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“A Modest Proposal” Jonathan Swift p. 801.

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Presentation on theme: "“A Modest Proposal” Jonathan Swift p. 801."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A Modest Proposal” Jonathan Swift p. 801

2 1st Period: Reading Quiz
List some of the details of life in Ireland that the essay revealed In one sentence “summarize” the proposal Who are the major targets of Swift’s proposal? Does Swift suggest in any way that the Irish are responsible for their plight? Explain.

3 Background Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)
Modest Proposal published in 1729 as a pamphlet Ireland (not an independent country) was far poorer than England. The landlords were paid from the produce of the land. If the laborers lost their work, there would always be other poor people to take it up. No social security system and starvation was common

4 Do Now! Jot down the two or three of the most important political or social issues in this country. Then, jot down a sentence or two detailing a way that you would solve these problems.

5 Guided Reading: Answer on your own paper
Pre-reading: What does the title suggest to you? From the title, what do you expect this essay will be about? Introduction and definition to the problem: What is the problem, and to what extent is it a problem? What information leads you to your conclusion?

6 Guided Reading: Answer on your own paper
Proposed solution: What is the proposed solution? In what ways is it preposterous/absurd? Implementation: Briefly, what would be involved in implementing the proposal?

7 Guided Reading: Answer on your own paper
Endorsements: Who are the persons who appear to endorse the proposal? In what ways do their endorsements help or hurt the proposal? How do you know? Advantages: What are some of the principal advantages of the proposal?

8 Guided Reading: Answer on your own paper
Possible objections, concession, and refutation What are the possible objections to the proposal? In what ways does Swift concede some of the objections? In what ways does Sift refute some of the objections?

9 Guided Reading: Answer on your own paper
Closing: What means does Swift use to reiterate his apparent sincerity? Whom does Sift criticize in this piece? What changes does he hope to bring about? Describe Swift’s tone in this essay.

10 Your turn! Write your own modest proposal modeled after Swift’s essay.
Think of an outlandish solution to a social or political problem in our society. Your essay should be a minimum of two well developed paragraphs (5-7 sentences).

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