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Atom Notes By: Mrs. Nelson.

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1 Atom Notes By: Mrs. Nelson

2 Amazing Atoms If you took a copper wire and cut it into smaller and smaller pieces, what would you be left with? Some people wrongly believed that no matter how small the pieces got, you would always have copper. An ancient Greek, named Democritus thought that sooner or later you would get tiny particles which he called atoms. He thought that matter was made of these tiny particles and held together by hooks.

3 Amazing Atoms The atom is the basic building block of all matter.
Everything – living or dead – solid, liquid, or gas - is made up of atoms. They can be thought of as “mini Legos” which all things are made of.

4 Factfile: Atoms are so small that they can’t be seen with the unaided human eye. In fact, over one billion atoms would fit into the ball on a ballpoint pen. The atom gets its name from the Greek word for “small”.

5 Amazing Atoms There are three basic parts of an atom. They are as follows: Protons Neutrons Electrons

6 Outside nucleus in electron cloud
Particle Charge Found Proton + Nucleus Neutron = Electron - Outside nucleus in electron cloud

7 Nucleus heavy, central part of the atom Positive part of the atom
Not able to move easily

8 Electrons lightest and smallest part of the atom which circles the nucleus in “clouds” Able to move which causes electricity

9 Atom Diagram

10 The Atom Song

11 The Atom

12 Dogs and Atoms

13 Elements

14 Elements Elements are substances that contain only one type of atom.
103 elements that occur in nature (all have different physical and chemical properties) Classified as metal or non-metal Each element has a chemical symbol Some well-known elements are listed on the table below.

15 The Periodic Table of Elements

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