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Volume of Cones and Pyramids

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1 Volume of Cones and Pyramids
Learning Target: I can use estimation to relate the volume of prisms and cylinders to the volume of cones and pyramids. Volume of Cones and Pyramids DO NOW 5/11: Find the volume of the shape below. 20 in 16 in Agenda 1. Do Now 2. HW Review 3. Cones vs. Cylinders 4. Debrief 32 in


3 Skittles Activity Find the volume of the cylinder
Fill the cone with skittles, and dump into the cylinder. Repeat until cylinder is full. On average, how many cones fit into the cylinder? Using this information, create a formula for the volume of a cone.

4 Conversion: Skittles to cm3
How many cm3 is 1 skittle? This is a type of conversion that (probably) CAN’T be found on Google. So how can we create it? Hint: Find the volume of the cylinder in cm, Then find the average number of skittles that fit into the cylinder.

5 Debrief How are the volume formulas for cylinder and cones related?

6 Find the volume of the figure below.
Volume of a Sphere Learning Target: I can use the volume of cones and cylinders to derive the volume formula for a sphere. DO NOW 5/13: Find the volume of the figure below. 9 in Agenda 1. Do Now 2. HW Review 3. 3 Act Lesson: Video 4. Debrief 14 in 7 in

7 HW Review Mixed Volume Review

8 3 Act Lesson: Meatballs! Act 1: Any questions?

9 Questions

10 Estimates

11 What info do we need?

12 Act 2: Here’s what I can give you…

13 Volume of a Sphere Derivation of the Formula: The volume of a sphere is 4 3 𝜋 𝑟 3 r

14 Debrief: Next Steps What questions do we have?
What is our guess to the answer? Too high? Too low? What info do we need?

15 3 Act Lesson: Volume of a Sphere
Learning Target: I can use the volume of cones and cylinders to derive the volume formula for a sphere. DO NOW 5/14: Find the volume of the figure below. 13 m Agenda 1. Do Now 2. Volume Quiz 3. 3 Act Lesson: Video 4. Debrief 5 m

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