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BDD and Quickstart claims

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1 BDD and Quickstart claims

2 References M21-1MR Part III, subpart I, Chapter 2 (pre-discharge claims) M21-1MR III.iv.3.A.4 and 5 (exams) FL (Guard and Reserve attending Demobilization and Pre- Discharge claims worked at the RO)

3 EP controls Original BDD EP’s 011, 111
Original QuickStart EP’s 017, 117 CFI/Reopen/New claim EP’s for BDD 021 CFI/Reopen/New claim EP’s for QuickStart 027 Claims for Reinstatement EP’s are always 290 IDES EP’s are 689 No DATES of CLAIM are put in system---they are set up as diaries with the date after separation as diary due date

4 What is a Pre-discharge claim?
A pre-discharge claim is a claim accepted from a service member who is still on active duty. The claim may be a(n) original claim reopened claim claim for an increased evaluation, or claim for resumption of compensation.  The goal of pre-discharge claims is to begin the payment of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits as soon as possible following a Veteran’s discharge from active duty.

5 Who can file one? Any service member on active duty may file a pre-discharge claim.  This includes reservists serving on active duty in an Active Guard Reserve (AGR) role under 10 U.S.C.  full-time National Guard members serving in an AGR role under 32 U.S.C., and service members undergoing medical evaluation board (MEB) or physical evaluation board (PEB) proceedings.

6 Requirements for filing?
In order to file a pre-discharge claim, a service member must be within 180 days of discharge complete one of the following forms: VA Form EZ, Application for Disability Compensation and Related Compensation Benefits (preferred) VA Form c, Pre-Discharge Compensation Claim, or VA Form , Veteran's Application for Compensation and/or Pension, and provide photocopies of the service treatment records (STRs) for the current period of service. 

7 What is the difference? QuickStart BDD
0-59 days prior to discharge, or Files claim w/in 180 days of discharge but is unavailable to attend all exams prior to discharge BDD days prior to discharge Must be available to attend ALL exams prior to discharge

8 Exclusions from BDD and Quickstart
claims requiring case management for a service member who is very seriously injured/ill (VSI) seriously injured/ill (SI), or a “special category person” (SCP), which is a service member who has suffered loss of a body part claims involving a terminally ill service member claims requiring a VA examination that must be completed in a foreign country, except when the examination can be completed through VA offices in Landstuhl, Germany, or Yongsan, Korea claims involving a service member who is awaiting discharge, while hospitalized in a VA or military treatment facility, or claims from pregnant service women.

9 Process Claim received at an Intake Site
RO Coordinator is responsible for: Collect claims, obtain STRs, schedule exams, conduct other development Refer completed claim to rating activity once all evidence obtained

10 Rating Activity Sites (RAS)
Unique to BDD claims only— Salt Lake City Covers: West Coast, Midwest, and Korea Winston Salem Covers: East Coast, South, and Germany

11 Claims Processing Sites (CPS)
Unique to QuickStart— San Diego Covers: West Coast, Midwest and Korea Winston Salem Covers: East Coast, South and Germany QS claims received from demobilizing National Guard or Reserve units will be forwarded to the CPS with juris over the ROJ where the service member resides. QS claims with contentions related to the contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune should be processed at one of the above RAS locations QS claims are excluded from RACC.

12 Rating Following the completion of all development actions (including verification of service), and after the service member’s discharge from active duty, complete the rating decision, with consideration being given to the guidance below. Be sure to take into account whether an examination was conducted in-service or post-service, as this can have an effect on the evidence required for SC. A diagnosis of a chronic disability on an in-service VA examination is a diagnosed disability while on active duty. A BDD or QS claim is filed by the claimant while still on active duty; therefore, you inherently have in-service symptoms/complaints. 

13 Other claims and ancillary benefits
Intake sites may receive claims from service members for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) benefits under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31 that they may use while on active duty or after separation. A service member who is separating from service may be eligible for the funding fee waiver if the evidence of record establishes he/she will be in receipt of VA disability compensation after separation. Civil Service Preference Letters (CSPL) can only be created by the VA when there is a prior period of verified, completed, other than dishonorable service of record. 

14 Integrated Disability Evaluation System(IDES)
The purpose of the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) is to save time and resources by combining multiple aspects of the disability evaluation process individuals go through when the service department calls into question the service member's fitness for duty, and the service member files a claim for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits.  IDES participants undergo only one examination (or one set of examinations), the results of which meet the needs of both VA and the Department of Defense (DoD).  If, based on the results of the examination(s), a physical evaluation board (PEB) decides a participant is unfit for duty, VA prepares a rating decision to determine the amount of VA benefits to which he/she is entitled.  DoD uses this same decision to determine the amount of DoD benefits to which the participant is entitled.

15 Terms we may hear 1. Military Services Coordinator (MSC) are VA representatives that work at IDES intake sites. 2. A Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO) is a DoD employee 3. Disability Rating Activity Sites (DRASs) serve as the PEBs’ primary point of contact with VA--- Seattle RO (SeaTac)—all Army PEBs Providence RO—all Air Force and Navy PEBs 4. The Veterans Tracking Application (VTA) is a web-based application PEBLOs, MSCs, DRASs, and PEBs use to track IDES participants as they proceed through the program.

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