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Test Taking Tips.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Taking Tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Taking Tips

2 Taking the TCAP is unlike studying for your spelling, science, social studies or math tests. The only real study is review. But there are things that you can do to improve your chances of doing well.

3 Before the Test Go To Bed Early!!!
Your brain and body need sleep to function properly. With a good night’s sleep, your brain will work better and make the answers come to you faster!

4 Before the Test Have a Good Breakfast!!!!
You will think better on a full stomach If you are hungry, the rumbling will make it harder to concentrate on the test Breakfast is FREE!!!

5 Before the Test Wear Comfortable Clothing!!!!
If your clothes are uncomfortable, it can take away from your concentration. Dress in layers, so that the room temperature will not distract you. Think comfort, not style this week!!!!

6 Before the Test Come Prepared!!!
Make sure to bring your pencils to class.

7 Before the Test Relax, Have a Positive Attitude!!!
When the question is hard, tell yourself, “I can do it.”

8 Before the Test Take A Bathroom Break!!!
It’s always best to go before! You can NOT go during the test!!

9 During the Test Multiple Choice Tests Know when to guess! Hummmmmmm…..

10 During the Test Read the Directions and Questions Carefully!!!
Pay attention to the UNDERLINED words in a question

11 During the Test Look For The Impossible!!
Most multiple choice questions have two answers that you can eliminate right off the bat. Look out for the 100% answers using: all, none, always, never, etc...

12 Best: most suitable for the question being asked
During the Test Best: most suitable for the question being asked Best Answer! Check for the “look alike” answers to choose between. Be sure you know what the question is asking!

13 During the Test Match the Questions With the Answers!!
Periodically check to make sure you are marking the answer in the right spot.

14 During the Test Relax! Relax! Relax! If you get stuck, don’t panic!
Just take a deep breath and make a guess! Don’t make yourself sick over it!

15 During the Test Time!!!! Know your subjects.
If you get stuck, make a guess and circle the question #. If there is time at the end, you can go back and check it. Your first guess is usually right!

16 After the Test Be Proud!!! Have confidence in your answers.
If you finish before time is up, go back and review your answers. Make sure you have bubbled nice and neat!

17 REMEMBER!!! If you do these simple things, it will make the world of difference! And remember, we will be here to cheer you on. You Can Do It!!!

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