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DS-PDWG Approval Items
Jamie Austin PDWG Chair Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Overview Approval Items Phase 1 Proposed Edits Phase 2 Supplemental Resources Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Phase 1 Proposed Edits Proposed edits were uncovered during the validation of the 2028 ADS PCM V1.0 Phase 1 edits, pertain to fixes of corrupt data in V1.0 Topology and generator definitions come from the power flow (PF). Other data needed that allows the hourly dispatch for 8760 hours, referenced as “other data” in ADS documentation, has been and will continue to be in public domain. This “proxy” data is developed by PDWG and replaces unattainable, sensitive and confidential data. Examples of such data includes, but are not limited to, heat rate curves, plant ramp rates (up and down), startup costs, fuel prices, hourly shapes for loads and other energy data The ADS continues to reflect the most recent version of the planning regions’ regional plans, and resources definition do mirror the definition of resources in the WECC 2028 HS1 power flow. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Approval Items Phase 1 Proposed Edits Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Transmission Ownership Fixes
Pancake wheeling occurring on PDCI branch terminating in SCE/CAISO. Was fixed in ADS Seed case, but misrepresented in 2028 ADS PCM V1.0. All buses between Cap. Jack 500kV and Tracy 500kV buses should be assigned to BANC Incorrectly mapped to CIPV and PACW in V1.0. Ownership of Malin to Grizzly should be revisited. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Transmission Ownership Fixes
Motion “It is moved that DS approves WECC staff change ownership in the PCM of bus Sylmar to SCE or BPA assign all buses between Cap. Jack 500kV and Tracy 500kV to BANC (currently, mapped to CIPV and PACW in ADS PCM V1.0 incorrectly)” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
NW Tier 1 Energy The 2026CC target for Tier 1 energy into CA was 10,077.9 GWh while V1.0 allows an increase in Tier 1 energy of 26%. Motion “It is moved that DS approves WECC staff to change BPA area coefficient in nomogram to so that the modeled Tier 1 energy matches target in the PCM.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Mismatch Wind/Solar Shapes
Shapes used for dispatch is different than commitment shape 99 units use a commitment shape based on 2009 while dispatch shape is based on 2005 27 units use commitment shape but no shape for dispatch 26 generating units totaling 1,376 MW 1 load units totaling MW Motion “It is moved that DS approves WECC staff alignment of appropriate dispatch shapes in the PCM consistent with 2009 shapes for all mismatched commit and dispatch as approved by PDWG.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Beacon Solar Area While checking, found a number of PV units modeled as thermal: Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Beacon Solar Area Motion
“Motion” “It is moved that DS approves making appropriate modeling changes in the PCM to Beacon Solar Area to correct for appropriate technology.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Interface Definitions
Proposed Interface corrections involving 13 interfaces, where 9 are BPA defined Flowgates (zCG interfaces) 9 had missing branches and/or needed to be delete 4 changed branch direction The included spreadsheet includes documents all changes “Interface_Correction_from_CG_0627b.xlsx” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Interface Definitions
Motion “It is moved that DS approves updating the definition of interfaces in the PCM as described in a spreadsheet submitted by ColumbiaGrid. P03East Side NW-BC P05 West of Cascades-South P08 Montana to Northwest P73 North of John Day z CG Net COB (NW AC Intertie) & OP z CG COI Plus PDCI z CG Paul-Allston & OP z CG P04 West of Cascades-North & OP z CG P73 North of John Day & OP” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Antelope Nuclear Operation
UAMPS’ Antelope Nuclear plant constitutes 12 modular 50 MW units currently modeled as a single unit in V1.0. Modeling results in consistent hourly dispatch at zero. UAMPS takes pride on planning a flexible resource. Plant maintenance and forced outages do not take down the entire plant, the modeling should be unit level, not consolidated into one. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Antelope Nuclear Operation Motion
“It is moved that DS approves updating Antelope Nuclear in the PCM to: Must run Model as twelve units in PCM with generation aggregated to one unit in PF Outage duration: assume two events per year: 135 hours. Old value of 1 hour results in 298 outage events With 50% dispatch range (HP1:= 50% & HP2:= 100%) Fixed maintenance of 10 days every two years. This results in one unit being down for maintenance every other month. Ramp rate 2 hours. Pmin to max (25%)” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Hydro Modeling Data Issue
A review of Hydro plants in the 2028 ADS PCM dataset revealed several projects had low modeling values – modify monthly coefficients to original values; just update of monthly variables, no change to PLF. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Hydro Modeling Data Issue
Motion “It is moved that DS approves implementing edits in the PCM submitted by Kevin Harris that updates monthly coefficients consistent with original values.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Negative Pricing Impacts on Hydro outside of CA Motion
Negative pricing (-$25) applied to California wind and solar causes hydro outside of California to cycle for California Solar. Significant additions of utility scale solar and BTM PV changed the net load shape. Some areas have net daily minimum load occurring mid-day (load – solar). Hydro generation is responding to the price signals and shifting its operation peak to load - solar Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Negative Pricing Impacts on Hydro outside of CA
Motion “It is moved that DS approves implementing the following changes in the PCM: Change default setting to NO-Spill on non-California hydro plants. Add negative $50 dollars (-$50) to hydro dispatch cost on hydro outside of California. Set Hydro dispatch from load only to load minus wind minus solar with wind at 0% and solar at 75% by region.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Hyatt & Thermalito Hydro Units
Edward Hyatt and Thermalito have Pumped Storage (PS) operation capable units. Historic review of public data and preliminary DWR response indicates these units will operate as Hydro units only, not PS. Remove three pumped storage units at Hyatt EdwardCHyatt2, EdwardCHyatt4, and EdwardCHyatt6 Change Thermalito_2, Thermalito_3, Thermalito_4 from PS to Hydro with Load Following flag checked Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Hyatt & Thermalito Hydro Units Motion
“It is moved that DS approves modifying the pump storage modeling in the PCM at Hyatt and Thermalito as recommended.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Other Hydro Updates ADS seed case was based on the 2026 CC v1.3 Hydro assumption were incorporated in 2026 CC v2.0. Correct other Hydro modeling assumptions. Correct modeling of Rock Island Hydro Correct modeling of monthly variable Change modeling of hourly shape to proportional load following to reflect changes made in 2026 CC v2.0 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Other Hydro Updates Motion “It is moved that DS approves modifying Hydro modeling assumptions in the PCM as recommended.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Klamath Falls Area Transmission
Remove Capt. Jack–Klamath Falls 500 kV, and keep Capt. Jack – Snow Goose–Klamath Falls 500 kV Remove Malin–Klamath Falls 230 kV, and keep Malin–Snow Goose–Klamath Falls 230 kV Meridian–Sam’s Valley–Dixonville 500 kV line impedances are wrong Buckley–Slatt series capacitor is missing Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Klamath Falls Area Transmission Motion
“It is moved that DS approves implementing the “epc” file that corrects Klamath Falls Area Transmission in the PCM, as it was submitted to WECC.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposed Thermal Changes
Scattergood CC (1x1 CC F 300 MW) modeled as two separate units w/7.64 HR t. Haynes CC (2x1 CC F 590 MW) is not operational Grapeland Peaker and CTRPKGEN were originally parked CarlsbandEC1-GT6 was modeled as thermal but should be battery Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposed Thermal Changes
Motion “It is moved that DS approves correcting the modeling of the plants in the PCM as follows with additional confirmation from the data owner: Scattergood: Convert the modeling to one CC F unit Haynes CC: Adjust retirement date from 6/1/2013 to 12/31/2050 Two Peaker units that were originally parked should be modeled as units in service Grapeland Peaker at 29305 CTRPKGEN_29308 at 29308 Remove the previously modeled BC_25187_1C and BS_25188_1E units Carlsband “EC1, GT6” (one single unit) on bus should be modeled as 100 MW battery instead of Gas turbine.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Units Disconnected in PF – NTTG Edits
21 non-retired units in FP are disconnected (bus not energized) 10 Existing Wind Projects (880 MWs) 7 CTs (3-12, 3-42 & MWs) 2 Geothermal Units (18 MWs) 2 CCs (conceptual 1080 MWs) Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Units Disconnected in PF – NTTG Edits Motion
“It is moved that DS approves correcting the modeling changes in the PCM proposed by NTTG in the detailed file listing generators requiring to be connected was made available by Ron Schellberg.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Adjusting Coal Price ADS PCM coal price is mainly based on CEC’s work using EIA public data. Many coal units have plant-specific prices Some units still use generic coal price Use of annual capacity factor (CF) for coal is declining, due to increased penetration of renewable resources. NTTG has identified a number of its coal units that are dispatching fictitiously at an alarmingly low CF in the 2028 ADS PCM V1.0, when compared to EIA 860 historic value. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Adjusting Coal Price PDWG formed a focus group to research and formulate a recommendation by: Validating the premise of “fixed element” associated with the Long-Term Coal Contract Examining the higher coal CF impacts on resources in the portfolio Examining the known coal retirements impacts on remaining coal plants Retirements listed in L&R submittals not in WECC 2028 HS1 The Focus Group findings: “Long-Term Coal Contracts” relate to the infrastructure, which facilitates large capital investments and inflexibility with switching suppliers. Increased CF from coal backs down Natural Gas CF. Impacts are localized CF on remaining coal plant increases as more coal retirements are realized. PDWG voted unanimously to implement the discount of the CEC-PDWG approved coal prices to 75% of its initial value Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Adjusting Coal Price Motion
Motion “It is moved that DS approves applying a discount in the PCM to the CEC-PDWG approved coal prices to 75% of its initial value” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Phase 2 Supplemental Resources
Approval Items Phase 2 Supplemental Resources Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Criteria for Adding Supplemental Resources
ADD planned resources from the 2018 WECC L&R Data Submittals Missing Planned Resources, consistent with utility IRPs Resources to meet legislated RPS, consistent with utility IRPs, by State Absent of IRPs in an attempt to meet 1 & 2, draw on L&R Future Resources Work with Data Submitters and Regions to validate added resources and to map supplemental resources, to the bus. PDWG and WECC staff to validate assumptions and findings by working with Regions, Data Submitters and Stakeholders. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Coal Plant Retirements
The WECC staff accounted for plant retirement in the 2018 L&R data submittals as compared to those retired in the ADS case see Table 1 below. Approximately 4, 646 MW net capacity retirements, mostly covering coal plants, were in exceedance retirements in the L&R report. Results were addressed at PDWG and circulated for confirmation by the regions. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
NTTG Edits Coal Retirements: Dave Johnson 1,2,3&4, Naughton 3, Valmy 1&2 (50% in NTTG) (combined generating 1,500+ net MW) Modify Wind Resources -- Energy Vision 2020 In PF, 1100 MW modeled on 10 generators but off-line (0 MW in PF) In L&R, 1311 MW on 12 generators 960 MW not modeled, 8 projects in MT, OR, UT & WY Add Solar Resources – add 300 MW not modeled, 19 projects in OR, UT, & WY Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Motion “It is moved that DS approves WECC staff make the NTTG edits available in the PCM master switch file.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WestConnect Edits Edits (submitted by George Nail, PNM)
Under Construction PNM Facebook Solar Energy Center 2 -- Already Constructed PNM Facebook Solar Energy Center 3 – Already Constructed PlannedInstall Org Unit Name Unit Number Unit Type Nameplate Commission Date (MW) PNM Generic Combustion Turbine 1* GT /1/2023 PNM Generic Combustion Turbine 2* GT /1/2023 PNM Generic Combustion Turbine 3* GT /1/2023 PNM Generic Solar PV 1* PV-T /1/2019 * Location not yet determined Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WestConnect Edit Edits by Lee Alter, TEP
Plant Retirements H. Wilson Sundt ST1 and ST2 will retire 8/31/2019 “GeneratorListPCM” -- has “H Wilson Sundt 4 Coal” retirement date of 1/1/ V0.1 of that spreadsheet shows a retirement date of 12/31/2016 (actually stopped burning coal in 8/2015). Note, “H Wilson Sundt 4 Gas” has a commission date of 1/1/2017; the model would have both coal and gas as being on line at the same time, that’s impossible because it’s a single boiler and turbine that was dual fired, but the coal yard has been decommissioned. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
TEP Edits Plant Install Table 3: Corrections in red were submitted ty Lee Alter, TEP, 09/18/2018. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
West Connect Edits Motion “It is moved that DS approves WECC staff compile edits into the PCM master switch file by PNM &TEP, described and coded by red above.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
ColumbiaGrid Edits Edits submitted by Kevin Harris
Under Construction WECC 2018 L&R: PV 10 MW Proposed: Wind 1,750 MW Hydro upgrades at Wanapum 2x18.2 MW L&R Retirements: Boardman listed: 12/31/2020 Not listed: Centralia (1,280 MW) and Colstrip 1&2 (614 MW) Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
ColumbiaGrid Edits Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) AVA: Peaking 200 MW after CC contract expires CG: Assumed CC PPA was renewed Peaking 100 MW (2x50 MW) PSE (by 2027): Solar: 378 MW Energy storage: 75 MW Peaker: 717 MW Total: 1,270 MW Motion “It is moved that DS approves WECC staff implementing edits in the PCM by CoGrid as described above.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
California Edits Edits submitted by Yi Zhang, CAISO & Jose Dias, LADWP
Unit Name Type Retirement Date Capacity (MW) Gen Bus Comments CAISO MossLandingCC1-Total CCWhole-NatGas-Industrial 12/31/2030 467 Later retirement date MossLandingCC2-Total LADWP Harbor CC CC-NatGas 12/31/2050 65 26023 This is referenced to Harbor Unit 5. I believe the name was used to reference the CC as a whole Haynes 1 ST-NatGas 1/1/2030 230 26026 Haynes 2 26027 Scattergood 2 180 26106 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
“Motion” “It is moved that DS approves WECC staff compiling edits in the PCM master switch file by CAISO and LADWP entities as described in Table 4, above.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Motion “It is moved that DS approves WECC staff compiling additional edits in the PCM master switch file submitted by data owners by October 15, 2018.” Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Contact Information Jamie Austin Western Electricity Coordinating Council
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