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OPENING SLIDE---on “Show my Screen” at beginning of session.

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Presentation on theme: "OPENING SLIDE---on “Show my Screen” at beginning of session."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process: Preparing the Summative and Other End of Year Essentials
OPENING SLIDE---on “Show my Screen” at beginning of session. Checking audio settings with participants:  Good afternoon everyone.  If you can hear the sound of my voice, your settings should be ok for today’s session.  If you would, please signify your audio is working by raising your hand on the dashboard beside your name.  Thank you.  We will begin the webinar shortly. *PUSH RECORD BEFORE STARTING SESSION Good afternoon everyone… My name is Dianne Meiggs, and I am here with Elizabeth Edwards and Beth Ann Williams.  We welcome you to the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process: Preparing the Summative and Other End of Year Essentials Webinar. We are part of the Educator Recruitment and Development Division at DPI.  This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to review the summative evaluation process as well as review other end of year procedures as related to the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System.  We would like to begin our session with some reminders about webinar protocol… 1)   We are recording today’s webinar.  We will share a wiki address where you will be able to access this webinar for future use.  2)   Your microphones are muted, but remember, you can communicate with us through the questions bar on your dashboard.  3)   The questions bar is also where you may ask questions throughout the session that will be answered either orally for the entire group or to you personally by our team.  4)   If you lose your connection, just log back in with your original webinar link. You can also additional personal questions or concerns to the addresses listed on the next slide. 5)   As always, you are welcome to use our documents as training materials in your LEA or charter school. Are there any questions before we begin?

2 NCDPI Educator Recruitment & Development
Dianne Hawkins Meiggs Professional Development Consultant Region 1 Elizabeth Edwards Professional Development Consultant Region 1 As I shared before, my name is Dianne Meiggs, and I am very glad to be hosting this webinarThe evolution of the North Carolina Evaluation System has been one of the most important initiatives North Carolina has undertaken to allow educators to be recognized as the professionals that they truly are. Joining me today are my colleagues Elizabeth Edwards and Beth Ann Williams. Again, if you have questions, you can use the questions bar, or you can me, Heather Mullins, Beth Ann Williams, Eliz Colbert, or Robert Sox. Robert Sox Professional Development Consultant Eliz Colbert, Ed.D Lead Professional Development Consultant Beth Ann Williams Web Content Manager

3 Each Region of North Carolina has been assigned one or two Professional Development Consultants who can also support and provide training you as you work with the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System. Please contact the Professional Development Consultants in your region if you need face to face support or training.

4 NC Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) Wiki
As I shared earlier, we are recording today’s webinar.  You may access this webinar and other materials related to the NC Educator Evaluation System for future use by visiting our NCEES Wiki at At this time, I would like to turn the webinar over to my colleague, Beth Ann Williams who will give you a quick tour of the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System wiki. Please join the wiki to get all the latest updates. Thanks you Beth Ann Elizabeth Edwards will now share the logistics and reminders for this webinar.

5 Agenda Sharing the Webinar Protocol
Understanding the Summary Evaluation Scoring the Rubric Reviewing Ratings Using the Electronic Signature Accessing the Record of Teacher Activities Form Thank you, Beth Ann. Please take a moment to review the agenda for today’s webinar. After we share the information regarding webinar protocol, we will discuss the following topics: Understanding the Summary Evaluation, Scoring the Rubric, Reviewing Ratings, Using the Electronic Signature, and Accessing the Record of Teacher Activities Form. Are there any questions?

6 Webinar FYIs Questions Bar
Webinars are recorded and conversations logged Please reduce all possible distractions in environment Questions Bar Mute is enabled for all participants Session will not automatically end if we run past time We have a few suggestions to ensure you have a successful webinar experience. As we shared before, webinars are recorded, and conversations are logged for future use. Please reduce all possible distractions in your environment. You will see the following feature on the webinar – the questions bar as indicated by the bubble chat icon. Use this questions bar to send questions directly to the facilitators. Because we have many participants, mute has been enabled for all participants to ensure audio quality for all. At the end of the session, we will address questions we receive from participants during the webinar. If we do go over the allotted time in order to respond to questions, this webinar will not end automatically. If you have any questions after the webinar, please feel free to those questions to the presenters. We will share our addresses again at the end of today’s webinar.

7 Important Reminder The online tool will lockdown on June 30, 2012
for all teacher and administrator evaluations. All data needs to be in the tool by this deadline. Before we get started, we do have a few important reminders: First, the online tool will lock down on June 30, 2012 for all teacher and administrator evaluations. It is imperative that all data has been entered into the tool by this deadline. Remember that the lock down also applies to the principal/assistant principal tool as well. Please share this information with the Superintendent and others who perform executive evaluations.

8 Important Reminder To be complete, all forms must be electronically signed by the evaluator and the educator. The system will archive all forms on June 30, 2012. To be complete, all forms must be electronically signed by the evaluator and the educator. On June 30, 2012, the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System will archive all forms.

9 Four Formal Observations
Important Reminder Probationary Teachers Four Formal Observations Standards 1-5 Three Administrative One Peer Career Status in Renewal Year Three Observations One must be Formal Career Status NOT in License Renewal Two Abbreviated Observations Standards 1 & 4 Before you begin the Summative Process make sure you have completed the following: In the online tool, Probationary Teachers should have four formal observations that address all standards. Three of these observations should be completed by an administrator, and one should be completed by a peer. Career status teachers in their renewal year of licensure must have 3 observations on Standards one through five . One observation must be a formal observation. These observations must also be completed in the online tool on all standards. Career teachers NOT in their license renewal year should receive two abbreviated observations on standards one and four, which also must be completed in the online tool. It is important to note that a teacher may request a full observation which include standards one through five. You should have signed and completed a year end review of the Professional Development Plan for this school year for each teacher. The completed North Carolina Educator Evaluation Process for every teacher must be completed in the online tool by June 30, To be completed, all forms must be properly electronically signed by both the evaluator and the educator by June 30, 2012. *This is a minimum standard to meet the state requirement. The district may require additional observations. Any teacher may be moved to a full cycle as needed.

10 Teacher Evaluation Process
STEP 1: Training and Orientation STEP 2: Teacher Self-Assessment and Pre-Observation Conference STEP 4: Summary Evaluation Conference, Scoring the Teacher Summary Rating Form and Professional Development Plan STEP 3: Observations and Post-Observation Conferences Today we will be discussing Step 4 in the Teacher Evaluation Process. This step includes conducting the summary evaluation conference, scoring the teacher’s summary rating form, and reviewing the Record of Teacher Activities Form. It is important to note that Professional Development Forms will be created when the Summary Evaluation Form is opened. However, we will not discuss this element of the process at this time. If you would like more information about how to complete the Professional Development Plan, please visit the North Carolina Educator Evaluation Wiki where you can register to attend the webinar on Professional Development Plans. The webinar will take place on April 20th at 9:00 am.

11 Performance Rating Scale
Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence on standards of performance Distinguished Not Demonstrated Did not demonstrate competence on, or adequate growth toward, achieving standard(s) of performance *Requires documentation Exceeded basic competence on standards for performance most of the time Accomplished Demonstrated basic competence on standards of performance Proficient Before we begin taking a deeper look at the online tools and process to complete Step 4 of the Teacher Evaluation Process, it is imperative that the evaluator has a clear understanding the Performance Rating Scale when determining the overall rating for each standard. It is also important that the evaluator explain this scale as a growth model to the teacher being evaluated. Because our evaluation instrument is a growth model, it is important to note that the goal of the model is to provide a means for each educator to work toward continuous improvement over time throughout his/her career. As reflective practioners and lifelong learners who aspire to perfect our craft of teaching, the North Carolina Educator Evaluation Instrument provides all educators with an opportunity to self-evaluate to determine strengths and to set goals for improvement. Let’s take a moment to review each rating. Teachers rated as DEVELOPING demonstrated adequate growth during the period of performance, but did not demonstrate competence on the standards. Teachers rated as PROFICIENT demonstrated basic competence on standards. PROFICIENT is the minimum performance rating a beginning teacher must have for each of the standards in order to receive a Standard Professional II license at the end of three years. Teachers rated as ACCOMPLISHED exceeded basic competence on standards for performance most of the time. Teachers rated as DISTINGUISHED consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence on standards. These teachers are not only master teachers in their own classrooms, but they assume a larger leadership role, sharing their expertise with others and impacting high-level programs, decisions, and professional development opportunities for their colleagues and others outside of their school or LEA/Charter. If an indicator is NOT DEMONSTRATED, the teacher did not demonstrate competence on or adequate growth toward achieving the standard. The evaluator must provide documentation to accompany any rating of NOT DEMONSTRATED. In other words, a written explanation of specific teacher actions, omissions, or inadequacies and suggestions for improvement must accompany a rating of NOT DEMONSTRATED. Before we examine the teacher’s summary rating form, we will pause for questions. If you have questions, please type them into the questions bar at this time. (Pause for questions). Please note that we will look at the rating scale again as it applies to scoring the Summary Rating Form at a later point in today’s webinar. At this time, Dianne Meiggs will lead a discussion through creating the teacher summary rating form. Demonstrated adequate growth during the period of performance, but did not demonstrate competence on standard(s) of performance Developing 11

12 Introduction – Getting Started
Principal Demo Site Username: principaldemo12 Password: Thank you Elizabeth. For the purpose of this webinar, which is to review the process, we will be logging on to the Principal Demo site. You can also turn to page 22 in the Principal’s Online Software Manual for the Educator Evaluation System and follow along. You may want to use a highlighter to emphasize key steps. To complete a teacher’s summary rating form for your staff, you must log into the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System Website Type in your username provided to you by your district or charter. Today we will use Principaldemo12. Type in your password This number is also called the UID number. Click Login.

13 Observe/Report Click on NC Educator Evaluation System Icon
The Observe/Report is already highlighted. Click on Observations

14 Observer Task Tab Make sure you on the Observer Task Tab.
Some of you may need to use the drop-down list in the “Select School” or “Select Group” fields if teachers have been assigned to different evaluators or are located at a different site. From the list on the left, select the teacher’s name. The name will highlight when selected. Today we are using Loriane Griffy.

15 New Form Be certain you select “New Form” as opposed to the “New Observation.” A common mistake here is clicking on the “new observation” icon instead of the “new form” icon. Click on the “New Form” icon to begin work on the Teacher Summary Rating Form. The form is pre-populated, but you have the opportunity at this point to rename the form. There is no need to change the “form type” box. Click on the “next” button.

16 Pre-Populated Form When you click NEXT, three forms will automatically be created for the teacher: Teacher Summary Rating Form, Professional Development Plan, and Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities. This is where you will return after you have completed the Teacher Summary Rating Form to review the Record of Teacher Activities and complete the Professional Development Plan for NEXT ( ) Year. Click on the “next” button.

17 Summary Rating Form Now you will see a Summary Rating Form.
Some of the information at the top is pre-populated, and some you will need to complete. Use the drop-down menu to select the Teacher’s Status. It is very important that you select the correct Teacher Status. This helps you determine weather you will use the Full evaluation, standards 1-5 or the Abbreviated evaluation, standards 1 and 4. Make sure you put your title in the “Evaluator’s Title” line Today we will be using the abbreviated summary form. Use the drop down box to highlight the Abbreviated Evaluation. Remember the Abbreviated evaluation will allow you to only use information from Standard one and four.  

18 View Rubric Form You can choose to view all of the completed observations for this teacher by selecting the form you want to see from the “View Rubrics” drop down box and then clicking on the magnifying glass for the observation you want to review. The form you wish to view will open in a new window or tab. Reviewing observations will help you determine the comments you will use during the Summary Rating Form Conference and help you determine the overall status for each standard. Click on to view observation 2 Show comments Take a few moments to view the comments.

19 Viewing Previous Observations
To the left of each element, you should click on the “plus” symbol to reveal the ratings from all previous observations. The number next to the check mark indicates how many times the element was checked on the observation. This information will help you determine the rating for each element. You should decide on the rating based on the information from the previous observations and comments. It is important to note that ratings should not be determined based on an average of the ratings a teacher has received over the course of the year. One determining factor should be the progression of ratings from the initial observation to the final observation as well as other indications of the teacher’s performance as observed throughout the year. Remember in order to be rated as DEVELOPING, all boxes under developing must be checked (Some boxes in proficient might also be checked). In order to be rated PROFICIENT, all boxes in developing and proficient must be checked (some boxes in accomplished might also be checked) . In order to be rated ACCOMOPLISHED, all boxes under developing, all boxes under proficient, and all boxes under accomplished must be checked. In order to be rated DISTINGUISHED, all boxes in developing, proficient, accomplished and all boxes in distinguished must be checked. Let’s do this together. What do you think this teacher should be rated based on her observation data for Element 1A. Please put your rating in the question bar? The correct response is “Accomplished” because all boxes were selected for developing, proficient and accomplished. You will need to collapse this information by clicking on the minus symbol so you can see all the ratings at the end of the standard. Continue the process with each element in every standard.

20 The Evaluator should score each element within a standard to determine the level of performance for
that element. For example, Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership has five elements: Teachers lead in their classroom; Teachers demonstrate leadership in school; Teachers lead in the teaching profession; Teachers advocate for schools and students; and Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards. The rater will score each of the elements separately, and the combined individual element scores will determine the overall status for the standard. The rater should begin with the left-hand column and mark each descriptor that describes the performance of the teacher during the period for which he or she is being evaluated. If the rater is not able to mark any of the descriptors for an element, then the Not Demonstrated column is used. In such a case, the rater must write a comment about what was observed and suggestions for improving performance. The rating for each descriptor is the lowest rating for which all descriptors are marked. What would you rate element 1b based on what you see in the slide? Remember what we talked about earlier. Please take a few minutes and enter your rating in the question bar. Good we all seem to agree. Based on the information the rating should be Accomplished. All boxes are checked under Developing, Proficient and Accomplished. Lets look at another element 1d. Please take a few minutes to enter your rating in the question bar. It looks like we understand how important fidelity is in scoring the rubric. Let’s move on

21 Radio Buttons For each standard and each element, click the radio button that best demonstrates the teacher’s performance. You must make a selection for every element as well as for the overall rating for the standard. If you omit any element, you will be unable to sign the form later. Remember the administrator completing the Summary Evaluation holds a current Administrator License. Based on the collection of data for the year, the evaluator must select an overall rating for the standard. The licensed administrator should take the time to review all the observation evidence, read carefully the comments and then decide the overall rating for each standard. There is no set way to determine the rating. The evaluator who completes the summary rating form has to make a determination based on the information he/she knows about the teacher. Many things need to be considered. The overall rating is not an average. Let’s look at the observations of Lorraine Griffey for Standard 1. I hold a current Administrator License and have completed all the observations for Ms. Griffey. I have reviewed the comments and observation information for each element. Based on your Professional Judgment What is the rating you would give Ms. Griffey. Place your rating in the questions box “The professional judgment of the Licensed NC Administrator based on all available data should be used in the final rating.  The rating could be  ----or---- or--- We encourage Principals and Assistant Principals to be prepared for critical conversations with teachers when discussing the final rating.  Evaluators should be prepared to support their decisions based on the observations, evidence, and artifacts. Most of you agree that her overall rating is accomplished. Some of you may rate her differently.   

22 Additional Documentation
You can also type information in the boxes for Comments, Recommended Actions for Improvement, and Resources Needed to Complete the Actions at this time. You should also check the appropriate boxes in the Evidences and Documentation field. After completing the entire Summary Rating Form, you will also have the option of adding additional documentation. You will find the spot to upload additional documentation near the bottom of the form, just above the signatures. Let’s take a look at standard 4 together. Rating element 4a based on the observation data and comments, Ms Griffey will be rated accomplished. Remember to click on the (minus) - button to collapse. Watch as we go through each element. Look at element 4e, notice that not all boxes are selected under accomplished; therefore, this teacher is rated proficient. Let’s look at the overall rating. You should look at all the comments from all of the observations before you determine the overall rating for each standard. Remember the administrator completing the Summary Evaluation holds a current Administrator License. “The professional judgment of the Licensed NC Administrator based on all available data should be used in the final rating.  The rating could be  ----or---- or--- Again we encourage Principals and Assistant Principals to be prepared for critical conversations with teachers when discussing the final rating.  Evaluators should be prepared to support their decisions based on the observations, evidence, and artifacts. Based on the collection of data for the year, the licensed NC Administrator must select an overall rating for the standard. What do you think this teacher should be rated based on her observation data for Standard 4? I hold a current Administrator License and have completed all the observations for Ms. Griffey. I have reviewed the comments and observation information for each element. Based on your Professional Judgment What is the rating you would give Ms. Griffey. Place your rating in the questions bar? Based on my professional judgment and the data available I determined the overall rating for standard four should be accomplished. Most of us agree. There may be several of you who have reasons to rate Ms. Griffy at a higher or lower level based on the information you have such as: the growth from observation one to two, who completed the observation and their knowledge and skill level, and other factors that you are aware of. All of these must be considered when determining the overall rating for each standard. It is your Professional Judgment. Before we leave this standard please note Element 4e may be an area where the teacher has potential for professional growth. We will pause for any questions that you may have about the overall rating for each standard.

23 Summary Status When you are certain that you are finished, return to the “Summary Status” box at the top. Click on this box. This will allow the teacher to view the form. You should schedule a summary evaluation conference to acquire the required signatures and discuss the evaluation ratings. During the Summary Evaluation Conference the evaluator should provide specific performance feedback to the teacher based on the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards, evaluator observations, and artifacts submitted or collected as part of the evaluation process. Any descriptor that is marked in the category of Not Demonstrated requires the evaluator to comment.

24 Electronic Signature After you have chosen all of the Overall Ratings for all of the standards (1-5 or 1 and 4), click the save icon at the top. You do not want to sign the evaluation at this time because you do not have the teacher present, click the SAVE icon before leaving the Teacher Summary Rating Form. You will return to this form once you have notified the teacher of the conference date and time. After you have finished the Summary Evaluation Conference with the teacher you are now ready to sign the form. Click on the Principal/Evaluator Signature box at the bottom of the form. After clicking the box you will receive a warning box that says: “Are you sure you want to sign the summary rating form? After signing the form you will not be able to modify it anymore.” Click OK Enter your password. Click on “Authenticate” Notice the principal box becomes lighter. After you sign the form, it is locked and no further changes can be made. The teacher is now able to authenticate (sign) the form on your computer using the same process with their UID and password. This process should be done together on the Evaluators Computer. Please note that after both you and the teacher have signed the form, the “Add Comments” box will become live for the teacher. The teacher will have to log into the system again using their own UID and password to add comments. It is important to remind the teacher that Comments can not be changed after adding. You will receive an if comments were added. If this happens, you as the evaluator will need to log into the form again and sign authenticating the teachers comments. You have completed the Summary rating form, now click “Done” located at the top of the page. This will return you to the Observation Manager screen.

25 Let’s Practice
123456 We are now going to provide 5-8 minutes for you to create a summary rating form in the demo site. If you have not already done so please log on to the demo site using the url on the screen. User Name: principaldemo12 --The password for the Demo site is You may use the same teacher we have used –The teacher we are evaluating is Lorraine Griffy. Use the steps we have discussed earlier in the webinar to create a new Summary Evaluation form. Practice the electronic signature process. Please mark the form using the information we have shared with you today. You may ask questions via the questions bar during this time and we will respond. It will be silent during this time while you practice.

26 Questions
RETURN TO PPT: At this time, we will address questions that have been entered on the questions bar. We are almost done. Let’s look at the Record of Teacher Activities.

27 Record of Teacher Activities Form
Click Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities (form was automatically created when the Summary Rating Sheet was created) in the Forms box After both the evaluator and teacher have signed the form it is important to check to see that all information is complete on the Record of Teacher Activities Form. Once you have completed the signatures you will click done and be returned to the Observation Manager on the green bar. Make sure you highlight the teacher name. Under form click on Record of Teacher Activities for If there is any information missing it can be completed at this time by clicking the box. You may use the teacher background section to list any additional information about the teacher or to record any other comments. Some Principals use this space to identify any discrepancies about signature dates.

28 The form will indicate when each activity was signed by the teacher and the evaluator
This form will allow you to confirm attendance at orientation and pre-observation conferences. Click in the appropriate checkbox(es) to sign. You will be prompted by a pop-up dialog box to authenticate yourself by entering your password. Note: This form will not allow the teacher to sign certain activities from the principal’s computer. The teacher must login with this/her own UID and Password to sign; i.e., Orientation, Pre-Observation Conference, etc. You have now completed the Summative Process.

29 Questions
RETURN TO PPT: At this time, we will address questions that have been entered on the questions bar. Please give us just a few moments to gather those questions. If you have any additional questions at this time, please enter those into the questions bar. We will return shortly. Return to answer questions….

30 Important Reminder The online tool will lockdown on June 30, 2012
for all teacher and administrator evaluations. All data needs to be in the tool by this deadline. Before we end, we want to remind you again that the online tool will lock down on June 30, 2012 for all teacher and administrator evaluations. It is imperative that all data has been entered into the tool by this deadline. Remember that the lock down also applies to the principal/assistant principal tool as well. Please share this information with everyone who needs to know.

31 Survey Live survey link:
Before we end this webinar we ask you to complete an evaluation survey for this module. By completing the survey it is an opportunity for you to let us know how we can improve future webinars. You may complete the survey at this time. If you registered for the webinar, you will also receive an after the webinar asking you to complete the survey.

32 North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process: Preparing the Summative and Other End of Year Essentials
Thank you for joining us today for our webinar on Preparing the Summative and other End of Year Essentials. Remember, we will post this webinar on the NC Educator Evaluation wiki at shortly. We would also like to remind you that you can continue to your questions to our team, Dianne Meiggs, Elizabeth Edwards, Beth Ann Williams, or any of the Professional Development Consultants that serve your Region. At this time, we will end the webinar. Again, thank you for joining us today.

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