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Digital Competence Cymhwysedd Digidol

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2 Digital Competence Cymhwysedd Digidol
Siân Brooks 8/3/16

3 “While we continue to support literacy and numeracy, we are now moving at a pace to develop digital competence as a cross-curriculum responsibility” “Tra byddwn yn parhau i hybu llythrennedd a rhifedd, byddwn yn symud ymlaen yn gyflym nawr i ddatblygu cymhwysedd digidol yn gyfrifoldeb trawsgwricwlaidd”.

4 Essential Building Blocks Blociau adeiladu hanfodol

5 Photo by YanniKouts - Creative Commons Attribution License https://www
Created with Haiku Deck

6 Photo by susanvg - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

7 Digital Competence Framework Fframwaith Cymhwysedd Digidol
Citizenship Using, Connecting & Collaborating Researching, Making & Creating Data & Computational Thinking


9 ERW: a suggested pathway ERW: Llwybr a Awgrymir
…use their ICT skills for learning …pupils fully engage with digital tools …linked via QR codes …pupils and staff to use cloud storage …defnyddio eu sgiliau TGCh ar gyfer dysgu …mae’r disgyblion yn gwneud defnydd llawn o adnoddau digidol …wedi’i gysylltu trwy godau QR …Mae’r disgyblion a’r staff yn defnyddio system storio cwmwl

10 Digital tools Adnoddau digidol


12 NESTA: “digital makers”

13 Tellagami Ultimate questions

14 Morfo

15 YAKiT Kids

16 Padlet

17 ICT skills for learning Sgiliau TGCh ar gyfer dysgu

18 Formative Assessment Asesu Ffurfiannol
cc: Jason A. Howie -

19 Hinge Points / Pwyntiau troi
(Wiliam, 2013) a critical concept midway in lesson quick pupil response quick collection of responses cc: lovely fig rolls -

20 Mewnosodwch bin chwarae
Enter a game pin Mewnosodwch bin chwarae cc: The Daring Librarian -

21 Download results as a speadsheet
Llwythwch y canlyniadau i lawr ar ffurf daenlen

22 Socrative

23 Nearpod

24 Plickers cc: mike_mccormick -

25 How can we make it effective? Sut y gallwn ni ei wneud yn effeithiol?
Encourage pupil dialogue Use the data you collect to inform your teaching Focus on common misconceptions Challenge those green responses! cc: ckhamken -

26 You can visualise responses Gallwch ddychmygu’r ymatebion
cc: F. Jourde -

27 Linked via QR codes Wedi’i gysylltu trwy godau QR

28 QR Code / Cod QR cc: Poppyprint -

29 J2 Launch


31 Cloud storage System storio cwmwl

32 Cloud Computing Cyfrifiadura Cymylau
cc: lennysan -



What do you think? cc: shareski -

36 Beth ydych chi’n ei feddwl? cc: shareski -

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