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Presentation on theme: "MODELING SPIN-ORBIT COUPLING IN THE HALOCARBENES"— Presentation transcript:

PHALGUN LOLUR1, RICHARD DAWES1, SILVER NYAMBO2, SCOTT REID2 1 Department of Chemistry, Missouri University of Science and Technology 2 Department of Chemistry, Marquette University Friday, June 26,2015.

2 Outline Halocarbenes Spin-Orbit Coupling Methods
Results and Discussion Conclusions 11/14/2018

3 Outline Halocarbenes Spin-Orbit Coupling Methods
Results and Discussion Conclusions 11/14/2018

4 Halocarbenes Carbenes – Two-coordinate carbon compounds that have two nonbonding electrons and no formal charge on carbon (R1R2C: ) Non-bonding electrons either spin-paired (singlet) or unpaired (triplet) Halocarbenes have the general formula RXC: or X1X2C: Reactivity of carbenes has been extensively studied as they are central to understanding reactive intermediate organic chemistry 11/14/2018

5 Singlet vs. Triplet Reactivity
11/14/2018 Skell, S.; Woodworth, R. C. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1956, 78, 4496.

6 Schematic representations of the three lowest singlet (S0, S1 and S2) and lowest triplet (T1) state of a triatomic carbene XYC: Which of the configurations (singlet vs. triplet) is lower in energy? What is the gap between them, and how is it controlled by substituent-dependent steric and electronic affects? Historically, theory and experiment have been coming together H. F. Schaefer III, Science 231, 1100 (1986). 11/14/2018

7 Potential energy curves for four lowest states of :CHBr from an MRCI/cc-pVTZ calculation
These states form a Renner–Teller (RT) pair that is degenerate in the linear configuration (Figure 2), and the RT effect refers to the strong nonadiabatic interaction between these states that is maximal near the barrier to linearity. The large change in bond angle also leads to axis-tilting and the appearance of forbidden sub-bands, which was recognized in the very first rotationally resolved spectra of the halocarbenes 11/14/2018 Kable et. al., International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 2009, 28(3),

8 Outline Halocarbenes Spin-Orbit Coupling Methods
Results and Discussion Conclusions 11/14/2018

9 Spin-orbit Coupling Responsible for the fine-structure of atomic lines
Interaction between μl and μs Relativistic effect – gets bigger for heavier systems 11/14/2018 Michael Chapman & Carlos Sá de Melo. Nature 471, 41–42 (03 March 2011)

10 2D plot of lowest 1A’, 1A” and 3A” states of CHCl
The two singlets are degenerate for collinear geometries (Theta = 180◦) forming a Renner-Teller pair. The lowest 3A′′ triplet state (transparent) cuts through ground state singlet not far from the minimum and is lower than the singlets for collinear geometries. 11/14/2018

11 Outline Halocarbenes Spin-Orbit Coupling Methods
Results and Discussion Conclusions 11/14/2018

12 Methods MRCI-F12/VQZ-F12 and CCSD(T)-F12/VQZ-F12 methods were used to optimize the geometries Peterson’s new PP F12-bases were used for Bromine and Iodine Singlet-triplet gaps were predicted at the VnZ-F12 and VnZ-PP-F12 levels (n = 2-4). Vibrational frequencies and mass-weighted normal mode displacements (i.e., ℓ-matrices) were computed with CCSD(T)-F12 and MRCI-F12 methods using the VQZ-F12 basis set. Several DFT (B3LYP, M06, and M06-2X) and other post-Hartree-Fock (e.g., MP2) methods were tested for comparison. 11/14/2018

13 Building the Hamiltonian
Diagonal elements– The unperturbed anharmonic vibrational term energies of the singlet and triplet states in the absence of spin-orbit coupling were given by Off-diagonal blocks – Spin-orbit coupling matrix elements Model 1 Model 2 11/14/2018

14 Hamiltonian Singlet vibrational term energies, given by the Dunham Expansion SO Coupling Matrix Elements Triplet vibrational term energies, given by the Dunham Expansion SO Coupling Matrix Elements 11/14/2018

15 Methods Model 1 parameters: Model 2 parameters:
Calculated harmonic frequencies (6) Anharmonic constants (12) Spin-Orbit constant Singlet-Triplet gap Model 2 parameters: Geometry dependence of spin-orbit coupling is explored in this model 11/14/2018

16 Schematic diabatic one-dimensional picture of spin-orbit coupling in the halocarbenes
~ (Model 1) 11/14/2018 Talk about parameters optimized and flexibilities for both models For Model 2, the spin-orbit matrix elements were evaluated by full 3D integration over fitted geometry dependent spin-orbit coupling surfaces.

17 Contour plots showing the geometry dependence of spin-orbit coupling values in CH(D)I.
Coupling values (units of cm−1) vary slightly with the RC–I coordinate in addition to the bend, but negligibly with the RC–H coordinate. 11/14/2018

18 Calculated Franck-Condon factors describing the overlap of the T1 origin with various S0 levels in CHI (0,2,0) Square of vibrational overlap (0,3,0) (0,1,0) MRCI-F12/VQZ-F12 (0,4,0) (0,0,0) (1,2,0) (1,1,0) (1,3,0) (1,0,0) Wavenumber relative to triplet origin (cm-1) 11/14/2018

19 Outline Halocarbenes Spin-Orbit Coupling Methods
Results and Discussion Conclusions 11/14/2018

20 Assignments of the observed energy levels for CHI
Energies are in cm−1. Levels in red are associated with the triplet state. 11/14/2018

21 Mean Average Deviation (MAD) Summary
Species Model 1 MAD (cm-1) Model 2 MAD (cm-1) CHI 2.5 4.3 CDI 4.6 CHBr 3.4 5.7 CDBr 3.2 CHCl 2.1 2.0 CDCl 1.7 Our (Model 1) fit to 53 levels derived from SVL emission and SEP measurements yielded a MAD of 2.1 cm−1 in CHCl, which is a more than twofold improvement over a simple Dunham expansion fit to the observed singlet levels. 11/14/2018

22 Calculated and fit CHI and CDI vibrational frequencies in cm−1

23 Calculated and fit CHBr and CDBr vibrational frequencies in cm−1

24 Calculated and fit CHCl and CDCl vibrational frequencies in cm−1

25 Calculated singlet-triplet gaps for CHI, CHBr and CHCl and comparison with both the models in cm-1
Model 1 ΔEST – Method/Basis VDZ-PP-F12 VTZ-PP-F12 VQZ-PP-F12 MRCI-F12 CCSD-F12 Model 2 ΔEST – CHBr Method/Basis VDZ-PP-F12 VTZ-PP-F12 VQZ-PP-F12 MRCI-F12 CCSD-F12 Model 1 ΔEST – Model 2 ΔEST – CHCl Method/Basis VDZ-F12 VTZ-F12 VQZ-F12 MRCI-F12 CCSD-F12 Model 1 ΔEST – Model 2 ΔEST – Method/Basis CVDZ-F12 CVTZ-F12 CVQZ-F12 (AE) MRCI-F12 (AE) CCSD-F12 11/14/2018

26 Energy level diagrams for CHBr in the 3700–4900 cm−1 region

27 Correlation of derived CH(D)X spin-orbit coupling constants (model 1) with the experimental values of the corresponding halogen atoms 11/14/2018

28 Outline Halocarbenes Spin-Orbit Coupling Methods
Results and Discussion Conclusions 11/14/2018

29 Conclusions Many new assignments were possible
Improved experimental values for the singlet-triplet gaps were calculated for comparison with theoretical predictions Detailed information on derived spin-orbit coupling constants is provided 11/14/2018

30 Acknowledgements Dawes Research group: Richard Dawes Moumita Majumder
Steve Ndengue Andrew Powell Collaborators: Scott Reid, Marquette Silver Nyambo, Marquette Department of Chemistry, Missouri S&T 11/14/2018


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