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We complete many activities at school with the Word Study words.

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1 We complete many activities at school with the Word Study words.
Mrs. Smith’s First Grade News March 19-23, 2018 Reminders and Events Word Study words are in your child’s folder for this week. We will have a spelling test on Friday. In our efforts to promote The Cardinal Way at school, we are looking to establish community events that support our five pillars of Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Creativity, and Kindness.  On March 20th, SGES will be hosting a Blood Drive in partnership with Virginia Blood Services in the gym from 3:00-7:00 pm.  To sign up, visit or walk-ins are welcome.  A free t-shirt will be given while supplies last.  Please consider using this opportunity to give blood as one of the most impactful acts of kindness.  These acts of generosity will certainly set a positive role model for our students here at Shady Grove.  Reading & Writing We are reading the whole group story On the Job with Dr. Martha Smith. This story is an interview with a veterinarian who works in an animal shelter. We are continuing to work on improving our handwriting, checking our work and showing our best effort to create quality work. We are preparing for second grade every day by working on listening closely to directions, thinking about how to best complete work and asking for help when needed. We complete many activities at school with the Word Study words. Please continue to practice the words at home as part of the daily homework routine. Social Studies Theme: Maps We will learn about bird’s eye view, the compass rose, cardinal directions, map keys or legends and create maps. Math We are working on quick recall of basic addition and subtraction facts. We will review coin counting by sorting coins and using skip counting skills.

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