPP Red lines – effective Shaded Areas – New or Revised Floodplain

20 Revised Analysis and Mapping - Key Areas of Change
Little River: Panel 190 Change from Zone A to AE with Floodway Tie – in Vikram / RAMPP Red lines – effective Shaded Areas – New or Revised Floodplain

21 Revised Analysis and Mapping - Key Areas of Change
Stream E: Panel 160 Change from Zone A to AE with Floodway Reduce Zone A area from previous effective Vikram / RAMPP Red lines – effective Shaded Areas – New or Revised Floodplain

22 Revised Analysis and Mapping - Key Areas of Change
Trib 3 of Canadian River Trib 1: Panel 190 Change from Zone A to AE with Floodway Vikram / RAMPP Red lines – effective Shaded Areas – New or Revised Floodplain

23 Revised Analysis and Mapping - Key Areas of Change
Unnamed Trib to Cow Creek Trib 2 North Branch: Panels 25 & 135 Change from Zone A to AE with Floodway Vikram / RAMPP

24 Cleveland County, City of Moore, & FEMA Collaboration
Stream A FEMA Scoped Study Reach LOMR ( P) submitted by developed in Cleveland County and City of Moore Same extents for FEMA Study and LOMR Data from LOMR used to maximize leverage by community Dan Cary (Cleveland County) Presents. FEMA worked with County to use LOMR data as opposed to a new analysis. Leveraging local data.

25 Incorporated and superseding RAMPP’s draft analysis
LOMR Incorporation LOMR P Incorporated and superseding RAMPP’s draft analysis Other LOMRs on revised panels will be reviewed for the Preliminary Maps: P P P P P P P Dan Cary (Cleveland County) Presents. FEMA worked with County to use LOMR data as opposed to a new analysis. Leveraging local data.

26 Revised Analysis and Mapping – Products
Flood Insurance Study Preliminary DFIRM GIS database Mapping Panels Hardcopy & Digital Ron / FEMA 26

27 Project Study Overview and Results Preliminary Issuance
Tools to assist you in Review of FIRMs Changes Since Last Map Available on-line at Indicate State Indicate County Tool allows Review by panel Address look ups Ron / FEMA

28 Schedule Project Task Completed by Issue Preliminary 09/30/2011
Final CCO Meeting October 2011 90-Day Statutory Appeal Period for new BFEs Spring 2012 Ron / FEMA 28

29 Information Resources
Ron / FEMA 29 29

30 Discovery - Lower North Canadian Watershed
Ron / FEMA 30

31 Questions? Ron / FEMA 31

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