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Examples of ways to envision social cohesion from CAR

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1 Examples of ways to envision social cohesion from CAR
Combined vision from Catholics, Protestants and Muslims CAR is a peaceful, harmonious, reconciled, and unarmed hearts community. It’s prosperous and transparent in the management of resources. It leaves without exclusion, in love, forgiveness, brotherhood, equality, respect for human dignity, social justice, solidarity and unity in diversity. Anti-Balaka’s Vision CAR is a lay, supportive, reconciled, prosperous and developed community leaving under the protection of God, in peace, brotherhood, love, tolerance, union, harmony, sincerity, joy and respect in its ethnic and religious diversity. Seleka’s Vision Regenerated by forgiveness, love, commitment and perseverance of all, the CAR is dynamic, supportive, reconciled, free, developed, peaceful, united and respectful of its cultural and religious values. TOT Participants’ Vision CAR is disarmed, secure, reconciled, developed and lives in peace, joy, unity and love.

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