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Today: Mechanics, Lesson 2 Simple Subjects

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1 Today: Mechanics, Lesson 2 Simple Subjects
Thurs. 10/6 Mr. Lamson Eng I-A Today: Mechanics, Lesson 2 Simple Subjects Huck Finn essay, concept map workshop I recommend study buddies and study groups outside of class HW: 4th (& last) Huck Finn book report paragraph due Fri., WS Unit 3: due Thursday, 10/13; EXCEPT p. 41; Thesis choice, and concept (bubble) map - due next Weds., 10/12

2 Get out Mechanics, Lesson 2 Simple Subjects Workshop in class hand in, end of period or Friday School

3 1st Mark Twain essay assignment (due Weds. , 10/12) looks like this: 8
1st Mark Twain essay assignment (due Weds., 10/12) looks like this: 8.5 x 11, hand-drawn and lettered OK Name Class Per Date My Huck Finn Thesis is: In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain fundamentally... ________________________ Evidence: Pg. # Brief note Evidence: Pg. # Brief note Evidence: Pg. # Brief note Evidence: Pg. # Brief note Evidence: Pg. # Brief note

4 Thesis 1 - he despises his characters Evidence: Grangerfords and Shepherdsons church:
Book out, Essay packet out, turn to MODEL Clear your desks, partner up Find the chapter Find the passage Read it aloud in class Exposition: who, what, where Find the irony - the disconnect between what is said, and what is done, what is meant, what is underneath

5 MODEL YES! Evidence: church with the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons
How does he express this? How do you find out? Find the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons: chapter _____, p. _________ Find the “G & S church” scene; where does it start? p. _____; where is it over? p. __________. Read for exposition: Who is in the scene? _________________ Where are they? _________________ What is the action? __________________ Twain uses irony to examine - and criticize - human behavior. For example, he has people say one thing and do something completely opposite. How is the G & S church scene ironic? Does Twain despise the G’s and S’s for hypocrisy?

6 “Concept map” bubbles Brainstorming tool Note-taker A way to arrange (and re-arrange) similar material Huck Finn question 1: Does Twain fundamentally despise his characters? YES! Evidence: church with the Grangerson’s and Shepherdson’s How? _________ _____________

7 Name: _______________________________ date _______
Twain’s Dilemma - Concept Map DUE Wednesday 10012 TODAY: Workshop Thesis Evidence - Make Bubble MapLocate page numbers, read passage, make notes here SAVE SAVE SAVE Huck Finn question for Thesis 2: Does Twain fundamentally love his characters despite their flaws? YES! Evidence: How? _________ _____________ YES! Evidence: How? _________ _____________ YES! Evidence: How? _________ _____________ YES! Evidence: How? ________ ____________ YES! Evidence: How? _________ _____________

8 SHOW ME Online assignment, due Wednesday 10/5;
for 5 points each, 15 total : download, printout, bring to class the new WS A, B, C assignment. (You’ll need a internet capable computer hooked up to printer.) Go to the school website Click on staff page Click on Mr. Lamson Click on English I (Freshmen) Scroll down to week 6: click on WS Unit 3, prts A,B, C; print all and bring to class Weds.

9 Head a sheet of paper (Name Class Per date) Title too, please “Flashcards - 10/5”

10 10/5/16 Huck Finn Mid-Term Persuasive Essay package 30 points due October 25th All accompanying notes and exercises 15 additional points / 45 POSSIBLE including required Thesis choice, and concept (bubble) map - due October 12th 1st draft introductory paragraph with thesis - due Oct. 19th 1st draft sample 1st body paragraph - also Oct. 19th 2 pages dbl spaced, 5 paragraphs Intro and thesis Evidence Conclusion Each paragraph of evidence will refer to a properly cited quotation from the book. Argue one of these three theses choices: In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain fundamentally despised his characters. In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain fundamentally loved his characters despite their flaws. In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain expresses both love, and disgust with his characters.

11 Mech Lesson 2 HF para 4 HF thesis concept map due WS Unit 3 HF 1st drft: Intro, body ppg HUCK FINN ESSAY

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