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Wireless Ad Hoc Network

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1 Wireless Ad Hoc Network
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Electrical Engineering Department EE 400 – Communication Networks Wireless Ad Hoc Network Done By Sultan A. Al-Ghamdi ( ) Feras Al-Shahwan ( )

2 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

3 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

4 Independent Basic Service Set
Introduction Wireless Network Topology Independent Basic Service Set Basic Service Set

5 Introduction What is Ad hoc Networks?
Peer to peer communication by use of Wi-Fi technology without passing through an access point (AP)

6 Introduction Why Ad hoc Networks? No infrastructure needed
Can be deployed quickly, where there is no wireless communication infrastructure present Can act as an extension to existing networks Cost-effective Adaptive computing and self-configuring

7 IEEE802.11 standards Wi-Fi 802.11a/g) Wi-Fi (802.11b) Freature
Wireless LAN Primary Application 2.4 GHz ISM (g) 5 GHz U-NII(a) 2.4 GHz ISM Frequency Band 20 MHz 25 MHz Channel Bandwidth Half Half/Full Duplex OFDM (64-channels) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Radio Technology <=2.7 bps/Hz <=0.44 bps/Hz Bandwidth Efficiency BPSK, QPSK,16-, 64-QAM QPSK Modulation Convolution Code None FEC Optional- RC4 (AES in i) Encryption In development Mobility Vendor Proprietary Mesh CSMA/CA Access Protocol

8 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

9 Open System Interconnection Model

10 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

11 Physical Layer Function Types of Modulation
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation(QAM)

12 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

13 Datalink layer Functions
Ensures that data is transferred correctly between adjacent network nodes Detect and correct errors that may occur in the Physical layer. Protocols The Logical Link Control layer (LLC) provides multiplexing and flow control mechanisms that make it possible for multi network protocols to correlate with multipoint network The Media Access Control layer (MAC) The carrier sense multiple access collision avoidance method (CSMA/CA) Point Coordination Function (PCF)

14 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

15 Network Layer Functions
performs the process of exchanging information from one node to the other nodes of the network. Protocols Pro-active routing protocol (table-driven) on demand routing protocol Adaptive routing (situation-aware) Flooding routing protocol Deflection routing protocol

16 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

17 Transport Layer Functions The purpose of this layer is manipulating two processes in two different nodes. Protocols User Datagram Protocol (UDP) UDP is a message-based connectionless protocol. no effort to set up a reserved end-to-end connection. Communication is done by transmitting information in one direction Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) TCP is a connection oriented service TCP Provides reliable byte stream between two processes in two different machines. Sequence number is attached to keep a track to ingoing and outgoing packets. TCP protocols ensure that the data transfer is guaranteed.

18 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

19 Comparison of Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies
Scalability: To scale up a wireless infrastructure network, the number of APs is increased to expand the coverage area or to increase the capacity In ad hoc networks, it depends on the routing protocol Flexibility: Operation of infrastructure networks is very expensive Ad hoc network is very flexible Controllability: Infrastructure network centrally controlled and synchronized In ad hoc networks there is no centralized administration Therefore, infrastructure network is more controllable than ad hoc November 14, 2018 19

20 Comparison of Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies
Routing Complexity: In ad hoc network, each node must act a router. There is a need for routing algorithms that directs the info to the appropriate next hop This problem does not exist in infrastructure network Coverage: In ad hoc, coverage of the network is an issue of concern The max distance between two nodes is the max transmission range of the nodes In infrastructure network, two nodes communicate through AP The max distance is twice range of the coverage of a single wireless modem November 14, 2018 20

21 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

22 Applications and future implantation
Personal area networking cell phone, laptop, ear phone, wrist watch Military environments soldiers, tanks, planes Civilian environments taxi cab network meeting rooms sports stadiums boats, small aircraft Emergency operations search-and-rescue policing and fire fighting November 14, 2018 22

23 OUTLINE Introduction IEEE802.11 standards
Open system interconnection model Physical layer Datalink layer Network Layer Transport Layer Comparsion Between Ad hoc and Infrastructure Network Topologies Applications and future implantation Conclusion

24 Conclusion Ad hoc network is infrastructure less networks
Based on Wi-Fi technology Good solution for temporary application Cost efficient.


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