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Morning Meeting Students come together each morning to feel welcomed, respected and valued as a member of our class. The four components are: Greeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Morning Meeting Students come together each morning to feel welcomed, respected and valued as a member of our class. The four components are: Greeting."— Presentation transcript:


2 Morning Meeting Students come together each morning to feel welcomed, respected and valued as a member of our class. The four components are: Greeting Sharing Activity Morning Message

3 STEM is a way of thinking and learning.
In second grade we use the terms I notice and I wonder to make observations, discuss background knowledge, and inquire about things we want to learn more about in all subject areas. Field Study: Connecticut’s Habitats (Pond, Meadow and Forest)

4 4- Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
This year is our second year of implementing an integrated curriculum. Our curriculum is aligned with the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). Reading, writing, social studies, and whenever possible, mathematics, are all connected through structure and materials. Our units include: 1- Systems & Structures of a Learning Community 2-Matter and Its Interactions 3- Earth’s Systems: Stability and Change 4- Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

5 Reading and Language Arts
We combine whole group and small group instruction to incorporate the four anchor standards: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Study materials are rooted in our NGSS

6 Writer’s Workshop Contains 3 main components:
Mini Lesson (Direct Instruction) Independent Writing and Conferencing Sharing Individual folders include: heart maps, personal word walls, writing strategies, and writing pieces in progress. The 3 Units we will focus on this year will be: Narrative, Informational and Opinion Writing

7 What do Mathematicians do?
compute solve problems create models to show their thinking use tools as they are exploring and solving problems analyze their data looking for patterns or insights communicate mathematical reasoning

8 Math Lab Structure Number Talks Developing Strategies
Math Workshop model Problem Solving Journals Guided Math and Centers My solution is… The strategy I used was… I agree with you because… I respectfully disagree because…

9 Key Math Areas of Focus for Grade 2
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction Add and subtract within 20 Understand place value Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract Measure and estimate lengths in standard units Relate addition and subtraction to length

10 Engineering Design Process
Introduction to engineering design process Classroom learning is supported by weekly instruction in the science lab. Engineering units Designing hand pollinators Improving a Play Dough process

11 Social Development Second Step Habits of Mind/Growth Mindset
Bucket Filling Responsive Classroom Hopes and Dreams, Interactive Modeling, Logical Consequences, School-wide expectations

12 Social Studies Civics Pre K-5 Learning Objectives
Develop an understanding of self, social standards and rules, along with the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Develop a positive self-concept. Develop an understanding of rules and responsibilities within communities. Determine ways one can address problems individually and collectively to improve the communities to which we belong. Identify, understand, and regulate emotions of self and others. Develop positive interpersonal relationships.

13 Social Studies Geography PreK-5 Learning Objectives
Explore maps and their purpose. Identify where one lives and locate important places on current and historical maps. Use maps to identify important information using symbols, legends, and keys. Give and follow directions. Create a variety of maps.

14 Specials Students go to specials daily, including: Art Music
Physical Education Library Computer Lab Science Lab

15 Homework Policy Homework Folder: Check daily for notices and student work samples. Return folder to school each day. Weekly homework packet sent Monday to be returned Friday including: Daily Reading Log (20 minutes) Math Review Weekly Spelling List (quiz on Friday) Content Area Connections


17 We look forward to working with you and your children this year!!!
Mrs. Matthews, Ms. Jacklin and Mrs. Bottaro

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