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Becoming Toddlers 12-18 months old.

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1 Becoming Toddlers 12-18 months old


3 Growth Physically? See weight and length ranges pg 229 Figure 9.1
ENERGETIC Bones have ossified (cartilage to bone) and calcified (hardening of the bones); fontanels are closing and finished by 18 months

4 Eating- what do we know about dietary habits at this age. http://www

5 Physical Activity Where should this be happening? How? When?
Active play- whole – body movement, requiring space and simple movement Rhythmicity- and culture? Gross motor skills at this age: The transition from creative crawling to cruising to wobbling. By 18 months, most are walking automatically, starting and stopping with ease. Depth perception Climbing Negotiating obstacles? Squatting!

6 What are the hands doing?
pincer? What is manual dexterity? Hand- eye coordination improves so many at this age start to use what? Pg 232 Self-help Dressing and undressing!

7 Cognitive development?
Use of the five________ ___________ still prominent Toddler can process incoming information rather well, perceptions being limited by lack of __________rather than sensory acuity. Taste? Vision? Hearing? Sensorimotor developments?- (small groups) Brain development is characterized by synaptic pruning. Neurons are sending messages across synapses; our job is to help children increase the connections between neurons for this is the critical time for synaptic growth!! Pruning is needed to increase the efficiency of the brain. Deprivation of early experiences leads to too much pruning. Do NOT miss this “window of opportunity” Monitor the mode stimulation!! (what does THAT mean?)

8 Experiences which add to cognitive development
Profound (“groundwork” or foundational) v. essential p. 38 Using “Babies” to find examples of both: F8&psc=1&redirect=true

9 Information processing
Our senses help know: *Who we are physically * Where we are located in space and time * What is going on around us? How does this information apply to the month old?

10 Language Development Babbling: Tuneful, variegated
proto-words and holphrases- examples? Overextensions and underextensions-- examples? Pg. 243 Develop phonologic awareness (hearing and understanding the different sounds of a language) This predicts later reading ability!! Sing: Raffi Ella Jenkins

11 Social /Emotional Development
Shame and doubt emerge at this age--- due to a conflict between these and ___pg 245 Independence vs. dependence What can adults do at home or in the classroom to support autonomy? Can this cause cultural or home conflict? If so, how? Temper tantrums and self-regulation, organized sense of self. Do toddlers need boundaries?

12 Self- esteem and attachment
See personal comment- p. 247 Prosocial skills- how do you promote them? Socially acceptable behaviors- how are they learned? Who teaches them? It is difficult to read their emotions ( at any age?!) Temperament---is NOT destiny! What affects temperament: Attachment– what are warning signs of an insecure attachment?

13 PLAY!! Parallel-Play next to but without sharing or cooperation
Imitative-Spontaneous activity that involves copying single actions of another individual. Practice-Spontaneous activity involving repeated actions that aid discovery. Symbolic play-play that involves using objects that might stand for something else. Deferred Imitation- Copying single behaviors or complex roles some time after the initial observation of the behavior.

14 Common Health concerns pg 259
Allergies- On the rise, along with toxins. ADHD Toileting and diapering- PUP Ear infections ( otitis media) Germs cause ear infections , so prevent the spread of germs. toxins-developing-brain Lice- the FACTS Potential abuse and neglect- why are toddlers so susceptible?

15 Infant and Toddler DAP Activity ideas:

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