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NYSESLAT Speaking Practice

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Presentation on theme: "NYSESLAT Speaking Practice"— Presentation transcript:

1 NYSESLAT Speaking Practice
Part I. Discussion Directions: I will say something. Listen and then answer.

2 Let’s Practice! What is your favorite class in school and why?

3 Rubric - a rubric is a chart that shows us what we need to do to get a good score.

4 Make sure.. Re-state the question in your answer.
If you are talking about a subject (math, science, ELA, Social Studies) you use words you would use in that class. For example: What are you learning in math? “In math, we are learning to multiply two digit numbers”.

5 Let’s Practice…again! What is something that you are learning about that is challenging for you?

6 What is one way you can help the environment?

7 Interview a Friend Directions: First, choose one of the topics below. Then, come up with 3 questions that have to do with that topic. Lastly, ask a partner your questions and record their answers. Things they like to do (hobbies) Favorite class in school Pets Winning the Lottery

8 Part II. Sentence Completion
Directions: Look at the words above the picture and read them silently as I read them out loud. Then look at the picture and finish the sentence. Use the picture to choose your words. The teacher asked a question and…

9 The men were...

10 The friends are….



13 Part III. Picture Description
Directions: Look at the picture. Listen to the question about the picture. Then answer the question. Be sure to answer both parts of the question.


15 Let’s Practice!


17 Part IV: Storytelling Directions: Look at the three pictures. Tell a story about what you see in the pictures.




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