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“Excelling with Dyspraxia”

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Presentation on theme: "“Excelling with Dyspraxia”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Excelling with Dyspraxia”
Dr Emma Murray The School of Law Liverpool John Moores University

2 “You’re better on your feet…”

3 The day everything made sense…

4 A perfectly ‘normal’ way to take notes…

5 A perfectly ‘normal’ way to take notes…

6 The longest train home…
Kiddie Mensa Quick Slow Thinks differently Annoying/ Disorganised “Finds it easy…” Elephant memory (diary issues) Not at all practical Interrupt (excited?) ‘A little flaky?’ (diary issues) ‘The wheels fall off…’ Distracted A lot of different ‘Em’s’ Understanding (I hope) of a lot of people Change of plan or life goal quickly (considered ‘uncommitted’) Spontaneous/ ‘Random’ That’s not how I remember it..?

7 Testing, Testing…

8 Reflecting on the journey…
Why and how was this not picked up?

9 http://www2. hull. ac. uk/student/pdf/StudyAdvice-dyswhatunderstanding

10 Learning Different Abilities…
A wonderful response…. “We won’t tell anyone…” Not everyone in a team needs to do the same thing! Strengths based working and of course support! Reduced admin Leading a research group Networks The Arts. The Ideas…

11 Do you teach in 2 hour blokes, too?
I’m very fortunate and any ‘excelling’ is as much to do with those around me as it is do with anything I can do or indeed do-do. Education and indeed the workplace can benefit from different minds. As long as we see this as a ‘dis’ability instead of a ‘different ability’ we stifle creativity and stigmatise. We may need a little help to fit in the box, but if you ever want help outside of it – give us a shout. Understand yourself, put things in place and be proud of it.

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