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A Brainstorming Session

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1 A Brainstorming Session
How to get to 100%? A Brainstorming Session

2 Only 88% to go! What is a CLO? When and how should CLOs be assessed?
Faculty who teach like courses convene around the above questions. In December 2015, CLO assessment results were submitted to the division office. Bring the hardcopy assessments to a division meeting in a computer lab and enter all results. Ask Nita and Amanda to be present for support. Identify Spring 2016 faculty who were scheduled to assess, ask them to bring their assessment results to a division meeting in a computer lab.

3 Beth List of what is missing and from whom data is needed provided to all reps and Deans (senators?). Establish timeline and step by step process that is very simple and concrete. Expectations communicated of EXACTLY what is needed to be completed and by when. (i.e. are we ONLY talking about assessment of CLO’s for each class or are we talking about mapping to PLOs and ILOs?) Have date for follow up for each step so there is regular monitoring of progress. Each department faculty should establish a consistent process for reviewing assessment results after a given course has been assessed. This should be written down and scheduled so it doesn’t have to be “figured out” every time a course is assessed.

4 Department Workgroup Once a semester Departments gather to complete assessments, enter data and problem solve eLumen and other questions, comments and concerns. Adjuncts need to be part of the process.

5 Engagement Ideas Concurrent Path A - Understanding
Training at Department or Division level What is assessment? Why do we assess? What are the benefits (and how does it affect us) as faculty, and as an institution? What are some ideas for effective assessment and reflection, i.e. potential best practices? FYI - Nita’s 6 points were very enlightening for me! Concurrent Path B - Technology Identify a Department Coordinator for EVERY department. Train Department Coordinators on the use of elumen As faculty - How to input assessment data / reflections As coordinator - How to run and interpret relevant reports Have Department Coordinators work with their faculty reminders re: assessment schedule Provide training/workshops to input data together Facilitate workgroups to reflect, share best practices and plan for improvements in future assessments. SIMPLIFY and SYSTEMATIZE the process at all levels as much as possible!

6 Brainstorming Ideas Meet 2x a semester in computer lab to knock out the assessments with coffee and snacks! All faculty within division must complete elumen training by the end of this semester (Fall 16) Step-by-step guidelines (SHORT) on how to submit your assessments -Gagan

7 Gerry Schedule assessment input meeting as a division to clean up Fall15 and Spring 16. Have an assessment meeting for each division at the end of semester to complete CLOs. What about adjunct faculty? How will they be trained?

8 M. Sundquist’s Cool Assessment Page
Ask faculty to bring courses into alignment. Courses not addressed trigger attendance at a workshop to provide training. Deans meet individually with folks who lack participation points. Create Wall of Fame to recognize folks who have completed their work. Foundation could provide recognition prize to department(s) who complete the work first. Wall of Shame might be next step. Accreditation sanctions make necessary a great deal more work than the work needed to complete assessment documentation.

9 Remind faculty and staff that if the college loses accreditation because of not doing assessments, students suffer the most.

10 Divisions need to meet 2 to 3 times a semester in a computer lab and go over elumen and assessment workgroups

11 BBrain SStorming (JH) Disperse lists of unassessed courses to departments and ask them to determine strategy for compliance. Assign Assessment compliance responsibility to one person in the department as part of contractual professional responsibilities (in lieu of college committee)...codify a departmental process. Make sure that Assessments are valid… Get on the same page and why are we doing this? Reflection Template: Assign action steps and timelines that get imported into program review.

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