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War and Peace Causes of war Consequences of war

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1 War and Peace Causes of war 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Consequences of war
Positive: Negative: Holy War Most people find the idea of Holy War a contradiction. However, in ancient times people believed God was on their side and had called them to fight their enemies. There are many stories of Holy Wars in the Old Testament. Holy Wars: have a religious aim or goal. They are authorised by God or a religious leader. Those taking part think they will get a spiritual reward e.g. heaven May be used to defend their religion, to defend other followers being persecuted or to spread their faith Just War Principles All religions believe in peace not war . However, there are some times when it is necessary to go to war. St Thomas Aquinas came up with a theory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. St Paul said Christians should obey their rulers as they have been given power by God. Therefore if the government says to go to war they must. War and Peace Buddhism, War & Peace (see textbook p.331) The message of Buddhism is of peace not war. Buddhist believe their actions have consequences for their future rebirths. War is often the result of the three poisons (ignorance, hatred & greed). Some teachings are: * Christianity, War & Peace Jesus taught a message of love and Christianity has a strong pacifist tradition. However, Christians accept that there are circumstances when it is a necessary evil. Some reasons are: 1. 2. 3. Christianity teaches: * Quakers Conscientious Objectors Should religious people go to war?

2 Nelson Mandela (Christian)–
Use of violence Gandhi (Hindu) – Nelson Mandela (Christian)– Is violence ever justified? Pacifism Reasons for Pacifism 1. 2. 3. 4. Reasons against Pacifism Explain the following Bible quotes: “The Lord is a warrior” “Blessed are the peacemakers” “An eye for an eye…a life for a life” “Love your enemies” “Violence is never acceptable” Reasons for using violence 1. 2. 3. 4. Reasons against using violence My Opinion: Peace is a state of harmony where justice exists for all and freedoms are respected. Martin Luther King Dietrich Bonhoeffer How do religious believers help victims of war? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Muslim Aid

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