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Atomic BEC in microtraps: Heisenberg microscopy of Zitterbewegung

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1 Atomic BEC in microtraps: Heisenberg microscopy of Zitterbewegung
Markku Jääskeläinen

2 1995: BEC Matter-wave analogues, Atom Chips, Atomtronics,
QPC for neutral atoms… Also a source for experimental realization of many other condensed matter systems.

3 2D Electron Gas Ballistic transport: conductance quantisation
Figure courtesy: C. Beenakker, Leiden University Figure courtesy: Quantum Electronic Devices group, UNSW, Sydney Ballistic transport: conductance quantisation Diffusive transport: Ohmic conductance etc.

4 Transport in a quantum wire
A parabolic quantum wire in a 2DEG Separation ansatz: y x

5 Modes/Sub-bands We find the solutions Giving plane waves, and
HyperPhysics, Copyright C.R. Nave (2005) Energy spectrum

6 Ultracold matter

7 Gauge Fields in Low Dimensional Quantum Dynamics
Appearance of Gauge Structure in Simple Dynamical Systems F. Wilczek & A. Zee, PRL 52, 2111 (1984) Only U(1), i.e. Abelian gauge structure.

8 Nonabelian Gauge Fields for Ultracold matter
Cold Atoms in Non-Abelian Gauge Potentials: From the Hofstadter “Moth” to Lattice Gauge Theory K. Osterloh PRL 95, (2005) Non-Abelian Gauge Potentials for Ultracold Atoms with Degenerate Dark states J. Ruseckas,, PRL (2005)

9 Simple example: Lambda system
Interaction Hamiltonian in RWA Dark state: Adiabatically- dressed state: Schrödinger equation for a particle coupled to a gauge field! Gauge field given by spatial variation of generalized Rabi frequencies

10 From Spin–orbit coupling in quantum gases Victor Galitski & Ian B. Spielman Nature 494, 49–54 (07 February 2013) a, Typical level diagram. In our experiments, a pair of lasers—often counter-propagating—couple together a selected pair of atomic states labelled by and that together comprise the atomic ‘spin’. These lasers are arranged in a two-photon Raman configuration that uses an off-resonant intermediate state (grey). These lasers link atomic motion along the x direction to the atom’s spin creating a characteristic spin–orbit coupled energy-momentum dispersion relation. b, Minima location.

11 Tripod scheme: Spin-Orbit coupling


13 Spin-Orbit coupling: Band structure of GaAs Inversion asymmetries:
Structural (SIA) – Rashba Bulk/Lattice (BIA) - Dresselhaus

14 Spin-Orbit coupled quantum wire
We study a parabolic quantum wire in a 2DEG with spin-orbit coupling, both Rashba, and linear Dressel- haus. Similar analytical expressions possible for cylindrical symmetry etc y x

15 Semiclassical dynamics
Classical dynamics takes place in phase-space, (x,p). We can investigate classical-like dynamics in the Heisenberg picture Dynamical factoring of expectation values of operator products

16 Semiclassical equations of motion
Velocity field: Note: only Rashba here, i.e. Force from potential: Spin precession: Precession vector: Set of ordinary differential equations, living in a classical phase-space.

17 Semiclassical Zitterbewegung
Contribution from SO is perpendicular to both spin and z-axis Zig-zag trembling motion, Zitterbewegung. First discovered by Schrödinger in 1930, originally in the Dirac equation for a free electron.

18 Zitterbewegung in phase space.
Rashba Orbit in phase-space: transverse cut is harmonic with spin precessing perpendicular to z-axis and momentum.

19 Zitterbewegung in phase space.
Rashba Dresselhaus Difference between Rashba and Dresselhaus is in orientation of spin precession.

20 Quantum transport: fixed energy state
Standard separation ansatz, solve for sub-bands Kramers degeneracy We use the k-states corresponding to a fixed energy, and form two orthogonal states.

21 Quantum Zitterbewegung
Charge density exhibits the zig-zag pattern of Zitterbewegung Spin polarisation varies in synchronisation with charge oscillation

22 Heisenberg microscopy
Heisenbergs famous gedanken-experiment showed that if we measure the coordinate With some uncertainty, the momentum can only be measured with an uncertainty given by:

23 Heisenberg microscopy
Husimi distribution in phase space is a coherent state, a Gaussian displaced to with average momentum is a probability distribution, gives the probability of finding the electron at x with momentum p when measuring under minimal un- certainty conditions.

24 Bloch-vector: charge & spin
Any two-level system can be described using a Bloch-vector representation. We introduce the phase-space charge density: together with the phase-space spin density, three components

25 Along the wire, the charge density exhibits
Zitterbewegung in the transverse phase-space The spin density exhibits the associated precession.

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