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Vascular bundles DICOT STEM.

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Presentation on theme: "Vascular bundles DICOT STEM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vascular bundles DICOT STEM

2 Epidermis Cortex Pith Fibres Phloem Cambium DICOT STEM Xylem

3 Phloem Fibres Cambium Xylem DICOT VASCULAR BUNDLE

4 Pith Ray DICOT TREE STEM: view of inner part 2nd annual
ring 1st annual ring (secondary xylem) Pith Ray DICOT TREE STEM: view of inner part

5 Cortex Bark DICOT TREE STEM: view of outer part 2nd annual ring
Proliferated ray cells Phloem fibres Bark Phloem parenchyma DICOT TREE STEM: view of outer part

6 MONOCOT STEM Phloem Xylem Parenchyma Epidermis

7 LEAF Epidermis Spongy mesophyll Palisade

8 Epidermis Phloem Xylem Cortex Endodermis DICOT ROOT Pericycle

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