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Harder Than Diamonds MEEN 3344 By: Eric Fuqua.

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Presentation on theme: "Harder Than Diamonds MEEN 3344 By: Eric Fuqua."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harder Than Diamonds MEEN 3344 By: Eric Fuqua

2 Ultrahard Fullerite (C60):
Estimated hardness of times that of diamonds [1]. Only microscopic quantities now.[1] Scratch hardness must be measured under Atomic Force Microscope.[1][2] Under the microscope it is shown that it can scratch diamonds.[2] Also called buckyballs[2]

3 Carbon Nanotubes: Cylindrical Buckyball formation.[3]
Most composed of fullerite so same hardness, however the intertwining orientation make it difficult to scratch or cut diamonds.[3] Amazing thermal conductivity 6000 watts per meter per Kelvin (copper-385) [3] Up to 1000 times the electrical carrying potential of copper [3] Stiffest and strongest materials discovered on earth[3] A multi-walled tube has been tested to have a 63GPa tensile strength, which is equal to 6300 kg on a cable with cross-section of 1 mm^2 [3] Hexagonal Orientation [3]

4 Synthetic Diamonds: Gem sized diamonds grown 100 times faster than normal Grown using a microwave vapor disposition technique The by applying 5-7 GPa’s of pressure at an approximated 2000*C, the hardness is said to be raised to 50% higher than that of typical synthetic diamonds.[1] Regular synthetic diamonds typically have a hardness ranging from 35-75% that of a typical crystal diamond.[5] Preformed by: Chih-shiue Yan and associates - Carnegie Institute of Washington [1] Photos?


6 References: 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. Pictures: (from sources not listed above) 6. !Apollo_synthetic_diamond.jpg 8. 9. 10.

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