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Robert Tomas INSPIRE Thematic clusters coordinator MIWP Action

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1 INSPIRE Thematic Clusters - building communities to support INSPIRE implementation
Robert Tomas INSPIRE Thematic clusters coordinator MIWP Action TC Evaluation Workshop, Ispra; of March 2018

2 Share – Find – Propose - Discuss
Since INSPIRE Thematic Clusters - What ? On-line INSPIRE users collaborative platform .. to share User’s implementation “knowledge base” .. to find Incubator for change/addition proposals .. to propose (e.g. 1st set of corrigenda published end of 2016) Discussion forum for e.g. links with other environmental policies .. to discuss Share – Find – Propose - Discuss

3 INSPIRE Knowledge base – Thematic Clusters
Since INSPIRE Knowledge base – Thematic Clusters

4 INSPIRE Thematic Clusters – How?
Coordinated by JRC with the help of 9 Facilitators and MIG Liaisons Defined in the endorsed INSPIRE MIG Working Plans: MIWP : Action MIWP14 MIWP : Action : Theme specific issues of data specifications & exchange of implementation experiences in thematic domain

5 INSPIRE Thematic cluster Statistics on use
893 Registered members 50  Groups (groups + sub-groups) 655 Discussion topics 1693  Responses 252  Files uploaded 194  Issue/topic dedicated pages created 161 News Note: No need to register to read/use (e.g. download) any information!! Visits: from until : 4488 Pageviews:  from until  : 13819 136 100 211 143 99 94 201 119 members 147

6 INSPIRE Thematic Clusters Content statistics..

7 The most popular discussion topics (by number of replies - having 15 + replies
Topic: domainExtent vs gml:boundedBy (EL & OI coverages encoding) - Group: Elevation, Orthoimagery, Reference Systems and Geographical Grids Cluster 33 Replies Topic: It seems that there is only one fully compliant solution to serve multiple harmonised datasets trough WFS Group: Biodiversity and Management Areas Cluster Topic: Usability of the 'Zoned Geographic Grid' (Grid_ETRS89-GRS80) - Group: Geographical Grid Systems 24 Replies Topic: INSPIRE download services published providing INSPIRE compliant PS data - Group: Protected Sites Topic: Need more guidance for Elevation encoding and correct example (for ElevationGridCoverage) on the basis of GMLCOV schema - Group: Elevation 23 Replies Topic: baseType version 3.2 vs Group: Biodiversity and Management Areas Cluster 17 Replies Topic: An example of harmonizing a dataset to the INSPIRE data model - Group: Earth Science Cluster 16 Replies Topic: Inconsistencies/errors found in the INSPIRE TGs on orthoimagery - Group: Orthoimagery Topic: Inspire Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities (4.0) model. Language of “name” element in Holding type. - Group: Facilities, Utilities and Public Services Cluster Topic: Orientation of polygons created using HALE - Group: Biodiversity and Management Areas Cluster Topic: PS: Suppressing Geometry Information - Group: Biodiversity and Management Areas Cluster Topic: missing a Statistical Unit type in the datamodel - Group: Statistical Units [SU] 15 Replies Topic: Experiences on encoding of Elevation and Orthoimagery coverages - Group: Elevation, Orthoimagery, Reference Systems and Geographical Grids Cluster Topic: WFS vs. SOS: Which Features are provided by which download service? - Group: Environmental Monitoring and Observations Cluster

8 Most viewed discussion topics 1
Download Service WFS: StoredQuery and ResponsePaging for large datasets? 3634 Distinct metadata for INSPIRE harmonised datasets? Experiences on encoding of Elevation and Orthoimagery coverages domainExtent vs gml:boundedBy (EL & OI coverages encoding) It seems that there is only one fully compliant solution to serve multiple harmonised datasets trough WFS INSPIRE CountryCode code list Usability of the 'Zoned Geographic Grid' (Grid_ETRS89-GRS80) 2441 Layer naming Codelist for Corine Land Cover (CLC) published Need more guidance for Elevation encoding and correct example (for ElevationGridCoverage) on the basis of GMLCOV schema Advantages and disadvantages of using TIFF/GeoTIFF files to store coverage values 2208 Protected Sites Simple - Marine Institute Prototype implementation Update of the INSPIRE Network model Web Coverage Service (WCS) - A missing piece in INSPIRE? The Corine Land Cover code list (CorineValue) maintained by EEA Download services using ArcGIS for INSPIRE Contents of attribute nilReason (e.g. unknown vs: How in practice do I ensure INSPIRE compliance using the data specifications? Inspire D2.9 (O&M & SWE guidelines) update: Request for feedback on implementation experience Examples of INSPIRE view and dowload services for LC/LU What is best practice for implementing INSPIRE in the topographic and cadastral reference data community? Use of the 'Equal Area Grid' (Grid_ETRS89-LAEA) 1259 EMODnet Human Activities Hydrocarbon Extraction 1208

9 Most viewed discussion topics 2
Existing validation rules for INSPIRE data sets (EL & OI + other themes) Land Cover GML files not correctly displayed in GIS environment: a matter of mapping 1184 How to encode coverages (GMLCOV example files) and improvement of TG related explanatory sections 1175 baseType version 3.2 vs On line validation of datasets 1145 Copernicus RDA EU-DEM EGCS naming 1142 Misalignments between coverages produced by different data providers (e.g. orthoimages) 1133 Joining tabular and geographic data, Merits and possibilities of the Table Joining Service 1089 Inconsistencies/errors found in the INSPIRE TGs on orthoimagery 1074 Orientation of polygons created using HALE Is the Land Cover Class code list to be used or not? INSPIRE download services published providing INSPIRE compliant PS data 1060 FYI: interpreted coordinate order flipped in GML files with URI format srsName 1032 PS: Suppressing Geometry Information 1030 Suggest check the imminent (January 23rd 2015) final publication of the INSPIRE recommended codelist URI values 990 Combining datasets for data harmonisation: how to deal with metadata? 979 Harmonizing population grid data into the INSPIRE data model 968

10 TAGs – most used SOS portrayal platform utilization reporting PLU CLC
inspire-ken statistics view services OGC End users applications using INSPIRE Apps msfd marine LU planned land use Bio-geographical regions topographic data Technical Guidelines Observations & Measurements CIS data modelling ELF HH buildings Cadastral parcels implementation SU eurogeographics Administrative units PD addresses Copernicus Geographical names inspire Codelists inspire conference 2015 Protected sites download service WFS interoperability reference data Experiences webinar Platform - Organization / Utilization registry observation Metadata inspire conference 2016 LC transformation Elevation cross-cluster Orthoimagery coverages Land cover validation WCS conformity ETS land use raster Encoding Geographical grids network service Validator Coordinate reference systems workshop GML GMLCOV Statistical Units hydrography Transport networks O&M Population Distribution Presentations SOS MIWP-14 MIG cross-border best practices PS code lists data provision INSPIRE GWF 2015 conference corine EF inspire conference 2017 land monitoring standards services Production and Industrial Facilities Utility and Governmental Services example extension of INSPIRE DS HALE data transformation SDI project

11 INSPIRE Thematic Clusters Upcoming events
European Forum for Geography and Statistics 2017 – 02/11 Dublin UNECE Workshop on Integrating Geospatial and Statistical Standards – 06/11 Stockholm Land use/land cover products: challenges and opportunities workshop – 15/11 Brussels Copernicus Land Monitoring Service: Corinne Land Cover+ Technical Workshop – 16/11 Brussels Implementation of INSPIRE Coverage Webinar – 06/ :30-12:00

12 INSPIRE Thematic Clusters “recent” activity
Facilitator structured reports on Inspire Conference activities e.g. Meetings with cluster members, dedicated Worksop etc. - MIG collaborative platform Facilitator first-cut technical/expert evaluation of the IR change proposals New system for documenting, status monitoring of changes/additions proposed by TC facilitators / MIG-T liaisons.

13 System for documenting & status monitoring of changes/additions
INSPIRE Thematic Clusters TC Issue tracker System for documenting & status monitoring of changes/additions Process steps: 1) Registration of a proposal by TC facilitators – new issue Status 2) Evaluation by members of MIWP 14 subgroup (MIG-T liaisons, facilitators, EC) – working in progress Status (if accepted) 3) Presentation of selected proposals to MIG-T by authors during face to face or virtual meetings 4) MIG-T decision and agreed follow-ups (e.g. ad- hoc expert group)  

14 INSPIRE Thematic Clusters Common issues
Fear to publish an issue, question, even a best practice on the EC managed platform. Interoperability is better achieved …sharing solutions in a collaborative way Full encouragement to publish imperfect solutions

15 Thank you for your attention.

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