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RDE Regulation Commission Meeting 01.03.2012.

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Presentation on theme: "RDE Regulation Commission Meeting 01.03.2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 RDE Regulation Commission Meeting

2 RDE Regulation Modification ACEA Analysis Tool (request by JRC)
Input ACEA Modification ACEA Analysis Tool (request by JRC) Test results Work Plan testing Demonstration Random Cycle Generator Discussion of disadvantages RC identified by the COM Proposal for a further Test Program and Development of the Random Cycle Procedure until mid of 2012

3 RDE Regulation ACEA Analysis Tool, Modifications Averaging Windows:
- Average window speed [km/h] - Average window idling duration [%] - Average window road grade(algorithm to be developed) [m/km] - Average window positive acceleration [ms-2] Average window relative positive acceleration [m2s-3] Average window exhaust temperature [degrees Celsius] Summary Line: - Ambient temperature [degrees Celsius] Average positive road grade [m/m] - Other exhaust components (HC, CO – according to NOx) Develop algorithm to encounter problems with raw signal “Road grade” - Errors because of loss of signal - Errors because of tunnel - Errors because of inaccuracy /jumps

4 RDE Regulation ACEA analysis tool modification
Example GPRS signal during PEMS driving altitude [m] Time [s]

5 RDE Regulation Work Plan Testing
Comparison NOx emissions of diesel hot start tests Emission Evaluation: 90% percentile window, window reference kg CO2 NEDC Compliance Factor 90% percentile window a_mean_pos [m/s²]

6 RDE Regulation Work Plan Testing
Comparison NOx emissions of diesel hot start tests Emission Evaluation: averaged emissions during the whole test cycle/ test route NOx [g/km] a_mean_pos [m/s²]

7 RDE Regulation Demonstration Random Cycle Generator

8 RDE Regulation Demonstration Random Cycle Generator

9 RDE Regulation MATLAB Tool To install the MATLAB tool to analyse emission results and to generate Random Cycles please contact: or

10 RDE Regulation - lab cycles are “known animals” to VMs
Statements by the Commission Randomisation of various test cycle elements: driving dynamics, ambient conditions (temperature, humidity), pre-conditioning,… Driving dynamics: large set of “short trips” available from European WLTC database Evaluation: total emissions or moving window (i.e. multitude of “virtual” test cycles) Advantages: - lab cycles are “known animals” to VMs - all pollutant emissions can be tested without problems - independence of external conditions Disadvantages: - high costs when randomizing ambient conditions - robustness, cycle beating? - driveability? - limited duration

11 RDE Regulation Comparison Workload Random Cycle / PEMS WLTP PEMS Dyno:
Example: BMW Assessment Development Process Disadvantages: - high costs when randomizing ambient conditions - robustness, cycle beating? - driveability? - limited duration WLTP Certification In Use Certification In Use PEMS Dyno PEMS Dyno Dyno Dyno PEMS Validation Dyno+Temp. Variation Certification In Use Dyno Dyno Dyno: NEDC, internal Cycle, WLTC Random Cycle Dyno+Temp. Variation Workload Certification In Use Dyno+Temp. Variation Dyno: NEDC, int Cycle, WLTC Random Cycle Dyno Dyno Dyno: NEDC, internal Cycle Dyno: NEDC Engine Bench + Temp. Variation + Altitude Emgine Bench+ Temp. Variation + Altitude Engine Bench Engine Bench Engine Bench Engine Bench up to EU5 EU6 EU6 RDE EU6 RDE Random Cycle PEMS = Workload Certification and In Use testing

12 RDE Regulation Random Cycle Robustness, Driveability:
Disadvantages: - high costs when randomizing ambient conditions - robustness, cycle beating? - driveability? - limited duration Robustness, Driveability: Emission Measurement: Lab technology is well known and can be used for all emission components and future low emission and ultra low emission concepts. Driving Curve: Drivability is adressed by the calculation steps of the RC (stop duration between the short trips, plateaus for gear shifting …) Higher driving tolerance should be used than for the NEDC Deviation between target curve and actual driven curve is an additional element of randomization Driver could be trained by running a sequence of RC as Pre followed by a measured RC Duration: ACEA proposes the definition of a minimum cycle duration but is not fixed on the maximum duration. Provided a min. duration is followed, ACEA assumes that the variation of the cycle length or duration has a minor impact on the emission result (g/km). ACEA proposes a min. duration of 1400 sec. or a min. length of 12 km. The final definition of a min./max. test duration/test length should be decided on the basis of a further investigation on a variation of the cycle duration.

13 RDE Regulation Proposal ACEA
Proposal for a further Test Program and Development of the Random Cycle Procedure until mid of 2012 Validation of the Random Cycle Approach, questions to be adressed: Does Random Cycle testing deliver comparable driving situations and emission impacts than occurring at PEMS testing? Are raised Off Cycle Emissions in the same way detected by the Random Cycle than with PEMS? Is the RC a useful tool to demand emission concepts to cover the whole area of the engine map that can be expected under normal driving? (Prevention of cycle development) Development of the Random Cycle Approach as a legal test procedure: Randomization of ambient conditions (boundaries: min./max. temperature) Randomization of the test duration (boundaries: min./max. duration or test length). Randomization of the duration and distribution of vehicle stops. Test sequence, preconditioning? Gear shift strategy (H. Steven?), Shifting according to GSI? Emission evaluation method. Timeline: The basis concept of a cycle generator is already developed, several parameters are randomized, boundaries can be varied for investigation purposes and final definition. Aim of the test program should be to validate and further develop the current generator and to define the details (boundaries) needed for a legal procedure. The test program, consisting of a validation and development part, therefore does not mean a delay in the envisaged timeline to develop the full test procedure until mid 2013.

14 RDE Regulation Timeline, Proposal ACEA

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