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How do we determine the reliability of any ancient document?

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Presentation on theme: "How do we determine the reliability of any ancient document?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we determine the reliability of any ancient document?
The New Testament How Reliable is it? How do we determine the reliability of any ancient document?

2 “How soon after the events took place were they recorded?”
What evidence is there for the Early Existence of the New Testament?

3 Why is Evidence for early existence of the N.T. Crucial?
IF event is recorded long after it occurred- not likely written by “eyewitnesses.” No “other eyewitnesses” around to confirm or dispute its accuracy Which source for the Civil War: Present day writer- 2nd hand evidence? Diaries & letters by eyewitnesses?

4 In Last Century, some asserted the Gospels & Acts Did Not Exist Before 130 A.D.
Would mean they were Not Written by Eyewitnesses! Would mean it was written by Frauds- Acts 16:11,12 “we” 2 Peter 1:16-18 “eyewitnesses of His majesty”

5 Evidence For The Early Existence of the N.T.
Internal Evidence The Book of Acts ends with Paul in prison awaiting trial Acts 28:30,31 Luke wrote during this time About A.D. Thus Acts and Luke were written within 30 years of the ministry and death of Jesus No Mention of Destruction of Jerusalem 70 A.D.

6 Evidence For The Early Existence of the N.T.
External Evidence Patristic Writings - uninspired Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians – 120 A.D. He quotes from Gospels, Acts, Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Hebrews, 1 Peter and 1 John

7 Evidence For The Early Existence of the N.T.
External Evidence Letters of Ignatius – 115 A.D. He quotes from Matthew, John, Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians – 95 A.D. He quotes from the Gospels, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Titus, Hebrews & 1 Peter

New Testament was in existence & well known by the end of the First Century A.D. “In my opinion, every book of the New Testament was written between the forties and eighties of the First Century A.D.” Nelson Glueck, former president Jewish Theological Seminary

9 The New Testament Passes the “Acid Test” for the Authenticity of Any Document of Antiquity
Written in same generation in which events took place Circulated among people about whom it spoke while they were still alive to deny them First generation preserved for posterity shows they regarded it as genuine

10 How Do We Know That What We Read Today is an Accurate Representation of the “Autographs?”

11 How Can We Be Sure That in The Passing of Time The Content Did Not Become Corrupted?

If the archaeologists prove that the N.T. is filled with errors concerning people, places & events, it could not be trusted Not long ago some discounted the Bible record because it referred to things not in evidence outside the Bible. More recent years discoveries have vindicated the N.T. and silenced the skeptics

13 Examples of How Archaeology Confirms N.T. is Reliable
Census & Quirinius Governor at Time of Jesus’ Birth?– Luke 2:1-3 Romans had regular enrollment of taxpayers, and held a census every 14 years. Inscription in Antioch tells of Quirinius being governor of Syria around 7 B.C. A papyrus found in Egypt speaks of the regular census

14 Examples of How Archaeology Confirms N.T. is Reliable
Who is Lysanias? – Luke 3:1 “Tetrarch of Abilene” Ancient historians only know of one Lysanias killed in 36 B.C. An inscription found near Damascus speaks of “Freedman of Lysanias the tetrarch” and is dated between 14 & 29 A.D.

15 Examples of How Archaeology Confirms N.T. is Reliable
Whoever heard of “The Pavement” (Gabbatha) John 19:13 For centuries there was no record of such a court by this name William F. Albright in “The Archaeology of Palestine” “this court in the tower of Antonia

16 Examples of How Archaeology Confirms N.T. is Reliable
Iconium a City of Phrygia? Acts 14:1-6 “fled to Lystra & Derbe, cities of Lycaonia” Archaeologists at first believed Luke’s implication to be wrong In 1910 Sir William Ramsay found a monument which showed Iconium was indeed a Phrygian city

17 Examples of How Archaeology Confirms N.T. is Reliable
Who ever heard of Politarchs? Acts 17:6 “rulers of the city” Term not found in Classical Greek – assumed Luke wrong 19 Inscriptions found that make use of this title Five of them are in reference to Thessalonica – scene of Acts 17

18 How Accurate is the N.T. in its Historical Description?
“It may be clearly stated categorically that no archeological discovery has ever controverted a single biblical reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible.” (Nelson Glueck, Jewish Historian)

27 Books in the New Testament Only Reliable source of information about Jesus As a Historical Document, is it Reliable? Is it Accurate concerning Jesus, His life, death & resurrection? Is it accurately copied from the original penmen?

20 What Have We Established Thus Far in These Lessons?
1) Jesus was a Historical Figure 2) New Testament was written during the generation in which the events occurred 3) Its reliability as a historical document continues to be confirmed by the field of Archaeology

21 How Can We Be Sure the New Testament we Have Today is the Same as that penned by the Original Authors?

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