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Presentation on theme: "METALS, NON-METALS, & METALLOIDS."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a property? A property of a substance is its special quality or feature, characteristic, inability or ability to do something.

3 Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids
On the periodic table of chemical elements all known elements are classified into 3 major groups: (COLOR CODE YOUR PERIOD TABLE!) Metals Nonmetals Metalloids

4 METALS METALS are located on the left side of the periodic table.
METALS easily bond with other elements to form compounds (lose electrons easily and form ionic bonds). Examples of metals: copper, aluminum, iron. Further classified as: Alkali metals (Group 1 elements except hydrogen) Highly Reactive Alkaline earth metals (Group 2 elements)Reactive Transition metals (Group 3-12 elements)

5 Properties of metals Metals are SOLID at room temperature.
(except mercury which is liquid at room temperature).

6 Properties of metals Metals have luster (shine).
Luster is the ability of metals to reflect light.

7 Properties of metals Metals are GOOD conductors of heat & electricity.
Conductivity is the ability of metals to allow heat & electricity to easily flow through them.

8 Properties of metals Most metals are ductile.
Ductility is the ability of metals to be drawn into wires. Strong metallic bonds are responsible for this property

9 Properties of metals Most metals are malleable.
Malleability is the ability of metals to be pounded into sheets. Strong metallic bonds are responsible for this property.

10 Properties of metals Most metals are highly reactive which means they bond easily with other elements to form compounds. Reaction of Na with water Reaction of Ca with water Reaction of K with water

11 Properties of metals Metals have high melting & boiling points.
Copper= 1083°C Gold= 1063°C Iron= 1539°C °C

12 NONMETALS NONMETALS are located on the far right side of the periodic table. Most (except halogens-group 18) gain electrons easily and form covalent bonds with each other and ionic bonds with metals. Non-metals have properties that are opposite to metals. Examples: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen.

More than half of the non-metals are gases at room temperature: Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon Except Bromine which is Liquid at room temperature.

14 Nonmetals are Dull; not shiny

15 Properties of Non-metals
Nonmetals are Brittle; not malleable or ductile Brittle means easily break, snap, or crack when pressure is applied.

16 Nonmetals are poor conductors of Heat & electricity

17 Other Properties Nonmetals have lower densities than most metals.
Unlike metals, there are no free electrons to conduct heat/electricity. Nonmetals have lower densities than most metals. If the nonmetals are solid, they melt at lower melting points than metals.

18 Properties of Nonmetals
Group 18 nonmetals are highly stable (don’t bond with other elements) and are known as noble gases.

19 METALLOIDS Metalloids are elements that border the stair-stepped line.
Metalloids share properties of both metals and nonmetals. Metalloids are used as semi-conductors in electronic goods, especially computers. Examples: silicon, germanium.

20 Properties of Metalloids
Metalloids can be Malleable or Ductile which means that they can be easily pounded into sheets and/or drawn into wires.

21 Metalloids are ALL solid at room temperature

22 Properties of Metalloids
Metalloids are semi-conductors. Electrical or thermal conductivity varies with temperature. Modern electronics, like radio, computers, & TV exists due to these semi-conductors.

23 Metalloids can have metallic or earthy luster


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