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Independent and Dependent Clauses

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Presentation on theme: "Independent and Dependent Clauses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent and Dependent Clauses

2 Independent Clauses An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. An independent clause is a sentence. Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz. Purdue OWL

3 Dependent Clauses A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot be a sentence. When Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz …What happened? Incomplete thought Purdue OWL

4 Dependent Clause Marker Words
A dependent marker word is a word added to the beginning of an independent clause that makes it into a dependent clause. When Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz, it was very noisy. Purdue OWL

5 Dependent Clause Marker Words
After Although As Because Before Even if Even though If In order to Since Though Unless Until Whatever When Whenever Whether While Purdue OWL

6 Connecting Independent and Dependent Clauses
Subordinating Conjunctions and Independent Marker Words

7 Coordinating Conjunctions
There are seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so , yet Purdue OWL

8 Coordinating Conjunctions
When the second independent clause in a sentence begins with a coordinating conjunction, a comma is needed before the coordinating conjunction. Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz, but it was hard to concentrate because of the noise. Purdue OWL

9 Independent Marker Words
An independent marker word is a connecting word used at the beginning of an independent clause. These words can always begin a sentence that can stand alone. Some common independent markers are: also, consequently, furthermore, however, moreover, nevertheless, and therefore. Purdue OWL

10 Independent Marker Words
When the second independent clause in a sentence has an independent marker word, a semicolon is needed before the independent marker word. Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz; however, it was hard to concentrate because of the noise. Purdue OWL

11 Common Errors Don’t do these things.

12 Comma Splices A comma splice is the use of a comma between two independent clauses. You can usually fix the error by changing the comma to a period and therefore making the two clauses into two separate sentences, by changing the comma to a semicolon, or by making one clause dependent by inserting a dependent marker word in front of it. Purdue OWL

13 Comma Splices Incorrect: I like this class, it is very interesting.
Correct: I like this class, and it is very interesting. Correct: I like this class because it is very interesting. Correct: Because it is very interesting, I like this class. Purdue OWL

14 Fused Sentences (These are also known as run-on sentences.)
This error happens when there are two independent clauses not separated by any form of punctuation. The error can sometimes be corrected by adding a period, semicolon, or colon to separate the two sentences. Purdue OWL

15 Fused Sentences Incorrect: My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her. Correct: My professor is intelligent. I've learned a lot from her. Correct: My professor is intelligent; I've learned a lot from her. Correct: My professor is intelligent, and I've learned a lot from her. Correct: My professor is intelligent; moreover, I've learned a lot from her. Purdue OWL

16 Sentence Fragments Sentence fragments happen by treating a dependent clause or other incomplete thought as a complete sentence. You can usually fix this error by combining it with another sentence to make a complete thought or by removing the dependent marker. Purdue OWL

17 Sentence Fragments Incorrect: Because I forgot the exam was today.
Correct: Because I forgot the exam was today, I didn't study. Correct: I forgot the exam was today. Purdue OWL

18 They weren't dangerous criminals they were detectives in disguise.
He enjoys walking through the country, he often goes backpacking on his vacations. Purdue offers many majors in engineering. Such as electrical, chemical, and industrial engineering. I didn't know which job I wanted I was too confused to decide. The current city policy on housing is incomplete as it stands. Which is why we believe the proposed amendments should be passed. Purdue OWL

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