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Chapter 7: Memory and Training

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1 Chapter 7: Memory and Training


3 Representation of memory functions

4 Working memory

5 Working memory model Phonological store (loop) Visuo-spatial sketchpad
Central executive Episodic buffer. Central Executive Articulatory Loop Phonological Store

6 Working Memory Interference
Code Interference Verbal-phonetic versus visual-spatial code interference Interference in the Central Executive Central-executive intensive tasks (random number generation)

7 Working Memory, the Central Executive and Executive Control
Working memory capacity Roles of central executive To temporary hold & manipulate info in LTM To change retrieval strategies from LTM To coordinate performance on multiple tasks To attend selectively to stimuli

8 Matching Display with Working Memory Code
Stimulus/central processing/response compatibility. Echoic and iconic memory

9 Limitations of Working Memory
Duration Brown-Peterson paradigm. Capacity Relationship with speed of rehearsal. Magic number 7 ± 2 Chunking Chunks of information Parsing

10 Interference & confusion

11 Proactive and Retroactive Interference
Relationship between interference, and space and similarity Implications of design Working memory analysis


13 Expertise General characteristics Intrinsic versus contrived tasks

14 Expertise and Chunking
Template theory and chunking Chunking strategies Novice versus expert differences

15 Skilled Memory and Long Term Working Memory
Limitations of chunking based accounts Long-term working memory theory


17 Prospective Memory Effects of delay on PM performance
PM and motivation Implementation intention and strategies to improve PM

18 Transactive Memory (System)
Properties of a TMS Specialization, coordination and credibility Collaborative inhibition How it can be reduced TMS and team performance


20 Working Memory and Expertise in Situation Awareness
Evidence for links between WM and SA Role of LTWM in SA

21 Levels of SA and Anticipation
Endsley’s Three levels of SA Perception Comprehension Projection Mechanisms by which anticipation is accomplished

22 Measuring SA and the Role of Anticipation
SAGAT SPAM Implicit performance-based measures


24 Planning and Problem Solving
Role of working memory and difficulty Satisficing problem solving and opportunistic planning Supporting planning and problem solving Visualization Heuristic strategies in problem solving Training to support team problem solving Heterogeneous and homogeneous pairs


26 Transfer of Training Measuring transfer -- Transfer effectiveness ratio.

27 Transfer of Training Training system fidelity
Realism, complexity, workload and learning outcome

28 Transfer of Training Negative transfer
Similarity of stimulus and response elements between old and new task.

29 Training Techniques and Strategies
Cognitive Load Theory Intrinsic load, germane load and extraneous load Training support and error prevention: Reducing intrinsic load Worked examples and scaffolding Task simplification: Reducing intrinsic load adaptive training

30 Training Techniques and Strategies
Part task training: Reducing intrinsic load

31 Training Techniques and Strategies
Part task training: Reducing intrinsic load time sharing skills, and variable priority training Active learning: Increasing germane load generation effect, and active versus passive learning

32 Training Techniques and Strategies
Multi-media instruction: Decreasing extraneous load dual-coding principle Feedback Practice and overlearning

33 Training Techniques and Strategies
Expertise effect Distribution of practice Training-transfer dissociation


35 Knowledge Representation
Procedural versus declarative knowledge Implicit, semantic and episodic memory Knowledge elicitation to extract domain knowledge from experts

36 Knowledge Representation
Knowledge organisation Implications for design of menus Mental model Role, novice versus expert differences

37 Knowledge Representation
Methods for representing long-term knowledge Work domain analysis, observations and interviews, protocol analysis

38 Memory Retrieval and Forgetting
Recall and recognition Implications for design of computer interfaces, remember-know paradigm, retrieval cues, and retrieval induced forgetting Event memory Accuracy, misinformation effect

39 Skill Retention Skill type, sequence of practice, individual differences

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