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What have we learned from Performance Data reported in FY 2015?

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1 What have we learned from Performance Data reported in FY 2015?
2016 NEUAC Conference

2 LIHEAP Performance Management
What have we learned from the Performance Data reported by grantees in FY 2015? What are the causes of high energy burden? How well does LIHEAP address high energy burden? How important is LIHEAP in maintaining energy service? How can Performance Data be used to target benefits?

3 Topic 1 – Causes of High Energy Burden
What causes of high energy burden can we determine from Performance Data? Lower Income – High burden clients have about 1/2 the income of the average recipient household Higher Priced Fuels – High burden clients are more likely to use delivered fuels Higher Usage – High burden clients usually have moderately higher bills than the average recipient household

4 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel
Topic 1 – Example State #1 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels B. All Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 1. Unduplicated Number of Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 64,344 44,381 17,322 1,933 696 12 2. Average Annual Household Income $12,885 $12,665 $13,316 $13,769 $13,776 $10,569 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $291 $280 $271 $651 $452 $622 4. Average Annual Main Heating Fuel Bill $1,628 $1,816 $1,186 $1,347 $1,428 $620 5. Average Annual Electricity Bill $295 $886 $1,349 $1,458 $857 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill $1,923 $2,072 $2,696 $2,886 $1,477 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 14.9% 14.3% 15.6% 19.6% 20.9% 14.0% C. High Burden Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 1. Unduplicated Number of High Burden Households (Top 25%) with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 16,087 10,694 4,392 730 268 3 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $6,940 $6,705 $7,134 $8,567 $8,747 $3,692 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $511 $506 $467 $823 $572 $664 4. Average Annual Main Heating Fuel Bill for High Burden Households $2,317 $2,692 $1,521 $1,747 $1,955 $665 5. Average Annual Electricity Bill for High Burden Households $389 $1,071 $1,529 $1,634 $1,208 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households $2,706 $2,592 $3,276 $3,589 $1,873 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 39.0% 40.1% 36.3% 38.2% 41.0% 50.7%

5 Topic 1 – Example State #1 (cont.)
High burden households tend to have lower income and higher bills High burden households tend to use higher priced fuels High Burden Clients Compared to Average Clients Income Energy Expenditures All Households 54% 141% Electricity 53% 148% Natural Gas 125% Fuel Oil 62% 122% Propane 63% 124% Other Fuels 35% 127%

6 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel
Topic 1 – Example State #2 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels B. All Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 1. Unduplicated Number of Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 45,240 8,673 36,408 159 2. Average Annual Household Income $14,913 $12,503 $15,484 $0 $15,758 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $442 $382 $456 $542 4. Average Annual Main Heating Fuel Bill $805 $1,194 $709 $1,428 5. Average Annual Electricity Bill $898 $1,110 $1,360 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill $1,703 $1,819 NA $2,788 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 11.4% 9.5% 11.7% 17.7% C. High Burden Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 1. Unduplicated Number of High Burden Households (Top 25%) with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 11,310 1,666 9,541 103 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $7,183 $5,765 $7,385 $11,434 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $481 $428 $489 $555 4. Average Annual Main Heating Fuel Bill for High Burden Households $922 $1,671 $785 $1,541 5. Average Annual Electricity Bill for High Burden Households $1,126 $1,320 $1,355 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households $2,048 $2,105 $2,896 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 28.5% 29.0% 25.3%

7 Topic 1 – Example State #2 (cont.)
High burden households tend to have lower income and higher bills High burden households tend to use higher priced fuels High Burden Clients Compared to Average Client Income Energy Expenditures All Households 48% 120% Electricity 46% 140% Natural Gas 116% Fuel Oil NA Propane 73% 104% Other Fuels

8 Topic 2 – Addressing High Energy Burden
What do Performance Data tell us about how states address high energy burden through LIHEAP? Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for All Households and High Burden Households (Gross Burden) Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP for All Households and High Burden Households (Net Burden) Benefit Targeting Index for High Burden Households Burden Reduction Targeting Index for High Burden Households

9 Topic 2 – Benefit Targeting Index
This measure tells us whether high energy burden households receive higher LIHEAP benefits than average households. = 100: High burden households receive the same average LIHEAP benefit as the average household. < 100: High burden households receive a lower average LIHEAP benefit as the average household. > 100: High burden households receive a higher average LIHEAP benefit than the average household.

10 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel
Topic 2 – Example State #1 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels B. All Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income $12,885 $12,665 $13,316 $13,769 $13,776 $10,569 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $291 $280 $271 $651 $452 $622 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill $1,923 $1,816 $2,072 $2,696 $2,886 $1,477 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 14.9% 14.3% 15.6% 19.6% 20.9% 14.0% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP 12.7% 12.1% 13.5% 17.7% 8.1% C. High Burden Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $6,940 $6,705 $7,134 $8,567 $8,747 $3,692 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $511 $506 $467 $823 $572 $664 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households $2,706 $2,692 $2,592 $3,276 $3,589 $1,873 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 39.0% 40.1% 36.3% 38.2% 41.0% 50.7% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 31.6% 32.6% 29.8% 28.6% 34.5% 32.7% D. Benefit Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 176 181 172 126 127 107 E. Burden Reduction Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 125 122 138 104 102 84

11 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel
Topic 2 – Example State #2 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels B. All Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income $15,924 $14,589 $16,185 $17,412 $15,965 $16,205 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $407 $493 $375 $790 $679 $627 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill $2,023 $1,626 $2,061 $3,585 $3,562 $2,786 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 12.7% 11.1% 20.6% 22.3% 17.2% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP 10.1% 7.8% 10.4% 16.1% 18.1% 13.3% C. High Burden Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $7,663 $8,525 $7,404 $9,899 $8,408 $9,219 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $466 $559 $432 $902 $759 $670 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households $2,700 $2,537 $2,668 $4,804 $4,574 $3,634 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 35.2% 29.8% 36.0% 48.5% 54.4% 39.4% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 29.1% 23.2% 30.2% 45.4% 32.2% D. Benefit Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 114 113 115 112 107 E. Burden Reduction Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 86 73 89 85 87 82

12 Topic 2 – Example State #2 (cont.)
V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels B. All Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income $15,924 $14,589 $16,185 $17,412 $15,965 $16,205 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $407 $493 $375 $790 $679 $627 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill $2,023 $1,626 $2,061 $3,585 $3,562 $2,786 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 12.7% 11.1% 20.6% 22.3% 17.2% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP 10.1% 7.8% 10.4% 16.1% 18.1% 13.3% C. High Burden Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $7,663 $8,525 $7,404 $9,899 $8,408 $9,219 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $568 $669 $532 $1,002 $859 $770 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households $2,700 $2,537 $2,668 $4,804 $4,574 $3,634 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 35.2% 29.8% 36.0% 48.5% 54.4% 39.4% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 27.8% 21.9% 28.8% 38.4% 44.2% 31.1% D. Benefit Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 139 136 142 127 123 E. Burden Reduction Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 105 87 110 95 99 94

13 Topic 2 –Burden Reduction Targeting Index
This measure tells us whether high energy burden households have a larger share of their energy bill paid with LIHEAP than average households. = 100: High burden households had the same share of their home energy bill paid by LIHEAP as the average household. < 100: High burden households had a smaller share of their home energy bill paid by LIHEAP than the average household. > 100: High burden households had a larger share of their home energy bill paid by LIHEAP than the average household.

14 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel
Topic 2 – Example State #1 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels B. All Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income $12,885 $12,665 $13,316 $13,769 $13,776 $10,569 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $291 $280 $271 $651 $452 $622 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill $1,923 $1,816 $2,072 $2,696 $2,886 $1,477 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 14.9% 14.3% 15.6% 19.6% 20.9% 14.0% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP 12.7% 12.1% 13.5% 17.7% 8.1% C. High Burden Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $6,940 $6,705 $7,134 $8,567 $8,747 $3,692 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $511 $506 $467 $823 $572 $664 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households $2,706 $2,692 $2,592 $3,276 $3,589 $1,873 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 39.0% 40.1% 36.3% 38.2% 41.0% 50.7% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 31.6% 32.6% 29.8% 28.6% 34.5% 32.7% D. Benefit Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 176 181 172 126 127 107 E. Burden Reduction Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 125 122 138 104 102 84

15 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel
Topic 2 – Example State #2 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels B. All Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income $15,924 $14,589 $16,185 $17,412 $15,965 $16,205 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $407 $493 $375 $790 $679 $627 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill $2,023 $1,626 $2,061 $3,585 $3,562 $2,786 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 12.7% 11.1% 20.6% 22.3% 17.2% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP 10.1% 7.8% 10.4% 16.1% 18.1% 13.3% C. High Burden Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $7,663 $8,525 $7,404 $9,899 $8,408 $9,219 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $466 $559 $432 $902 $759 $670 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households $2,700 $2,537 $2,668 $4,804 $4,574 $3,634 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 35.2% 29.8% 36.0% 48.5% 54.4% 39.4% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 29.1% 23.2% 30.2% 45.4% 32.2% D. Benefit Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 114 113 115 112 107 E. Burden Reduction Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 86 73 89 85 87 82

16 Topic 2 – Example State #2 (cont.)
V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels B. All Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income $15,924 $14,589 $16,185 $17,412 $15,965 $16,205 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $407 $493 $375 $790 $679 $627 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill $2,023 $1,626 $2,061 $3,585 $3,562 $2,786 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 12.7% 11.1% 20.6% 22.3% 17.2% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP 10.1% 7.8% 10.4% 16.1% 18.1% 13.3% C. High Burden Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $7,663 $8,525 $7,404 $9,899 $8,408 $9,219 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $568 $669 $532 $1,002 $859 $770 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households $2,700 $2,537 $2,668 $4,804 $4,574 $3,634 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 35.2% 29.8% 36.0% 48.5% 54.4% 39.4% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 27.8% 21.9% 28.8% 38.4% 44.2% 31.1% D. Benefit Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 139 136 142 127 123 E. Burden Reduction Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 105 87 110 95 99 94

17 Topic 3 – Maintaining Energy Service
What do Performance Data tell us about the importance of LIHEAP in maintaining energy service? Restoration of Home Energy Service due to bill payment issues or inoperable equipment in need of repair or replacement Prevention of Loss of Home Energy Service due to bill payment issues or operable equipment in need of repair or replacement

Energy Source (where LIHEAP benefit was applied) A. All Occurrences of LIHEAP Households that Had: All Occurrences Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels 1. Energy Service Restored After Disconnection 981 797 184 2. Fuel Delivered to Home that Ran Out of Fuel 23 22 1 3. Repair/Replacement of Inoperable Home Energy Equipment 21 17 3 VII. PREVENTION OF LOSS OF HOME ENERGY SERVICE 1. Past Due Notice or Utility Disconnect Notice 11,406 9,199 2,207 2. Imminent Risk of Running out of Fuel 345 336 8 3. Repair/Replacement of Operable Equipment to Prevent Imminent Home Energy Loss

19 Prevented Service Loss
Topic 3 – Example State #1 What share of bill payment-assisted households did LIHEAP prevent or restore service loss? Service loss was prevented or restored for 12,755 households experiencing bill payment issues, or 16% of the 79,178 households that received bill payment assistance in FY 2015. Are there differences observed by fuel type to which the benefit was applied? Fuel Type Total Restored Service Loss Prevented Service Loss Electricity 9,996 8% 92% Natural Gas 2,391 Fuel Oil 1 0% 100% Propane 358 6% 94% Other Fuels 9 11% 89%

Energy Source (where LIHEAP benefit was applied) A. All Occurrences of LIHEAP Households that Had: All Occurrences Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels 1. Energy Service Restored After Disconnection 6,197 893 5,304 2. Fuel Delivered to Home that Ran Out of Fuel 10,481 9,709 480 292 3. Repair/Replacement of Inoperable Home Energy Equipment 56 19 35 2 VII. PREVENTION OF LOSS OF HOME ENERGY SERVICE 1. Past Due Notice or Utility Disconnect Notice 27,045 4,283 22,762 2. Imminent Risk of Running out of Fuel 5,774 5,197 408 169 3. Repair/Replacement of Operable Equipment to Prevent Imminent Home Energy Loss 7,572 53 2,079 5,207 216 17

21 Prevented Service Loss
Topic 3 – Example State #2 What share of bill payment-assisted households did LIHEAP prevent or restore service loss? Service loss was prevented or restored for 49,497 households experiencing bill payment issues, or 27% of the 180,010 households that received bill payment assistance in FY 2015. Are there differences observed by fuel type to which the benefit was applied? Fuel Type Total Restored Service Loss Prevented Service Loss Electricity 5,176 17% 83% Natural Gas 28,066 19% 81% Fuel Oil 14,906 65% 35% Propane 888 54% 46% Other Fuels 461 63% 37%

22 Topic 4 – Targeting Benefits
How can Performance Data be used to help target benefits? Scenario: The heating season was relatively warm and funds are available at the end of the program year. How can Performance Data be used to target supplemental benefits to recipients? Is there an unmet need among lower income households? Is there an unmet need among households with a particular fuel type?

23 V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel
Topic 4 – Example V. ENERGY BURDEN TARGETING Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels A. Unduplicated Number of LIHEAP Bill Payment-Assisted Households 390,708 83,916 212,925 77,472 11,822 4,573 B. All Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 1. Unduplicated Number of Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 64,344 44,381 17,322 1,933 696 12 2. Average Annual Household Income $12,885 $12,665 $13,316 $13,769 $13,776 $10,569 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $291 $280 $271 $651 $452 $622 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill $1,923 $1,816 $2,072 $2,696 $2,886 $1,477 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 14.9% 14.3% 15.6% 19.6% 20.9% 14.0% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP 12.7% 12.1% 13.5% 17.7% 8.1% C. High Burden Households with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 1. Unduplicated Number of High Burden Households (Top 25%) with 12 Consecutive Months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 16,087 10,694 4,392 730 268 3 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $6,940 $6,705 $7,134 $8,567 $8,747 $3,692 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (including Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $511 $506 $467 $823 $572 $664 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households $2,706 $2,692 $2,592 $3,276 $3,589 $1,873 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 39.0% 40.1% 36.3% 38.2% 41.0% 50.7% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 31.6% 32.6% 29.8% 28.6% 34.5% 32.7%

24 Contact Information Kevin McGrath APPRISE

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