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Presentation on theme: "Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome

2 The Alps: mountains natural protection
Geography The Alps: mountains natural protection Mediterranean Sea: protection & trade

3 Macedon ROME Persia Carthage Egypt The Alps Rome Macedon Persia

4 Ancient Italy (c. 6th century B.C.)

5 Etruscans (900-500 BC) Northern Italy Extravagant art
Drained marshes, built sewers, paved roads Latins in central Italy (Rome) revolt against Etruscan king

6 Etruscan pottery depicting Odysseus & his men fighting Cyclops

7 Etruscan architectural plans (ca. 510 BC)

8 Legend: Bros. Romulus & Remus Romulus won fight to rule, so city was named Rome Real beginning: 700 BC, Latins “the 1st Romans” created villages on Tiber River



11 Roman Republic (509 BC – 27 BC)
509 BC: Latins/Romans set up republic (citizens vote for leaders) Citizens free-born males in Rome


13 CLASS CONFLICT Patricians- wealthy landowners with power
Plebeians- farmers & workers can vote, but can’t rule

14 Plebs vs. Pats Laws not written down Patrician judges stated
& applied the law Plebeians went on strikes

15 THE TWELVE TABLES 450 BC: Roman laws carved on 12 bronze tablets “innocent until proven guilty” - hung in Forum (public square)

16 Senate (controlled $ & foreign policy)
Dictator in emergencies 2 Consuls-1 yr. terms Assemblies voted on laws Elected tribunes who could veto senate

17 Roman Religion Romans adopted Greek gods
Jupiter: same as Greek god Zeus Juno: (Greek Hera) queen of the gods Diana: (Greek Artemis) goddess of the earth & hunters Mars: (Greek Ares) god of war Minerva: (Greek Athena) goddess of wisdom & war Venus: (Greek Aphrodite) goddess of love


19 264 BC the city had taken over the Italian Peninsula
Expansion 264 BC the city had taken over the Italian Peninsula


21 Roman Legion=6,000 troops Disciplined- (decimation “removal of the tenth”) Roman roads- well constructed to move legions

22 Rome vs. Carthage Carthage: wealthy trading city in north Africa that took Sicily Punic Wars ( BC)

23 Carthage tried to take Strait of Messina
1st Punic War (264 BC-241 BC) Carthage tried to take Strait of Messina

24 Carthage gives up Sicily
Carthage=strong navy; Rome=strong army Grappling hooks onto Carthaginian ships, boarded ships, & fought to the death Carthage gives up Sicily

25 2nd Punic War (218 BC-202 BC) Carthage wants revenge
New general 25 years old--- Hannibal 218 BC- Hannibal takes Roman land in Spain

26 Hannibal, 40,000 men, & 37 elephants invade through Alps
1/3 men die General Publius Scipio’s legions attack Zama (near Carthage) 202 BC: Scipio defeated Hannibal & Carthage gives up land in Spain


28 ROME DESTROYS CARTHAGE Burned Carthage Put salt in soil
3rd Punic War (149 BC-146 BC) ROME DESTROYS CARTHAGE Burned Carthage Put salt in soil

29 130 BC—Rome ruled everything from Spain to Asia Minor

30 Large area=hard to rule
Divided into provinces who pay taxes (tribute) Tax collectors steal=rebellions

31 Farmers move to city (farmland stolen while they were at Punic Wars)
Slaves now doing work Poor farmers - unemployed

32 Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus (133 – 121 BC)
Tribunes who made laws to help the poor Both killed in riots

33 Gracchi Brothers

34 Gaius Marius 107 BC—Elected consul Paid soldiers $ & land Soldiers loyal to commander 88 BC—Gaius overthrown by Lucas Cornelius Sulla (makes himself dictator)

35 1st Triumvirate Consuls—Gnaeus Pompey, Licinius Crassus, & popular general—Julius Caesar

36 60 BC—3 men = 1st Triumvirate (shared power)
Jealous over power Pompey ordered Caesar to Rome Caesar crosses Rubicon River (with his army) & wins civil war

37 Julius Caesar 45 BC—Dictator of Rome Gave grain to poor 44 BC—Dictator for life March 15, 44 BC (Ides of March)—Stabbed to death by Roman Senators

38 2nd Triumvirate Caesar’s 19 yr old grandnephew—Octavian—with—Marc Antony & Marcus Lepidus Antony moved to Egypt & married Cleopatra Oct. convinced Senate to declare war on Antony & Cleo.

39 Antony and Cleo. commit suicide
Octavian=1st Roman Emperor

40 1st Emperor 1. Augustus (Octavian): (27 BC-14 AD) Pax Romana begins
Chief priest---head of state religion Had no sons


42 Adopted son of Augustus
Bad Emperors 2. Tiberius (14 AD-37 AD) Adopted son of Augustus

43 Bad Emperors 3. Caligula (37 AD-41 AD) Tiberius’ grandnephew
Unstable/CRAZY after illness 41 AD: assassinated by one of his guards

44 Bad Emperors 4. Claudius (41 AD-54 AD) Uncle of Caligula
Murdered by his wife- wanted her son to be emperor

45 Bad Emperors 5. Nero (54 AD-68 AD) Claudius’ stepson Cruel & vain
Murdered mom & wife--feared they’d kill him Sentenced to death by Senate; but, he committed suicide Bad Emperors

46 Good Emperors Senate chose 1st of the good emperors—Nerva (96-98 AD)
Hadrian Hadrian’s Wall across Britain Marcus Aurelius 180 AD—last good emperors (Pax Romana ENDED) Army busy with civil wars=NOT defending borders

47 Hadrian’s Wall


49 Roman Civilization Pax Romana (27 BC-180 AD)
“Roman Peace” allowed trade to grow Grain, wine, oil, cloth, pottery, glassware African ivory, Chinese silk, Indian pepper

50 Colosseum: Gladiator events Circus Maximus: Chariot races
Roman Architecture Colosseum: Gladiator events Circus Maximus: Chariot races Pantheon: Temple to all gods Aqueducts: Artificial channels for carrying water






56 Latin=language of Europe until 1500s
Basis for Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian)

57 Jewish Rebellions 6 AD: Kingdom of Judah added to Empire- renamed Judea Jews rebelled twice 66 & 135 AD Romans destroyed all but Western Wall of 2nd temple & forced Jews out of Jerusalem

58 Jesus of Nazareth Jesus received Jewish education
Jesus said God was loving & forgiving not harsh as Jews thought Disciples—believed Jesus was messiah (savior) Many Jews didn’t believe Jesus was messiah—this is difference between Christianity & Judaism Age 33 Jesus crucified

59 Resurrection=way to prove Jesus was “Son of God”
Leading Apostle—Paul Spread Christianity throughout Roman Empire Wrote epistles to churches (New Testament)

60 Persecution Christians DID NOT honor emperor as a god
Thrown into gladiator events to die 300s AD, many turn to Christianity Empire was about to collapse

61 Patriarch of Rome proclaimed authority over all
Pope (head over all the churches) East didn’t accept the pope Western Church=Roman Catholic Church Eastern Church=Eastern Orthodox Church

62 Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church
1. Pope 2. Archbishop 3. Bishop 4. Parish Priest

63 Fall of the Western Empire
1.) Diocletian ( ) Divided empire into 2 parts—East & West Issued Edict of Prices to slow inflation

64 Fall of the Western Empire
2.) Constantine ( ) Won civil war Moved capital to Byzantium & renamed it Constantinople 1st Christian emperor – Edict of Milan

65 Fall of the Western Empire
3.) Theodosius ( ) Won civil war Will created separate empires with separate rulers East—Byzantine Empire West—Roman Empire Made Christianity official religion of empire

66 Fall of the Western Empire
Civil wars caused : Difficult travel & trade Destroyed farmland—food prices increased Inflation (prices go up, value of $ goes down)

67 Fall of the Western Empire
Germanic Invasions 300s AD: Germanic tribes Looking for better climates & grazing lands Wanted to share Rome’s wealth Running from the Huns

68 Fall of the Western Empire
Visigoths & Vandals invaded & sacked Rome Franks & Goths divided Gaul Attila the Hun attacked Italy 453—Attila died & the Huns retreated into Eastern Europe 476—Roman emperor killed by Germanic soldier—Odoacer who made himself king of Italy 476—Date of the end of the Western (Roman) Empire Eastern Empire (Byzantine Empire) continued on for 1000 more yrs.


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