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Fort Sumter Confederate forces had captured all but four garrisons in the south. Lincoln agreed to send troops and supplies to defend Fort Sumter. Marking.

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Presentation on theme: "Fort Sumter Confederate forces had captured all but four garrisons in the south. Lincoln agreed to send troops and supplies to defend Fort Sumter. Marking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fort Sumter Confederate forces had captured all but four garrisons in the south. Lincoln agreed to send troops and supplies to defend Fort Sumter. Marking the official start of war, Confederate forces attacked on April 12th. The fort was surrendered by April 13th More states seceded the Union to join the confederacy (Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia) The confederate capital moved to Richmond, Virginia.

2 Sumter Light Guards, Company K, 4th Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry, CSA. April 1861

3 A War of Many Names Civil War War Between States War of Northern Aggression Brother’s War Children’s Crusade

4 Assembling Armies Most soldiers volunteered at first, but later men were conscripted (drafted to serve in the armies) Some men received bounties (money) to sign up; some signed up, received the bounty, then deserted (ran away) Poorer men sometimes accepted money to fight in place of wealthier men who didn’t want to serve Some 178,985 enlisted men served in black regiments during the Civil War; almost all fought for the Union 1862- the Confederate Congress approved conscription the U.S. Congress did the same. (first time in the nation’s history men had been forced to go into battle) Boys as young as 10 served in both armies; thousands of soldiers were between 14 and 16 years old

5 Advantages of Each Side
Northern Advantages Southern Advantages North had more people from which to create and resupply armies more factories better railroad system most of the nation’s food growing farms wealth South had more experienced military leaders highly motivated to defend their homeland and way of life Fighting for independence. Most Southern farms were used to grow cash crops (cotton, etc.), so trade (cotton for weapons/supplies) was very important to the South

6 Northern War Tactics Blockade: Anaconda Plan:
Cut off Confederate ports stopping the South from selling cotton and importing needed war supplies and equipment from foreign nations Ironclads guarded the coast to prevent shipping in or out of the Southern ports. Was this plan effective long term? How did the Confederacy get around the blockade initially? Anaconda Plan: Capture the Mississippi River, splitting the Confederacy in half leaving Texas and Louisiana stranded. Capture the Confederate Capital of Richmond Grant and Sherman Plan: Destroy Confederate armies on the battlefields Lay to waste southern land to stop civilians from supporting the war.

7 Southern War Tactics Wear down the Union armies, which would hasten the northerners’ desire to end the war Use swift raiders (small, fast ships) to help break the Union blockade King Cotton Diplomacy: Convince France and England to help the Confederacy by stopping the export of Cotton to these countries. (Britain and France were able to buying cotton from Egypt)

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